Casa Flectō
Casa Flectō
Casa Flectō是位于哥伦比亚Cerrovento的一个极简住宅,由Cinco Sólidos设计。这座房子是一件雕塑作品,利用光线通过反射与周围的环境相联系。
Casa Flectō is a minimal residence located in Cerrovento, Colombia, designed by Cinco Sólidos. The house is a work of sculpture that uses light to connect with its immediate surroundings through reflection.
The house is a work of sculpture that uses light to connect with its immediate surroundings through reflection. In terms of concept, it establishes a dialogue between concrete materials and ambiguous atmospheres while arousing the senses of its users. Although the arrangement of the loose volumes appears random, when they are reflected, they join together to form an orderly whole.
The excursion through the house is made into a living experience by the blend of flat and curved features. The architectural object’s body, the user, and both natural and artificial light are all intended to move in relation to one another as they are used.
Similarly, concrete establishes itself as a scenographic constant in space, serving as a background for reflected pictures. The components that complete space are not only created for their aesthetic appeal or plastic expression; each one is specifically intended for its location.
each one is specifically intended for its location. Shadow, angular shapes, and light from the skylight above, for instance, draw attention to the spiral staircase. The relationship between the items, the environment, and the computed light is constant.
There are two types of glass available: panels and U-glass. In order to blur the lines between spaces and give the house movement and vitality, the Panels, whether they are folded or left plain, open the house out to its surroundings. U-glass, on the other hand, does away with clear pictures that offer privacy.
Metal acts as a second skin for the second level, which transforms it into a hermetic volume that sits over the L-shaped ground floor. The ability of this material to be organic and restless is demonstrated by another arrangement of it that joins the two floors.
Modern caves
构成雅法这间旧公寓的房间已有数百年历史 - 每个房间都有自己的特色和底层。翻新是一个将房间作为一个整体结合起来的机会,特别是通过将其朝向大海打开来照亮和照亮黑暗的空间。
Las habitaciones que componen este antiguo apartamento en Jaffa tienen cientos de años -cada una con su propio carácter y nivel del suelo. El reacondicionamiento fue una oportunidad para unir las habitaciones a un todo y en particular, para iluminar y aclarar el oscuro espacio abriéndolo hacia el mar.
Las decoraciones añadidas a los arcos del techo a lo largo de los años fueron rápidamente removidas y los arcos fueron cubiertos de yeso blanco. En contraste, fue descubierta la impresionante cúpula de la cocina, que había sido cubierta con capas de yeso. El nivel del piso fue unificado -por suma o resta- dependiendo de la habitación, y un nuevo piso de hormigón en bruto fue fundido, acentuado con piedras.
Los espacios recién integrados no se cierran con puertas, sino que se dejan abiertos -permitiendo vistas al mar desde cada uno de ellos. Por lo tanto, en la ausencia de un pasillo, sirven tanto para su función diseñada y como para pasar.
连接它们的开口用黑色镀锡板突出显示,这也用于隐藏墙壁中的新技术系统; 在浴室里,它用于厕所和淋浴平台上,面向大海。
Las aberturas que las conectan se destacan con revestimiento de chapa de estaño negro que también se utiliza para ocultar los nuevos sistemas técnicos en las paredes; Mientras que en el baño, se utiliza en el inodoro y en la plataforma de ducha, frente al mar.
What is more, they misunderstand the conception of exhibition space; most of the above mentioned projects have not selected the best solution for the problem of functioning and aesthetic characteristics for showroom projects – so they always make mistake in functioning, density in display, and lighting showcase.
Through research and careful consideration, MW archstudio gave a specific solution to overcome most of the above mentioned misconceptions as a specific example for this particular kind of projects.
Also, we clarified the right meaning of green building” concept that actualizes the responsibility to protect the environment through architecture.
Through a technical solution arranging lighting interstice continuously on the roof, and 3 large atrium spaces in the layout. At night, LED Spotlight system is used to ensure functional requirements, aesthetic characteristics of the exhibition space, and also environmental friendly.
事实上,从上午9点到下午5点,大楼有3/4的时间不使用灯光,从下午5点到晚上8点,有1/4的时间使用LED射灯,这在节电和环保方面是非常有效的。Through the fact that from 9am to 5pm, ¾of the time- the building does not use lights, from 5pm to 8pm, ¼ of the time- used LED Spotlight, which is highly effective in electricity saving and environmentally friendly.