发布时间:2018-04-10 09:36:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

管理合伙人约瑟夫·弗莱舍FAIA项目经理Joanne Sliker AIA,LEED AP项目建筑师Chris Andreacola高级技术总监James Sinks AIA设计合伙人Susan T.Rodriguez FAIA主楼结构工程师Cantor Seinuk集团主楼的MEP工程师

Management Partner Joseph Fleischer FAIA Project Manager Joanne Sliker AIA, LEED AP Project Architect Chris Andreacola Senior Technical Director James Sinks AIA Design Partner Susan T. Rodriguez FAIA Structural Engineer of Main Building The Cantor Seinuk Group MEP Engineer of Main Building Thomas Polise Consulting Engineer Lighting Design of Main Building Brandston Partnership Theater of Main Building Harvey + Marshall Associates Acoustics of Main Building Shen Milsom & Wilke Graphics of Main Building Poulin + Morris Landscape Architect of Main Building Judith Heintz Landscape Architecture Geotechnical of Main Building Langan Engineering & Environmental Services Construction Manager of Main Building F.J. Sciame Compa Audiovisual / telecommunications / data of Main Building Harvey + Marshall Associates Specifications of Main Building Construction Specifications, Inc. Elevator of Main Building Irons Elevator Design Services, Inc. Expediting of Main Building Design 2147 Parking of Main Building Philip Habib & Associates More Specs Less Specs

© Richard Barnes



© Richard Barnes


架构师提供的文本描述。Ennead与纽约Lycée Fran ais de New York合作超过15年,从2003年主楼的设计开始,将曾经被安置在六栋独立大楼中的学校统一为一个单一地点。从那时起,Ennead每年都与纽约的Lycée Fran ais de New York合作,以应对学校的课程演变。最近,Ennead扩大了学校,以适应他们转变的课程,同时在约克大道提供了一个新的有尊严的存在。

Text description provided by the architects. Ennead has worked with Lycée Français de New York for over 15 years, beginning with the design of the Main Building in 2003, which unified the school which was once housed in six separate buildings into a single location. Since then, Ennead has worked with Lycée Français de New York every year to respond to the school’s curricular evolution. Most recently, Ennead expanded the school to accommodate for their transformed curriculum while providing a new dignified presence on York Avenue.

© Richard Barnes


主楼(2003年)-纽约法兰西中学振兴了一所新的国际多文化学校的愿景,满足了独特的课程和学校1 000多名学生的需要。为了传达这所学校法国教学法的严谨性和秩序,这一设计灵感来源于该校在纽约市的独特历史、对六座最初的Beaux艺术建筑的记忆,以及纽约市浓密的笛卡尔景观的节奏、形式和材料。空间多样性、合理的规划原则和部门组织、重视比例、立面切分、表达结构和材料在一个动态的框架内是统一的。这所学校位于曼哈顿上东区第75街和第76街之间的一个贯穿街区,由两座由三层楼基础连接的建筑物组成-一层以上和两层以下。一个中央庭院作为莱西的͞Coeur͟,创造了一个机会来定义一个真正的法国文化中心和景观中心。南北两面城市,反映了法国和美国文化的内在二重性和建筑的太阳取向。北立面的特点是半透明的通道玻璃系统,利用自然和反射光。犁边是预制混凝土,让人联想到学校最初建筑的石灰石外墙。在内部,图书馆、自助餐厅、礼堂和体育馆等学校范围内共享的活动空间将学校统一在三个较低的层次上。在地面上,南部结构被指定为中学,而北部结构被指定为母校和小学。这两座建筑的屋顶都是用来娱乐和户外活动的。

Main Building (2003) The Lycee Francais de New York revitalizes a vision for a new international, multicultural school that fulfills the need of a unique curriculum and the school’s more than 1,000 students. Intended to convey the rigor and order of the school’s French pedagogy, the design is inspired by the school’s unique history in New York City, the memory of the six original Beaux Arts building that had defined its previous home, and the rhythms, forms and materials of New York City’s dense Cartesian landscape. Spatial variety, rational planning principles and sectional organization, attention to proportion, façade syncopation, expressed structure and materials are unified in a dynamic framework. Located on a through-block site between 75th and 76th streets on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, the school is made up of two buildings connected by a three-story base – one above and two below-grade. A central courtyard acts as the ͞Coeur͟ of the Lycee, creating the opportunity to define a true French cultural center and landscaped focal point. Two distinct faces to the city, north and south, reflects upon the inherent duality of French and American culture and the solar orientation of the building. The north façades are characterized by translucent channel glass systems, which capitalize on natural and reflected light. The sough sides are pre-cast concrete reminiscent of the limestone facades of the school’s original building. Internally, shared school-wide program spaces such as libraries, cafeteria, auditorium and gymnasiums unify the school at the three lower levels. Above ground, the southern structure is designated as the secondary school while the northern structure is the maternelle and primary school. The rooftops of both structures are used for recreation and outside gathering.

© Richard Barnes


© Richard Barnes


© Richard Barnes



York Wing (2016) The new wing at the Lycee Francais de New York, positioned prominently on York Avenue, creates a more public face to the school on the avenue and a new point of access into the main facility from the City. The addition is strategically connected to the main building providing important new spaces for teaching and learning. In addition to new classrooms, administrative offices and study areas, a double height media lab – a state-of-the-art broadcast studio – forms the intersection between the two buildings and equips the school for its role as a center for cultural exchange. The design supports a renewed focus on the importance of sustainability and community incorporating energy efficient systems, a rooftop wind turbine and the use of recycled channel glass providing daylight throughout with views back to the city from the top floor.

© Richard Barnes



© Richard Barnes


Architects Ennead Architects

Location New York, United States

Design Team Megan Beddoe, Alfonso Gorini ,Steven Caputo, Steven Chang AIA, LEED AP BD+C, Michael Chen, Lucy Ciletti, Andrew Comfort, Frank de Santis, Amanda Faye, Chris Hall, James Ke, Dean Kim, Janny Kim, Chris Koon, Molly McGowan AIA, Charmian Place, Michael Regan, Kevin Rice, Mary Rowe, Rainier Simoneaux, Oliver Sippl, Margaret Tyrpa AIA, Yvonne Yang, Robert Young AIA, John Zimmer

Area 176000.0 ft2

Project Year 2016

Photographs Richard Barnes

Category Refurbishment

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