发布时间:2020-01-08 01:35:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

— 2019年评审委员会

“Confronting an issue of enormous scale with equally enormous stakes, the designers created a series of interactive tools to help raise public understanding about the myriad issues and risks inherent in the 1,110-mile Dakota Access Pipeline project. Using interactive online maps, exhibitions, videos, and social media, the creators applied a landscape architecture perspective to identifying threats to people, wildlife, and landscapes, and to offering alternatives to a potentially catastrophic enterprise. Authoritative and persuasive, this invaluable tool demonstrates the power of visualization to raise public awareness and validates the role of landscape architects in bringing clarity and constructive engagement to complex environmental and cultural issues.”

— 2019 Awards Jury


A series of interactive maps on the Dakota Access Pipeline route that illustrate the effects it will have on adjacent communities and beyond, as well as outlining opportunities for alternatives to fossil fuels along the DAPL route including wind and solar. Our strategy was to combine landscape architecture strategies with visual representation and community outreach practices to increase awareness on the critical issues associated with the environment, land use and human rights.

▲密西西比河流域, Mississippi River Watershed


达科他州输油管道(DAPL)项目始建于2014年7月,耗资38亿美元。该输油管道起始于达科他州西北部的巴肯油田,计划总长1172英里,每日拟向伊利诺伊州帕托卡运送45万桶巴肯原油,并最终运往墨西哥海湾沿岸的炼油厂。该管道将穿过奥阿赫湖,萨卡威湖,密苏里河以及其它许多支流。这条线路直接穿越了立石保护区(Standing Rock Reservation)的主要水源所在地,破坏了当地的部分墓地及宗教圣地。

除了损毁了一个土著民族神圣的历史古迹,这条输油线路还污染了密西西比河的主要支流密苏里河,严重威胁了苏族地区的供水系统,影响多达1200万居民的生活。由于输油管道与现有的基础设施相互交错,管道有几大几率发生原油泄漏。如果管道破裂,石油泄漏并污染当地水道,情节将严重违反《清洁水法》(Clean Water Act)。此次研究试图在告知当地居民达科他州输油管道建设工程的潜在危害的同时,提供使用其他可持续性能源的解决方案。






DAPL的替代性方案在创造新的就业机会并产生能源的同时,规避了对苏族地区及立岩保护区供水的影响。 DAPL项目提供了40个永久性工作岗位。与之相对,110万英亩的太阳能项目有望提供466830个永久性工作岗位。




▲美国水资源质量分析,密西西比河流域是北美最大的河流资源,全长2300英里,流经美国中心地带38个州。密苏里河是密西西比河的重要支流,共同构成世界第三大河流系统。U.S. Water Quality,the Mississippi River Basin is the largest in North America flowing over 2,300 miles through America’s heartland including 38 states. The Missouri River feeds into the Mississippi River making it the third largest river system in the world.

▲密苏里河流域图,密苏里河作为生态保护系统,为1200万人提供了饮用水,农业及畜牧业用水。河流污染极有可能着影响水资源获取,粮食和农业生产,土地价值以及生物多样性。Missouri Watershed,the Missouri Watershed provides water to over 12 million people for drinking, agriculture, livestock and the protection of ecosystems. Contamination puts this source at risk affecting access to water, food and farm jobs, property values, and a biodiverse environment.

▲水是生命之源,DAPL石油管道项目不仅对苏族及周边地区的供水产生威胁,其管道设施建设还破坏了该区域的墓地及历史宗教圣地。Water is Life,not only does the pipeline propose a very real threat to the water supply of the Sioux and surrounding communities, the physical construction of the infrastructure will devastate native burial grounds and sacred sites.

▲可替代性太阳能解决措施,DAPL项目沿线以外100英里的区域内,有290万英亩土地适合布设太阳能收集设施,所能收集的太阳能总量远远超过了DAPL可传输的能源量。与此同时,太阳能系统建设可提供的400000个永久性工作岗位完全可以替代DAPL提供的40个工作岗位。Alternative Solution Solar, 2.9 million acres are suitable for solar harvesting within a 100-mile offset of the pipeline, outweighing the amount of energy the DAPL is projected to use as well as 400,000 permanent jobs superseding the 40 provided by the DAPL.

▲可替代性风能解决措施,在相同区域内,有240万英亩土地适用于建造足够多的风力涡轮,生产与DAPL项目石油运输总量相当的风能。除了能创造超过30000个永久性就业机会以外,还可以以土地租赁的方式,为土地拥有者增加收入来源。Alternative Solution Wind,within the same offset, 2.4 million acres are suitable for enough wind turbines to offset the oil produced by DAPL. In addition to creating over 30,000 permanent jobs, landowners could potentially lease their land generating an alternative income source.

▲石油资源的风险,即使是相对较小的漏油事件也会造成重大的经济及环境损害。每年在石油生产,储存及运输过程中,10-25百万加仑的石油不可避免的泄漏。泄漏物污染水源,对人类生命健康产生威胁,对生态系统产生不可逆转的伤害。Oil As Risk,even relatively small oil spills can cause major economic and environmental harm. 10–25 million gallons of oil spilled each year from oil production, storage, transport, will threaten human life, contaminate water, and have irreversible effects on the ecosystems.

▲达科他州石油泄漏,DAPL项目完工后,每天将输送570000桶原油。该地图标明了DAPL可能导致的和已经发生的,可被归类为事故或灾难的溢油事件。Dakota oil spills, after the DAPL completion, it will shuttle 570,000 barrels of crude oil a day. This map depicts potential oil spills categorized as incidents and catastrophes as a result of the DAPL. It also reflects oils spills that have already occurred.

▲景观策略的生动呈现,以地图为基础,开设了具有交互功能的网站,提高公众对于DAPL等相关问题的认识。此外,借由新闻媒体渠道,发布了一系列强调该区域问题的文章。A living breathing moment,the original maps spurred the creation of a website with interactive functionality that increases awareness of issues associated with the DAPL. In collaboration with the news outlet a series of articles were published to continue highlighting the issue.

▲该网站上的地图可改变区域范围和话题,帮助公众了解密西西比河子流域中石油管道有关的各种问题。用户可以打开或关闭图层,以查看不同元素之间如何影响。The website allows viewers to explore various scales and issues associated with the pipeline in the Mississippi River sub-watershed. Users can turn on and off layers to see how different elements can interact with one another.

▲密苏里和流域交互地图从更大的范围描绘了河流流域的信息。使用者同样可以通过打开和关闭不同图层,查看不同元素之间的相互作用以及元素和图示问题的关系,了解各种社会及环境问题之间的相互影响。 Another interactive map depicts the larger Missouri Watershed. Users can turn on and off layers to see how different elements can interact with one another as well as interact with the legend to understand how various social and environmental elements interact.

▲密苏里河流域交互式地图,Interactive Missouri River Watershed gif

Starting with a belief that there is a social responsibility in terms of decision making concerning the use, allocation and preservation of resources, our goal was to combine landscape architecture with visual representation and community outreach practices to increase awareness on issues associated with the environment, land use and human rights. The intent was to understand the social and environmental ramifications of the proposed Dakota Access Pipeline in order to educate the public about a critical issue of our time, and its far reaching consequences. In this challenging time, effective and innovative landscape architecture should harness our unique ability to communicate complex issues championing community-driven design and ecological planning to progress positive change.

Construction of the $3.8 billion Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) began in July 2014. Originating in the Bakken oil fields in northwestern North Dakota, the proposed 1,172-mile long pipeline is poised to transport 450,000 barrels of Bakken crude oil per day to Patoka, Illinois, before being shipped to refineries on the Gulf Coast. The pipeline will cross Lake Oahe, Lake Sakakewea and the Missouri River, among many other streams and rivers. This route directly crosses the Standing Rock Reservation’s main water source, and passes through — and has thus destroyed — Native burial grounds and sacred sites.

In addition to the desecration of an indigenous nation’s sacred and historical sites, the pipeline continues to pose a very real threat to the water supply of the Sioux as well as polluting the Missouri River, a main artery of the Mississippi River which could affect as many as 12 million people. There is a high likelihood of the pipeline leaking because of its potential interaction with existing infrastructure. If the pipeline were to ever leak or break and pollute local waterways, the Army Corps would be in breach of the Clean Water Act. This research and analysis is the beginning of an effort to educate about the potential catastrophic consequences of the Dakota Access Pipeline construction and provoke ideas for alternative sustainable energy solutions.

Data analysis, mapping techniques, and design thinking were combined to create exhibits that included a 10-page press kit that was completed in 2016. This spurred a collaborative website featuring interactive maps and associated stories and videos in 2017, as well as a Facebook page and Instagram account.

The series of print and interactive maps were created to illustrate the Dakota Access Pipeline route and the potential effects it could have on adjacent communities and beyond, as well as outlining opportunities for alternatives to fossil fuels along the DAPL route including wind and solar. The locations and scale of these maps included: Standing Rock Reservation spanning North and South Dakota, the length of the Missouri River and the Mississippi Watershed.

While the focus was on Standing Rock, the scope included the length of the Missouri River Watershed (529,250 square miles) and the Mississippi Watershed (1.2 million square miles) to illustrate the upwards of 12 million people that could be negatively affected by this pipeline.

The team investigated context and site-appropriate information in the creation of seven maps including the following:

The Mississippi River Basin is the fourth largest in the world flowing through America’s heartland to the Gulf of Mexico. Critically important to 31 states and 2 Canadian Provinces it provides drinking water for over 20 million people and is a globally significant migratory flyway and home to over 325 bird species.

As a water source for over 12 million people in 10 states the Missouri Watershed is larger than 90% of the countries in the world. If disturbed 25% of farm jobs would be lost, property values would decrease, biodiversity in the region would diminish and the water source for 50 cities could potentially be contaminated.

Water is viewed as one of the most vital elements for the sustenance of life. Previously proposed to be built near Bismarck the DAPL was re-routed because of concerns regarding water supply yet no apparent environmental assessments were completed for the new location proposed within the Sioux territory.

There are alternatives to the DAPL that create jobs and energy without risking the water supply of the Standing Rock Sioux. The DAPL is projected to maintain 40 permanent jobs while the 1.1 million acres of solar needed to offset the daily projections for the route could potentially create 466,830 permanent jobs.

Only 1,531 1.65-megawatt wind turbines are needed to offset the amount of energy the DAPL will produce. Owners of suitable land, roughly 2.4 million acres, could potentially lease their land for upwards of $55 per acre per day. Wind energy will also create nearly 33,607 permanent jobs 840 times the amount created by the DAPL.

Oil spills regardless of size can cause major economic and environmental harm. Potential spills can occur at the intersection of existing waterways and the pipeline infrastructure. As natural systems are constantly in flux, the implementation of rigid infrastructure heightens the possibility of catastrophic events.

According to a New York Times report 18.4 million gallons of oil and chemical substances have leaked into the North Dakotan air, water and soil between 2006 and 2014. The DAPL threatens the health of the Missouri Watershed and the health of the existing population if built in the proposed location.


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