发布时间:2020-11-14 07:07:13 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

COZMINE 诞生于城市惬意的矿井,它在矿井中发掘有趣的事物。

COZMINE was born in a pleasant mine in the city. It discovers interesting things in the mine.

成立于 2016 年的 COZMINE 同时也是一个集美国黑人音乐 / 街舞/ 服装 / 写真拍摄 于一体的街头潮流文化品牌,而中文名“矿客兄弟”则为向身在地底的矿工们的挖掘精神致敬:虽身处漆黑之处,但仍以坚定的信念与不凡的勇气相互配合彼此信任,并完成最终的使命。

Founded in 2016, COZMINE is also a street fashion cultural brand integrating black American music/street dance/ clothing/photo shooting. The Chinese name “Miner Brothers” pays tribute to the mining spirit of the miners underground: Although in the dark, they still cooperate with each other with firm conviction and extraordinary courage to trust each other and complete the final mission.


1848 年,远在地球另一端的美国迎来举世瞩目的淘金热,这些来自世界各地的淘金者聚集在美国的西部地区,他们的足迹几乎遍及美国的各个山川之中,他们包括英国人/法国人/墨西哥人以及中国人。他们是美国西进运动的一个特殊群体,他们随着矿区的发现而聚居,同时随着这些矿藏的枯竭而散开。这些矿工头戴矿帽,在地下深处不断向前开采掘进,利用矿车向外源源不断的输送矿产资源。


In 1848, the United States on the other side of the earth ushered in the world-renowned gold rush. These gold prospectors from all over the world gathered in the western region of the United States, and their footprints were almost all over the mountains and rivers of the United States, including the British/France. People/Mexicans and Chinese. They were a particular part of America’s westward movement, settling as mines were discovered and dispersing as they dried up.They are a special group of the Westward Movement in the United States. They live together with the discovery of mining areas and at the same time disperse as these minerals are exhausted.

In underground mine operations, the frequency of mine disasters was particularly prominent in the nineteenth century, usually accompanied by gas leaks/gas explosions, and the mine is in danger of collapsing at any time. The wooden structure that supports the space in the mine is the “spiritual pillar” for the miners to maintain their lives.

COZMINE 作为一个开始从线上向线下探索的多元化年轻时尚品牌,当代年轻人的自我主张需要在空间内得到完整的释放,而将多种复合业态完整的进行整合成为前期设计的策略要点。

As a diversified young fashion brand that started to explore from online to offline, COZMINE needs to fully release the self-assertion of contemporary young people in the space, and the complete integration of multiple complex formats has become the strategic point of the pre-design.

接待台,Reception ©湯璇

▼圆环内容:“The world is mine”是双关语,与电影《疤面煞星》(1983 年)中的“The world is yours”slogan 一脉相承。 “The world is mine”showed in the loop is inspired by the slogan“The world is yours”in the filmScarface (1983) ©湯璇

空间主体的使用需求需要得到满足,同时模糊当下现实与大掘金时代的界限,使空间充满探索与冒险,激发人群的互动与体验感,为 COZMINE 挖掘其独特的品牌个性并赋予其新的价值。

The needs of the main body of the space need to be met, while blurring the boundaries between the current reality and the Big Nuggets era, making the space full of exploration and adventure, stimulating the interaction and experience of the crowd, and digging out its unique brand personality and giving it new value for COZMINE.

▼服装展示区,Clothing display area ©湯璇

▼楼梯和室内细节,stairs and interior details ©湯璇


Two completely different materials are expressed in an abstract understanding of beams/pillars, and presented in a dramatic way in the space.

▼ “新”的横梁,“旧”的的立柱;”New”beams & “Old”columns ©湯璇

▼洗手间和试衣间,toilet and fitting room ©湯璇


The retro columns that run through the different spaces on the three floors are meant to be the “spiritual pillars” in the space, while the horizontal dynamic screens wrapped in circles mean the cultural output of the new generation, and continue to explore new cultural and artistic fields.

▼休闲区,leisure area ©湯璇

▼挑空区域,the empty space ©湯璇


As a hub connecting underground culture and other artistic fields, the elevator shaft is preserved and transformed in the space design, while maintaining the original architectural texture, shaping it as an “abstract mine tunnel for vertical passage”.

交通空间,circulation ©湯璇

▼电梯井,the elevator shaft ©湯璇

▼“矿井隧道”,“mine tunnel”©湯璇

随着社会的日趋发达与完善,越来越多的产品趋于规模产量与标准化,当代年轻人被职场的各种社会形态所绑架,个性与标签在其对外表达中趋于苟同。而 COZMINE 则以更加自我的表达进行输出,为当下社会注入新的能量。

With the development and improvement of society, more and more products tend to be scaled output and standardized. Contemporary young people are kidnapped by various social forms in the workplace, and their personalities and labels tend to agree in their external expressions. COZMINE outputs with a more self-expression, injecting new energy into the current society.

▼COZMINE 服装设计工作室 ReMINE design studio ©湯璇


Afro-American culture originated in slums. Its essence is the people’s honest feedback on real life, exploring and searching for the connections between various cultures, and cultural output such as dance/music/art/clothing is released in space.

▼COZMINE 服装设计稿,costume design draft

1877 年爱迪生发明留声机,声音第一次被记录。两个世纪以来,主流音乐介质发生多次变更,网络的蓬勃发展使快餐式音乐盛行。趋于对文化的追求与热爱,上世纪几近绝版的千余张美国黑人音乐唱片在这里收藏并展示。

Edison invented the phonograph in 1877, and the sound was recorded for the first time. Over the past two centuries, the mainstream music media has undergone many changes, and the rapid development of the Internet has made fast-food music popular. Trending towards the pursuit and love of culture, more than a thousand African American music records that were almost out of print in the last century are collected and displayed here.

▼黑胶与 CD 唱片体验区,Vinyl and CD experience area ©湯璇

▼室内细节,details ©湯璇


“Timeliness” and “Contempority” are considered and continued in the current environment, from the 19th century to the 21st century, extending from the interior to the exterior. The time dimension and the space dimension are intertwined and intertwined to re-examine the space. This expresses the connection between the appearance and the inner.

车设计加工成为可移动户外家具/装置,The abandoned car is designed and processed into movable outdoor furniture/equipment ©湯璇

CozBro 是 COZMINE 的品牌形象——一个其貌不扬的泥人,全身流淌的蓝色液体,分不清是汗水还是泪水。他没有表情,除了一双炯炯有神的眼睛,人们看不到 CozBro 的其它器官;它戴着一顶矿工帽,它认为大脑是最应该保护的部位。

CozBro is the brand image of COZMINE-an unsightly clay figure with a blue liquid flowing all over his body, making it difficult to distinguish whether it is sweat or tears. He has no expression, except for a pair of piercing eyes, people can’t see the other organs of CozBro; it wears a miner’s hat, it thinks the brain is the most protected part.

CozBro 由 BertoFojo(西班牙)设计,CozBro, designed byCozBro (Spain) ©BertoFojo

挖掘(Digging)是一件艰难却有趣的事,这种快乐金钱无法购买。在 COZMINE 的创立者们看来,“挖掘”一词适用于各领域,善于在各自领域挖掘的人都是“CozBro”。

Digging is a difficult but interesting thing. This kind of happy money cannot be bought. In the opinion of the founders of COZMINE, the term “digging” applies to all fields, and those who are good at digging in their respective fields are “CozBro”HUGO(中国 澳门)设计,product design byHUGO (Macau, China) ©HUGO

▼空间概念,Concept of the space ©WHY WOULD

▼平面概念,Plane concept ©WHY WOULD

Name | 项目名称:COZMINE | 线下集合店

Location | 项目地点:WUHAN · CHINA | 中国 武汉

Area | 项目面积:300㎡

Client | 项目委托方:COZMINE | 矿客兄弟

Date | 完成时间:10.2020 | 2020 年 10 月

Interior Design | 主案设计:XUAN 湯 璇

Logo Design | 标识设计:Berto Fojo(西班牙)Product&VI Design | 产品与导视设计:HUGO(中国 澳门)Article | 撰文:XUAN 湯 璇 /Shyeah 謝航毅

Photographer | 摄影:XUAN 湯 璇


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