▼住宅对家庭和城市开放,the new house such as wide open in the city in family
▼住宅环境如同一个托儿所, an environment where a lot of children gathered like a nursery while it is a house
It is the plan of the 3rd floor part of the steel frame three floor building, the 2nd and 3rd floor was renovated to the 2 household house. Originally, there were three children’s rooms and a Japanese-style room here, which was a migratory floor plan with rooms connected to each other. The client is a family of four with two small children, but it was a large family of about 15 people including the brothers and their families living in the neighborhood. It was an environment where a lot of children gathered like a nursery while it is a house. Impressed with such live the way, children in the new house is move around a, I was thinking trying to place, such as wide open in the city in family.
▼工作区,work room
▼厨房和餐厅,kitchen & dining room
▼设计沿着外墙流线设置了一处流动的空间,a place where we make migration along the outer walls as a flow line
As a plan, we set up a place where we make migration along the outer walls as a flow line, and we set up a place with a level difference on the inside, and a duck lining of steel is stretched over the top. In addition to putting fittings here, it is a hanging cloth and plants, a raised enclosure, preparing clues for partitioning.
▼高出水平地面的和室,a place with a level difference on the inside
▼和室内部,interior space of the Washitsu
▼钢制拉门框(鸭居),a duck lining of steel is stretched over the top