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05 意外之喜:保护一个施工过程的瑕疵 A Beautiful Flaw

However, several surface scratches were detected after removing the formwork during the construction, especially the one on the wall adjacent to the men’s washroom and warehouse. This may result from the soaked formwork after several times of rainstorms. We surprisingly found the scratch resembles an abstract traditional Chinese landscape painting after observation. VIASCAPE design and the client reached an agreement to retain the scratches without any further treatment. This “white concrete landscape painting” is quite a beautiful surprise, which stems from a synergy between the design and client team regarding the similar spatial aesthetic value and respect to modern authentic craftsmanship.


▼当代空间构成与林间静谧感受,contemporary space composition and quiet feeling in the forest © CreatAR Images

▼兼作公园东侧主入口,also serves as the east main entrance of the park © CreatAR Images

▼自东向西看,view from east to west © CreatAR Images

The design and construction of Linyin Gallery is an important contemporary garden design practice for us. The design approach deviated from the traditional way of Chinese garden design, not only because a modern spatial construction method instead of pedestrian flow-oriented spatial construction is applied, but also considering purely modern materials and crafts are employed. White concrete, as a major material used for buildings, blends with the combinations of grey, shallow grey and beige façade from Tianlin community. It also embodies an exquisite elegance as a landscape structure. We prefer a rather simple design philosophy, in which complex curves are avoided. The design of Linyin Gallery follows a simple and clean appearance as well. For better budget control, we suggest applying timber formwork instead of steel formwork.


▼室内,interior © CreatAR Images

▼小景,a glimpse © CreatAR Images

▼透景,patio © CreatAR Images

▼丰富的空间层次,rich spatial layers © CreatAR Images

▼林间一景, a scenery in the forest © CreatAR Images

Client: Xuhui District Greening Administration Supervisor: Xuhui District Greening and City Appearance Administration Bureau Contractor: Shanghai Greening-Landscaping Construction Co., Ltd Structural Consultant: Hezuo Structural Engineering/ Zhun Zhang, Jun Pan Fair-faced concrete Consultant: Shanghai Urban Construction Materials Co., Ltd Lighting Consultant: OUI Light / Yuefeng Xu Mechanical Consultant: Shanghai Qianmu Architectural Design Co., Ltd Interior & VI Design: VIASCAPE design Fonts for VI: REEJI type LDI:Shanghai Landscape Industry Development Co., Ltd Photographers: CreatAR Images, Yijia Sun Article Author: Yijia Sun, Qinyi Gu

Project: Linyin Gallery (the Tourist Center of Shanghai Tianlin Park) Design firm: VIASCAPE design Lead Designer: Yijia Sun Design Team: Yijia Sun, Mi Zhou, Mary Ma, Wenshan Ji, Liang Zhang, Yangfan Yi, Yuwei Ji, Huimin Ji, Tianshu Chen Year of design: Nov. 2022 Year of completion: Nov. 2023 Architecture Construction Area:280 sqm Landscape Area:Apx. 2000 sqm Main Material:White Fair-faced concrete Location: in Tianlin Park, shanghai

业主单位:上海市徐汇区绿化管理中心 指导单位:上海市徐汇区绿化和市容管理局 施工单位:上海园林绿化建设有限公司 结构顾问:和作结构建筑研究所(张准、潘俊) 白色清水砼工艺顾问:隧道股份城建物资 照明顾问:OUI light 设备顾问:上海千牧建筑设计有限公司 室内设计、VI设计:VIA维亚景观 标识字体授权:锐字潮牌字库 施工图协作:上海景观实业发展有限公司 摄影师:CreatAR Images、孙轶家 撰文:孙轶家、顾沁祎

项目名称:林隐轩(上海田林公园游客服务中心) 设计单位:VIA维亚景观 主持设计师:孙轶家 设计团队:孙轶家、周密、马丽、吉文山、张亮、易洋帆、计雨薇、纪慧敏、陈天舒 设计时间:2022年11月 建成时间:2023年11月 建筑面积:280平方米 园林景观占地:约2000平方米 主体结构:白色清水砼 项目地址:上海市徐汇区田林公园(原田林中心绿地)内

Notes: [1] see Feng Jizhong’s “Artistic Conception and Space ” for details [2] see Chen Congzhou’s “on Chinese Gardens” for details [3] see Xie He’s “Six Principles of Chinese Painting ” for details [4] see Ji Cheng’s “Yuan Ye” for details [5] see Tong Jun’s “Record of Jiangnan Gardens” for details

注释: [1]见 [明]计成《园冶》 [2]见 冯纪忠《意境与空间》 [3]见 陈从周《说园》 [4]见 [南齐]谢赫《古画品录》 [5]见 [明]董其昌《画眼》 [6]见 [宋]黄休复《益州名画录》 [7]见 [清]李渔《闲情偶寄》 [8]见 童寯《江南园林志》

▼剖面图,sections © CreatAR Images

▼立面图,elevations © CreatAR Images

The gist of garden design is to “have tangible and intangible, big and small, highs and lows at the same dimension as spatial comparisons”5. The design and construction of Linyin Gallery follows the “spatial dual” method, in which talk between different parts of spaces in a multidimensional way is highlighted. The gallery itself is literally “hidden” given the enclosed Metasequoia forest. Part of the functional space at the east entry, on the other hand, is more “exposed” to encourage and guide user’s behavior. At the same time, the “woods” at a higher level and the gallery at a lower level establish another spatial comparison; “straightness and movement” presented on the way from Linyin Gallery to Tianlin Park, as well as the “zigzag and Stillness” shown in the functional area, are also stressed in the design layout. Meanwhile, the dialogue and bridging between the “tangible and intangible” of the building are presented with white concrete as the main structural material and perforated panels as the ornamental façade. Having undergone secondary spatial superimposed construction, the spatial relations of Linyin Gallery could be regarded as conceptually “strictness and flawlessness”, while the deliberately made “looseness” was generated from a more natural bio-swale made of groundcover combined with natural stone under the Metasequoia forest. All spatial design skills of juxtapositions mentioned here follow the site context. More importantly, the structural design method is exploited to manage a blended feeling of “broadness and deepness” for garden visiting experience.

▼空间对偶分析,space alignment analysis © CreatAR Images

▼借景分析,sight analysis © CreatAR Images

▼平面图,plans © CreatAR Images

▼区位图,site plan © CreatAR Images

▼具有山水画意的施工瑕疵,construction defects become a landscape painting © CreatAR Images

▼林与轩的融合与悠远,space hidden in the forest © CreatAR Images

▼疏影光绘的林隐轩,playful light and shade © CreatAR Images

▼ 从公园主园路望向林隐轩,viewing from main road © CreatAR Images

We initialize the design process with spatial construction from the bottom up. The first layer of space construction follows the methodology described as “Unit module is defined followed by unit combinations” 1, functional modules with a size of 4x4x4M are initially aligned on the layout to make diverse combinations. The functions required by the program are incorporated into the modules, which are furthermore rearranged based on various flows and user behavior requirements. This gives a base for the fundamental uses and user experience of Linyin Gallery.


02 骨法用笔:二次空间建构叠合的当代造园方法 Superimposed Construction for Contemporary Garden

▼丰富的园林游观体验,rich landscape tour experience © CreatAR Images


The existing towering Metasequoia tree establishes an overwhelmingly tranquil natural atmosphere, which responds to the principle in the traditional Chinese Garden theory for site observation. On top of this, much grand space is adopted in the design to amplify a sense of spatial transparency for a more natural experience in the fluid space. The continuous flow of space then seamlessly merges the east entry functions of the park into the general design of the tourist center. Hidden in the context of the Metasequoia forest, the exterior and interior spaces of the building alternatively emerge as the user passes through. So we named the tourist center “Linyin Gallery” which means a gallery hidden in the woods in Chinese.


▼鸟瞰近景,aerial view close-up © CreatAR Images

▼鸟瞰,aerial view © CreatAR Images

This project is located in the southeast corner of Tianlin Park. Although covers a rectangular area of 70M in length and 33M in width, the site is majorly occupied with 275 Metasequoia trees, leaving merely less than 500M2 of paved space for future functional use. The program requires multiple functions in a minimal space which has to encompass an Administration office, washrooms (including a nursing room and gender-inclusive washroom), a security control room, a warehouse, and an outdoor playground. To meet the needs of functional uses and to build a unique image for the east entrance of this fully open park, we break away from a conventional compact layout and shift the design to a new direction after several site visits. This plan focuses on articulating the relationship between spatial behavior and the existing Metasequoia forest by using a Chinese Garden way. In which more flexible spatial combinations and interactions are cross-linked. In this way, the relationship between spatial behavior (including functional and recreational behavior) and the Metasequoia forest is emphasized in the design scheme.


01 相地立轩:从公园服务设施到“林隐轩”造园实践 from Tourist Center to Contemporary Chinese Garden

▼全面借景水杉林,imagery from metasequoia forest © CreatAR Images


04 空间对偶:设计多维度的旷奥 Design for Spatial Dual

▼细部,detail © CreatAR Images

▼二次建构叠合,double layers of intervention © CreatAR Images

▼从林下空间看林隐轩,viewing from the space under the woods © CreatAR Images

旷如也,奥如也,如斯而已。 —— 唐·柳宗元

One of the key points of the Chinese garden design is “borrowing landscape from the site clues in order to construct a garden freely”4,Linyin Gallery is built on the philosophy of general spatial organization and a dialogue between the building and the surroundings. The design layout, which incorporates staggered modules and permeable edges, allows different ways of incorporating Metasequoia forest as a natural splendor. Shaped windows also create a talk between the exterior and interior from various perspectives. The selection of white concrete and shear wall structure setup a relation between the tangible and the intangible, then making the gallery a canvas to let the tree shadow draping on. The natural light drops diverse shapes of tree shadows as the clock ticks. All these approaches contribute to fulfilling the method of “landscape borrowing”, in which the spatial construction speaks to the natural environment.


03 借景三要:以自然环境、空间、材料触发的借景体验 The Methods of Landscape Borrowing

▼浅金色穿孔铝板,light gold perforated aluminum sheet © CreatAR Images

▼林下的林隐轩,under the wood © CreatAR Images

The second layer of space construction is more of a process of spatial cutting, as well as a process of integrating into nature. Spatial cutting allows a seamless connection between interior and exterior, as well as a more consistent circular design language and design structure of the park. More importantly, the second layer of space construction softens the strong visual impact generated from 1st layer. Having achieved the spatial construction that is “to conceal, to screen, to widen openings, to separate, to divide wherever suits ”2, the design tries to acquire a sensation that is “parts instead of the whole can be seen, pictures outside pictures, a foot seems like thousands li” 2. We tried a more contemporary design approach here to apply “drawing with structure”3 to avoid being “intuitively mimicking” 3. It is also a brand-new garden design practice to break through what the precedent designers regarded as impossible.


上海田林公园游客服务中心 / VIA维亚景观
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