Julien Rademakers's Gevonden op Marktplaats – which translates as 'Found on Marktplaats' – has opened in Amsterdam
自从孩提时代就在荷兰的跳蚤市场里逛了一番,荷兰的造型师、艺术总监和平面设计师朱利安·雷德梅克(JulienRadmark)就对室内设计有了一种优雅的眼光超越了一个人的垃圾是另一个人的财富这一意识形态,他的最新冒险“Gevonden OP Marktplaats”-“在Marktplaats上找到的”-看到了一种向拖网式网上市场的转变(想想荷兰的Gumtree或eBay)。雷德梅克的目标:寻找稀有和独特的家具,其他人会忽略,从而创造自己的“品味和风格组合”。
雷德梅克的在线探索获得了巨大的回报:最近的发现包括拉德布德·范·比库姆(Radboud Van Beekum)为帕斯托设计的一套新装的粉色“FM 60”椅子;菲利普·斯塔克(Philippe Starck)的“帕特·康利二世”(Pat Conley II)椅子;以及荷兰纺织设计师梅伊·恩格尔(Mae Engelgeer)的一副经典吉斯潘(购买的其他亮点包括孟菲斯·米拉诺的大量库存,如Masanori Umeda的原始“奥里诺科花瓶”、马蒂娜·贝丁的“黄瓜”花瓶以及米歇尔·德卢基的“克里斯托”桌。
700平方米的Gevnon OP马克TalpStudio冬季沙龙在阿姆斯特丹运行,直到四月底。为公众提供一个独特的和意外的机会购买稀有的和可垂涎的设计作品,商店同时展示RADMEK的热情和敏感的方式收集,展览和背景。
The salon, curated by the Dutch stylist, art director and graphic designer, features a collection of unique and covetable furnishings which have been sourced via the popular Dutch online marketplace
Rademaker acts as a middleman between buyer and seller – due to Marktplaats' unfriendly interface, it can be challenging to find the gems hidden within the depths of the site
After running out of storage space in his Amsterdam apartment, Rademaker launched a series of salons to showcase his furnishings. The current winter salon is hosted in a 700 sq m space located on the outskirts of the capital
Picture centre: a Memphis 'Cucumber' vase by Martine Bedin, paired with a 'Kristall' table by Michele de Lucchi
The salon offers the general public an opportunity to buy unique and covetable furnishings, Rademakers utilising the salon to create his own ‘portfolio of taste and style’
Pictured: a set of classic Gispen '1401' chairs
keywords:Amsterdam, Memphis