England Littlehaven Public domain landscape beach
设计方:OOBE、Artists Broadbent事务所
OOBE和Artists Broadbent事务所被南泰恩赛德委员会和皇家哈斯科尼委任加强Littlehaven海滩方案中新建的海堤和人行道路等公共领域的设计。设计旨在展现现有海滩的特色景观。这里的地理位置特殊,是泰恩河与北海交汇的地方,它象征着对于海上故事和当地诗歌的述说。新建的海堤上将会呈现许多的艺术作品和新Littlehaven的品牌特色以及独特的入口设计,这些元素将把人群吸引到海滩。设计者还突出了泰恩河入河口的海滩以及每天进进出出的船只——入口处的舷窗以及座位形成了这些景观并起了关键作用。与海岸位置关系最为微妙的是受硅藻和沙丘启发设计的定制座椅。
译者: 蝈蝈
OOBE and artists Broadbent Studio were commissioned by South Tyneside Council and Royal Haskoning to enhance the design of the public realm aspects of a proposed new seawall and promenade at Littlehaven Beach. The vision is to celebrate the character of the existing setting of the beach which contrasts from open, wild and exposed to sheltered, calm and intimate. The site’s unique location where the River Tyne meets the North Sea is also explored as a metaphor for storytelling and the relevance of sea shanties and poetry from the local area. Artwork and the new Littlehaven branding will be blasted onto the new seawall and unique gateway features will be installed to draw people towards the beach. We also created opportunities to emphasize the beaches location at the mouth of the Tyne and the massive ships which sail in and out each day - port holes in the gateways and seating frame these views and play on scale. More subtle references to the coastal location are reflected in the shapes of the bespoke seats inspired by diatoms and dunes.