发布时间:2022-05-31 20:45:46 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

德国出版商Axel Springer的业务开始从纸媒转向数字媒体。公司位于柏林的新办公楼正是这种转变的象征和方法,以此吸引德国数媒界的精英人士。其中庭沿着对角线将建筑一分为二,并通向Axel Springer总部。设计的精髓在于一系列的梯田式楼板,它们聚成山谷,在建筑中心创造出非正式的平台,在这里可以向公司其他部分播报员工的想法。

Axel Springer has launched a move from print to digital media. Its new building on the campus in Berlin will act both as a symbol and a tool in this transition – a building to lure the elite of (Germany’s) digital Bohemia. Bisected by a diagonal atrium that opens up to the existing Axel Springer buildings, the essence of the design is a series of terraced floors that together form a ‘valley’ that creates an informal stage at the centre – a place to broadcast ideas to other parts of the company.


纸媒的优点是廉价、有形且容易体现集体努力的成果,这是数字媒体迄今无法取代的。这座办公大楼与报纸相似,从完全不同的信息来源中选择并形成复杂的集合体。建筑师本身可以体会到速度、精度、定性的好处,但它们也导致了一个严重的结果,即员工只对着电脑使他们变得内向,难以融入集体。传统编辑室里充斥着香烟味道和记者打字的声音,每一个员工都意识到同事的努力和进步,以及他们的共同目标:在截止日期内发布同一期刊。而在数媒办公室里,员工专注于屏幕,降低了其他感官的注意力,进而削弱了真正的创新所需要的集体智慧。因此,事务所建造了一座可以大量播报个人工作的大楼,以便信息共享。新的办公区增添了通向Axel Springer总部的中庭,成为Axel Springer园区新的中心。

The genius of print is that it is a cheap, physical, hyper-accessible embodiment of a complex collective effort, for which so far the digital has been unable to find an equivalent.Architectural offices are similar to newspapers in that they produce complex assemblies and selections from radically different sources of information. As architects, we have experienced the advantages: speed, precision, smoothness. But we have also suffered one crucial consequence: the relationship between the worker and his computer, which isolates him in a bubble of introverted performance, inaccessible to collective overview. In the classical newsroom, dominated by smoking, typing journalists, each inhabitant was aware of the labour and progress of his colleagues and of the collective aim: a single issue, with the deadline as a simultaneous release. In the digital office, staring intently at a screen dampens all other forms of attention and therefore undermines the collective intelligence necessary for true innovation. We therefore propose a building that lavishly broadcasts the work of individuals for shared analysis. The new office block is injected with a central atrium that opens up to the existing Axel Springer buildings – a new centre of the Axel Springer campus.



The design was developed around a series of terraced floors that together form a digital valley. Each floor contains a covered part as a traditional work environment, which is then uncovered on the terraces. Halfway through the building, the valley is mirrored to generate a three dimensional canopy. The common space formed by the interconnected terraces offers an alternative to the formal office space in the solid part of the building, allowing for an unprecedented expansion of the vocabulary of workspaces: a building that can absorb all the question marks of the digital future.

▼形体生成,volume generation

▼梯田式中庭,terraced atrium


The public can experience the building on three levels – ground floor lobby, meeting bridge, and roof-top bar. The meeting bridge is a viewing platform from which the visitors can witness the daily functioning of the company and how it evolves. The ground floor is open to the city and contains studios, event and exhibition spaces, canteens and restaurants.

▼会见桥,meeting bridge

该项目将建于西莫大街的Axel Springer现有总部对面,这条大街曾经将东西柏林分开,是柏林最重要的地点之一。

The building will be situated opposite the existing Axel Springer headquarters on Zimmerstrasse, a street which previously separated East and West Berlin, at one of the city’s most significant locations.

▼夜景,night view




Axel Springer Campus, Berlin, Germany

Status: Construction

Client: Axel Springer SE

Location: Berlin

Site: Zimmerstrasse

Program: Total: 82,000 m2. Offices: 40,732 m2, special areas (lobby, event, catering, sports): 12,610 m2, technical areas: 6,604 m2; parking: 22,055 m2

Competition phase

Partners in charge: Rem Koolhaas, Ellen van Loon

Project leaders: Katrin Betschinger, Alain Fouraux, Betty Ng

Team: Hyejun An, Sara Bilge, Anastasija Binevich, Denis Bondar, , Matthieu Boustany, Janna Bystrykh, Marina Cogliani, Martine Duyvis, Emile Estourgie, Anita Ernodi, Michael Hadjistyllis, Hendrik Hasenaar, Cindy Hwang, Minkoo Kang, Tijmen Klone, Hans Larsson, Tanner Merkeley, Kostya Miroshnychenko, Martin Murrenhoff, Lam Le Nguyen, Jerome Picard, John-Paul Pacelli, Edward Nicholson, Jonathan van Stel, Stefanos Roimpas, Claudio Saccucci, Jad Semaan, Tom Shadbolt, Frane Stancic, Gemawang Swaribathoro, Wai Yiu Man, Mike Yin, Lingxiao Zhang



Structure, MEP, Façade, Sustainability: Arup London

Microclimate: RWDI

Acoustics: Kahle Acoustics

Cost: ARGE SMV Bauprojektsteuerung & Emproc GmbH

Fire & Life Safety: Peter Stanek

Renderings: OMA, Robota

Model Photographs: Frans Parthesius

Leistungsphase 1&2

MEP: ZWP Ingenieur-AG

Façade: Emmer Pfenninger Partner AG

Landscape: Inside Outside

Structural Engineering: Arup London

Elevators: Lerch & Bates

Energy/Comfort: Transsolar Energietechnik GmbH

Building Physics: knp.Bauphysik GmbH

Acoustics: Kahle Acoustics

Geotechnical: GuD Geotechnik und Dynamik Consult GmbH


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