发布时间:2019-12-02 15:53:09 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

重磅消息——备受欢迎的美妆零售店HARMAY话梅在北京开分店了。 在北京设立分部无疑是一件大事,而话梅的650平米旗舰店旗开得胜。与之前两家门店一样,话梅通过精致而有趣的设计、人性化的零售体验,在彰显品牌价值的同时充分满足用户需求。走进这样一座线上美妆巨头的实体店,如同幕后探秘——从产品本身、到分拣和发货,用户都可以亲身体验,成为新零售盛宴中的一个角色。

Hear ye, hear ye! HARMAY, our favourite online cosmetics retailer, has landed in Beijing. Beijing headquarters are big time, and it seemed right to go in with a bang— 650m2 of bang, to be exact. Like their other two locations, the Beijing shop is true to brand’s vision and its clientele. It is a sophisticated, fun, and very hands-on retail experience. Stepping into one the online retail giant’s physical stores is designed to be like stepping behind the scenes: The products, distribution, and delivery process are all put out for the consumer to engage with. Like a show, we all have a role to play.

▼门店外观,exterior view


The new warehouse is spread out over two floors, where there is a gaping void —quite literally, we hacked out a part of the ceiling to create more visibility.

▼部分打通的一二层空间,the full-height internal space


The first floor focuses on small products. A huge assembly table creates strong movement and functions as a carrier where all these lucrative, fast-moving items, are showcased. Spatially, the big loop creates a powerful direction and momentum, tying all the product together more cohesively, all while enabling a semi-enclosed area for the staff to work.

▼一层陈列区,display area for small products

▼座位细部,detailed view

▼传送带增强了空间的方向性,the big loop of the carrier creates a powerful direction and momentum

▼传送带细部,carrier detailed view

在商品陈列带后方,旋转楼梯引导用户走向更开阔的二楼仓库;首先映入眼帘的,是展示海量商品的数排钢铁货架。 此外,在一处被幕布隔开的区域内,从半透明里面透出的光线被完全隔绝,形成话梅的产品拍摄区。亲眼见到线上电商的图片从无到有的摄制过程,也不失为一种新奇的探秘。

A spiral staircase swirls up from the assembly table and guides guests up to the larger part of the warehouse space, where rows of steel shelves housing a multitude of products greet visitors. The second floor also grants a peek behind the curtain of HARMAY’s branding machine. A curtain closes off the light filtering through a translucent facade, creating a small studio for shooting product. It’s a fun flex on all behind the scenes styling that goes into each clickable e-commerce listing.

▼从传送带望向楼梯,view to the stair

▼从楼梯望俯瞰一层,overlook to the first floor from the staircase

▼旋转楼梯,the spiral staircase

▼二层仓库区域,warehouse space on the second floor

▼为增强线下消费体验,二层还设有五个不同主题的产品体验室 Here you can also step into five rooms designed to enhance the offline sales engagement. Each room offers a themed product focus


A white travel kit room features see through bags filled with smaller products ideal for travel. The product is displayed with efficiency and elegance: hanging from the wall, a la grab n’ go. The perfume bar has colorful flower patterned walls, and is a romantic tribute to the lasting power of scent. A third room invites visitors to try on products behind soft curtain walls. Like a backstage dressing room, there is a sense of fun, play, and luxury. The niche room is a high profile room tailored for exclusivity, luxury cosmetics, and unique brands to HARMAY. The fifth room is white, a blank space, like a crisp sheet of white paper; guests are invited to write the next act on their own.

▼主题体验室入口,entrance of the featured rooms

▼旅行套装展示间,the travel kit room

▼商品展示墙,display wall


▼美妆试用间和小众品牌间,the exclusive room and the niche room

▼小众品牌间,the niche room

▼室内细部,interior detailed view

▼香水吧,the perfume bar


All brands are moving parts pieced together to create a product or experience. The Beijing location has big glass brick façade, an industrial statement where the absence of seeing makes the exterior statement more powerful, with only the seduction of shadows and movement.

▼半透明玻璃砖墙,the translucent glass brick façade


Like seeing shapes behind a curtain, hearing footsteps on the stage. There are only two tiny doors here, but once inside, guests become a part of the show. Inside, it is the whole world of HARMAY.

▼玻璃砖墙外立面,facade view

This HARMAY store has been rated as the No.1 retail store in Beijing on China’s most popular experience rating app Dazhongdianping and KOL app Xiaohongshu.

▼入口和立面细部,entrance facade detail

业主: HARMAY 话梅美妆 项目地点: 中国北京朝阳区工体北路2号 设计面积: 650平方米 竣工时间: 2019 设计范围: 室内设计&外立面改造 设计总监: Wendy Saunders, Vincent de Graaf 项目经理: 徐心懿 设计团队: 谢枫,陈虎,陈一诺,黄骁鸣,刘超,李璐禕,焦琰,Jovana Petrovic 软装设计团队: 李昭沅,利佩珍,王尤宝儿 摄影: Dirk Weiblen, 孙立文

Client: HARMAY 话梅美妆 Location: No.2 Gongti North Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China Size: 650 sqm Completion: 2019 Design Scope: Interior & Facade Design Principals: Wendy Saunders, Vincent de Graaf Project Management: Cindy Xu Design Team: Feng Xie, Charles Liu, Eno Chen, Jiao Yan, Jovana Petrovic, Leslie Chen, Mavis Li, Simon Huang FF&E Team: Sowon Lee, Baoer Wang, Peichin Lee Photography: Dirk Weiblen, Sun Liwen


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