Alice B. Davies是英国伦敦一家拥有丰富的住宅设计和装修项目经验的室内设计工作室,由创始人Alice Bee Davies于2019年成立,致力于提供各种各样的服务,从项目交付,从概念到完成,到室内装饰和装修,艺术和配件的选择和采购。
Alice B. Davies is a London, UK, interior design studio with extensive experience in residential design and decoration projects. Founded by Alice Bee Davies in 2019, Alice B. Davies is dedicated to providing a wide variety of services, from project delivery, from concept to completion, to interior decoration and decoration, art and accessories selection and procurement.
Alice B. Davies 2009年毕业于英国伦敦艺术大学并取得室内与空间设计学士学位,毕业后至今拥有10年丰富的室内设计经验,期间在伦敦著名的室内设计公司1508 London工作四年。
Alice B. Davies graduated from the university of the arts London in 2009 with a bachelor's degree in interior and space design.
Alice B. Davies的室内设计项目经常会以一件艺术品作为灵感来源,特别是她在Lookbook(时尚日记,以展示风格和造型)上面呈现的感觉,像是一幅画一样,努力达到一种纪念性的感觉,在风景中捕捉纹理和光线。
Alice B. Davies often chooses a piece of art as a source of inspiration for her interior projects, especially her Lookbook (fashion diary to showcase style and styling), which feels like a painting, striving for a monumental feel, capturing texture and light in the landscape.
由Alice B. Davies设计的住宅在颜色和纹理上都是大师级的。她喜欢用冷脆的中性色调和丰富的中性色调来相互交替,以灰泥墙或木地板的形式结合了触觉质感,并大量使用抛光材料,用精心挑选的雕塑元素、灯光、艺术品和家具完成了她的设计。
Designed by Alice B. Davies, the house is a master of color and texture. She alternated between crisp neutrals and rich neutrals, combined tactile textures in the form of stucco walls or wood floors, and made extensive use of polished materials to complete her designs with carefully selected sculptural elements, lighting, artwork and furniture.
Alice B. Davies设计的住宅经常采用朴实的材料、丰富的艺术品、还有干净的线条和光滑的表面效果,营造了一种现代感,向世纪中叶的艺术美学致敬。
Homes designed by Alice B. Davies often use earthy materials, rich art, clean lines and smooth surface effects to create a modern feel, a nod to a mid-century artistic aesthetic.