以生命设计为理念,本年度中FAINA品牌并没有频繁大量地更新,而是追随阳光的轨迹,在地日能量最为强劲的冬至与夏至日发布了新产品。正如FAINA的创始人Victoria Yakusha 介绍的那样,“生命设计离不开阳光。在FAINA系列中,设计的流程追随太阳的轨迹,将冬至与夏至日视为增长和更新的时机。”FAINA的新产品包含落地灯、壁灯、吊灯、茶几与长凳,所有元素中都体现着“太阳”的主题。
Guided by the philosophy of live design, FAINA stops frequent production of items during the year. The collection will be renewed twice a year — during the Winter and Summer solstice, days with powerful terrestrial and solar energy. “Living design like all living things depends on the Sun. In FAINA, we go with the Sun and begin our new cycle with it. Solstice is about regrowth and renewal”, comments Victoria Yakusha, founder of FAINA. The new FAINA collection includes floor lamps, a set of sconces, a pendant lamp, coffee tables and a bench. The Sun became the leitmotif in design, uniting all the objects.
▼Following the Sun灯具概览
overview of the series
“We didn’t aim to invent anything new, but followed the Sun. To follow the Sun means to follow your essence, true self. When we are in one flow with the living world, it creates a more balanced, quality life.” The Sun is one of the oldest and strongest symbols. Our ancestors were guided by the Sun building their life around solar cycles. There are many circular symbols on Ukrainian land – form of clay utensils, grinding on round millstones, rubbing poppy seeds following the movement of the Sun. The day of the Solstice was of special significance for many cultures. People celebrate it with rituals, talk to nature and living spirits. “The Sun unites cultures. It is identity, identical to all.”
taking inspiration from the sun
Living fire was a traditional element of the Winter Solstice. FAINA stuck to the ritual of lighting a fire but reinterpreted it in modern lighting. The main object of the FAINA collection is a floor lamp SONIAH, presented in different heights. A design creature repeats the form of sunflower and stands out with a primitive shape and naive design.
the floor lamp SONIAH
the set of sconces and the bench
the design of bench
In today’s world, simplicity and clarity are lost under the weight of unnecessary stuff and imposed meanings. FAINA is often called ‘new primitivism’. We create simple things. This is our strength. Every item of the collection is alive. Living tactile surface of SONIAH lighting is crafted by hands with a technique used to build Ukrainian huts a long ago. All lamps are made of unique organic material titled ‘ztista’. Invented by FAINA it consists of clay, paper, wooden chips, straw.
the unique organic material
SONIAH bench stands on two legs, whilst the floor lamps feature heads looking up to the sky. As our ancestors believed in good and evil spirits, FAINA endows its objects with a living spirit.
the series