发布时间:2019-04-03 00:19:22 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

背景 | Backgroumd



▼项目鸟瞰,aerial view

Today China is facing both challenges and opportunities brought by rapid urbanization. After the great celebrations of constructing national symbolic sports buildings in 2008, the focus of China’s sports facilities start to shift back to the community — to create space for the general public rather than structure of national image.

These new urban projects are no longer just the icing on the cake decorations for huge residential or commercial precincts, but become the catalysts for the new urban community life. In Yangzhou, the conservation of old town plays as the key role for the new master plan, protected by green buffer zone, while the new towns expand beyond to meet the demands from huge populations.

In order to take the late-development advantage and encourage the urban grow to the southern part of the city, the sports park has been regarded as the launching point for the new town, which will built its own characters while maintaining the historical reference of the culture.

▼项目基地位于扬州市南面经济技术开发区内,恰好处于以瘦西湖景区为核心的扬州传统城市中心的中轴线上, the site is located in economic and technological new town south of Yangzhou city.

▼鸟瞰平面图,site plan

▼体育园区景观,sports park landscape

▼体育园主体建筑,main building

策略 | Strategies



▼方案生成,design process

▼南部体育园,south part of the sports park

How to create an attractive public space and encourage social communication? What is the new image should be in such a context? How to define a new sports architecture that could response to new life style? Our strategigone.

▼入口台阶,entrance staircase

01. 聚——集中节地的规划策略 Concentration – master plan strategy



▼规划策略,plan strategy

The site is in triangular shape and surrounded by roads in all sides, which provides good accessibility. The site is adjacent to the green buffer zone of the old town. The master plan assembles the massing to the south end, maximizing the external outdoor space of the site, allowing future connections of the park to the green zone, and providing a simple and strong image to the city.

▼ 集中布置场馆体量,让出更多绿地和户外用地,the compact volume creates more green area and outdoor space for the park

02.连——景园一体的景观策略 Connection – landscape strategy


The “sports forest” on the north side is the main outdoor space. As a transition between the main building and the north side park, the space formed by jogging tracks connects the entire space. The track connect the park with the building, connect the indoor with the outdoor. From the indoor runway, we can enjoy indoor sports activities, atrium performances. Along the steps to the outdoors, we can enjoy the green scenery and fresh air.

▼创意地景,creative landscape

"运动森林","sports forest"

▼林中栈桥,trestle bridge


Encirclement – architecture strategy


The auxiliary functions, such as mechanical service space and fire-egress facilities, are arranged around the building to create a more flexible interior space for multi-functional activities. This prototype can be traced back to the theory proposed by Louis I. Kahn about the separation of serviced and servant space. As a space-functional model, this could be referred to the Pompidou Centre, designed by Piano and Rogers.

▼体育场外围走道,pathway outside the sports field


Filtering – cultural strategy


▼抽象化的窗花概念,the paper-cutting concept

Traditional handicraft paper-cutting is a famous ornamental language in Yangzhou. The abstraction of this feature is combined with computer parametric technique to achieve the integration of traditional culture and modern technology on the building facade.

“窗花”灯光效果,lighting effect

▼立面细部,facade detail

05.折——体现时代的修辞策略 Folding – rhetoric strategy


▼设计概念:“折”,design concept: folding

Kahn’s ideology about served and servant space are further developed in the scheme. The appearance of servant space is no longer presented as secondary or auxiliary way, but become the key character of the facade. The articulations of contemporary folding geometry refers to the Zigzag colonnade of Chinese garden in Yangzhou. By this way, primary and auxiliary functions, indoor and outdoor activities, architectural forms and the cultural connotations are integrated to one entity. Dark gray aluminum panels were chosen as main external material to fully demonstrate the expression of a contemporary sports architecture: an energetic sports block.

▼折廊的意象在立面上通过深灰色铝板表达出来,the form of the zigzag colonnade is expressed in the facade covered with dark gray aluminum panels.

▼建筑外观细部,exterior detailed view


Integration – function strategy


▼功能策略,function strategy

Compared with architecture for competitive sports, the architecture for mass sports is a relatively new type of architecture in China. It puts forward new demands for the definition, understanding and spatial allocation of sports functions.

We propose the concept of leisure sports, which is characterized by free open space, interactive space and compound space. The main functions such as multifunction hall, pool, badminton, basketball halls are arranged around the public atrium to encourage the visual and behavioral communication and interaction as much as possible, and fully reflect the behavioral characteristics of mass sports.

The atrium is more than a circulation space but also a multifunction space for community activities such as small performances, a rock climbing or roller skating etc.

▼多功能中庭,multiple function atrium

▼室内场馆,interior view

可持续的设计 | Towards a sustainable design

1. 城市发展的可持续性:设计一方面延续历史文脉的符号,另一方面成为带动新城区发展的节点。

2. 社会生活的可持续性,设计强调社区优先的体育活动。中国的体育建筑从竞技功能扩展到群众活动功能后模糊了建筑类型的界限,这种新的类型需要同时具有传统竞技体育建筑的大跨空间,临时坐席和集中人流集散的特点,同时满足多样化的群众参与和泛体育休闲文化等新生活方式的要求。多功能混搭,复合转换功能,这些将产生新的建筑空间和建筑形式,甚至新的类型。

3. 文化思想的可持续性:建筑学的发展离不开建筑原型的总结和沉淀。本项目继续了对服务空间和被服务空间的原型思考,经过功能化和艺术化,服务空间与建筑表皮巧妙结合。

4. 经济运营的可持续性:运营上以市场运作代替政府补贴.

5. 审美体现的可持续性:立面用现代美学表现传统窗花意象。

6. 环境能源的可持续性:设计结合了光伏太阳能屋面系统和被动式通风等技术,减少能耗,集中规划布局,节约用地。


1. Sustainable urban design: The sport park acts as the catalyst of the new town. While the historical old town was preserved and surrounded by a green belt.

2. Sustainable Social activities: The design shifts the focus from elite professional sports buildings to community-oriented sports spaces, encouraging social interaction by providing a multifunctional large span structure.

3. Cultural sustainability: The development of the architectural profession always comes together with new possibilities for architectural prototypes. The design thinking about the idea of served and servant space has been inherited and rethought in this project. Art, cultural references, and functions are integrated with the external envelope.

4. Economical sustainability: Operationally, government subsidies are replaced by marketing-oriented operators.

5. Aesthetic Expression: For facades, the concept of modern aesthetics is applied to express the image of traditional paper-cut aesthetics.

6. Sustainable environment design: The design incorporates photovoltaic panels, grey water systems, as well as a passive ventilation system to minimize energy consumption.

▼从广场望向建筑,view from the plaza

▼建筑夜景,night view

▼景观平面图,landscape plan

▼建筑平面图,building floor plan



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