发布时间:2020-04-01 14:29:41 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

昆士兰国家银行体育场已于近日正式对外开放。该体育场由建筑事务所Cox Architecture和Counterpoint Architecture共同设计。在项目过程中,设计团队与来自澳大利亚的住房与公共工程部(HPW)、昆士兰体育场、WATPAC建筑公司和North Queensland Cowboys俱乐部等的相关团队紧密协作,最终交出了一份完美的设计答卷。

COX would like to congratulate our Client, the Queensland Government, all stakeholders and the people of Townsville on the completion of the Queensland Country Bank Stadium. Designed in association with Counterpoint Architecture, the final project was achieved after a deeply collaborative process between the design team, HPW, Stadiums Queensland, WATPAC and the North Queensland Cowboys.

▼体育场鸟瞰图,bird-eye’s view of the stadium ©Cox Architecture

昆士兰国家银行体育场于2016年竞标成功。整个项目为期三年,其中设计周期一年,施工周期则仅花费了两年的时间。与乌古鲁卡巴人民(Wulgurukaba Peoples)的交流和沟通是本项目成功的关键之一。建筑事务所Cox Architecture意识到,乌古鲁卡巴人民是项目所在城市的原住民,因此考虑并尊重他们的文化和传统、以及他们对这座城市和该地区的贡献是十分必要的。

本项目的主要设计特征包括: – 设置以球迷为中心的看台观众席和各种设施,以提供最佳的观赛体验; – 双重用途:既可作为体育场为25,000名球迷提供现场观赛空间,又可作为演唱会的场馆为40,000位歌迷提供座位; – 设计以社区为基础,设置了一系列小尺度的活动广场,从而为人们提供了进行日常娱乐和社区活动的场所; – 致力于改善城市的便利设施,为当地人带去经济效益。

Queensland Country Bank Stadium was won in a competition in 2016. The stadium took a year to design, and only two years to build.Consultation with the Wulgurukaba Peoples played an important role in the stadium’s delivery. COX recognise the Wulgurukaba people of Gurambilarra (Townsville) and Yunbenun (Magnetic Island) as the traditional custodians of the land on which the Queensland Country Bank Stadium stands. We acknowledge and respect their continuing culture and the contribution they make to the life of this city and this region.

Key features of the design include: – A fan-focused seating bowl and f and b facilities for optimum game experience – Accommodation of up to 25,000 patrons for sporting events and 40,000 patrons in concert mode. – Community-based design including event plazas for smaller for game day and general community use. – Enhancement of city amenity to drive local economic benefit for all.

▼体育场远景,distant view of the stadium ©Cox Architecture


A Building of its Place


In defining a sense of place for the stadium the team worked closely from the local context. Critical to the success of modern stadia and essential to regional stadia is a sense of identity. It is through the desire to create a unique sense of place and identity that we drew inspiration from the form of the native Pandanus tree.

▼体育场外观,一个具有地方特色的公共空间,exterior view of the stadium with a unique sense of place and identity ©Cox Architecture


▼体育场外观局部,采用带状的锥形屋面板,partial exterior view of the stadium with strap-like tapered roof panels ©Cox Architecture

▼体育场外墙细节,wall details of the stadium ©Cox Architecture

Pandanus Tectorius is native to North-Eastern Australia stretching up to the Torres Strait, common on the coast but in tropical Queensland growing inland as well. The strap-like tapered leaves were a suitable reference point for consideration of the roof geometry. The roof structural scheme, developed with Arup, achieves a structural elegance in the face of cyclonic wind conditions and with a construction methodology that significantly reduced propping and provided flexibility in the construction sequence.

▼体育场内部,屋顶具有结构上的优雅性,interior view of the stadium with a structural elegance of the roof ©Cox Architecture

▼体育场屋顶局部,锥形的带状屋顶面板由桁架支撑,partial view of the stadium roof, the strap-like tapered roof panels are supported by trusses ©Cox Architecture

▼屋顶面板细节,details of the roof panels ©Cox Architecture

The building will be the single largest in Townsville and one of the largest in Northern Australia. It is at the gateway to the CBD and will be one of the defining images of the city. As well as the physical relationship to the City, the horseshoe stadium form is uniquely identifiable to North Queensland and will have a recognition both nationally and internationally. The Stadium is in an urban landscape that is deeply influenced by local topography. Mt Stuart, Castle Hill and Magnetic Island are key landmarks in Townsville and the organic nature of the venue responds to these dominant physical elements.

百变的体育场 A stadium for every event and every visitor


The Queensland Country Bank Stadium is an expression of Queensland – North Queensland in particular. It combines the functional and operational aspects of international modern stadiums with an engagement with the environment that is quintessentially Queensland. Through the development of a ‘fan first’ approach to the design of the stadium COX have forged a unique stadium with a sense of place, belonging and community. A deep understanding of the importance of social gatherings, the technical aspects of venue operations and a variety of patron offerings has led to the development of a stadium design that has the powerful sense of ‘home team’ advantage.

▼室内交通空间,the interior circulation space ©Cox Architecture

▼体育场的社交聚会场所,the social gathering space of the stadium ©Cox Architecture

▼体育场的社交聚会场所,采用以三角形为骨架的天花板,the social gathering space of the stadium with the ceiling composed of triangles ©Cox Architecture

▼双层通高的社交聚会空间,the double-height social gathering space ©Cox Architecture

建筑事务所COX Architecture的总监Richard Coulson表示,无论是对于当地人来说、还是对于球迷来说,这座新的体育场都是一个千载难逢的绝佳选择。“该场馆最大程度地实现了被动设计,并将其作为了可持续设计的基础。这也就意味着我们可以在不影响功能的前提下适当地减少围护结构,从而将场馆与城市环境更好地联系起来。”此外,本项目在照明、能效和给排水等方面都采用了以技术为基础的解决方案。昆士兰国家银行体育场已于2020年2月29日和3月13日圆满地举办了其前两场赛事。

Director of COX Architecture Richard Coulson said the new stadium is considerate of both locals and fans. “The Stadium used the philosophy of maximising the passive design and architectural strategies as a basis for sustainable design.” “That is; build less, enclose less and connect with the city context.” Technology-based solutions were adopted in lighting, energy efficiency and water use.

Queensland Country Bank Stadium will host its first event, Sir Elton John, on the 29th of February 2020. Its second major event, the Cowboys vs Broncos season opener, will take place on March 13th. The first release of tickets for this match sold out in 45-minutes.

▼体育场夜景鸟瞰,bird-eye’s view of the stadium at night ©Cox Architecture

▼体育场夜景,night view of the stadium ©Cox Architecture

Completion date: 2020

Project team: Cox Architecture


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