这栋别墅坐落在美国好莱坞丘陵的 Oaks 山丘上,受到女演员 Mia Sara 和他的丈夫导演兼制片人 Brian Henson 的委托,由西雅图建筑公司 Mutuus Studio 的合伙人之一 Kristen Becker 负责设计。
The villa, located in the Oaks hills of Hollywood hills, was commissioned by actress Mia Sara and her husband, director and producer Brian Henson, and designed by Kristen Becker, a partner of Seattle architecture firm Mutuus Studio.
△Mutuus Studio 的三位合伙人 Kristen Becker、Saul Becker、Jim Friesz
The resulting facade is a mixture of concrete, wood, glass and metal, with straight lines that resemble a modern medieval castle, quaint yet grand
景观设计师 Andrea Cochran 打造的秘密花园。
Drawing inspiration from the owner's trips to Ireland and many European castles, the house is accessed along a timber and steel bridge at the top, and looks out over a secret garden created by landscape architect Andrea Cochran.