业主是一对 85 后夫妻、一对儿女以及一位住家阿姨。
A couple born after 1985, living together with their son and daughter, plus one live-in domestic helper.
The Owner’s Demands
1. A fine decoration out of complete renovation from the old house, only keep the previous mechanical&electrical equipment and the floor-heat leveling;
2. Create more space for family activities and separate spaces for individuals;
3. Increase and optimize the storage space;
4. To make the overall space elastic; to have space segments in which the grow-ups and the children do not disturb each other;
5. The owner is a nature lover who claims for an area for plants which is convenient for gardening.
6. Easy to clean and keep tidy.
空间概览,overall view of the space ©陈八顿
Seeking for harmonious and eternal design style, we try to create a vibrant space by introducing the nature elements into the interior to the greatest extent, in the meantime extend the interior to the outside. The home can be a place that blocks the noise out and also a space where you have a vague sense of boundary while using it.
▼编辑模糊的空间,space with vague boundaries©陈八顿
Due to the original structure problem, the balcony wall was too high which actually affected the view. So our first decision is to adjust the sight-view to an appropriate height by raising up the balcony ground level. And then the beautiful nature is invited into the living room as an eye-catcher, which inspires further ideas about the plants pond in the balcony and the atomizing fireplace in the living room. Without touching any load-bearing wall, we sought for circular traffic flow as much as possible to reduce improper turn-offs. We also simplified all the channels, and tried to create rhythms and a sense of progression throughout the facade designing.
▼改造前空间,space before renovation©凡恩设计
2、借用两边卧室的墙体,在不占用客厅宽度的基础上,为客厅创造了大量的书籍储物及展示架。4m 长的书柜移门,全金属框架面贴实木木皮,吊轨双向阻尼,即可实现空间切割也能作为柜门保护书柜内部;
1. After deciding the direction of the main couch, we removed the balcony sliding door, raised up the balcony ground level and created a symmetrical porch structure by combining the original structural columns in between the balcony and the living room.
2. By using the bedroom walls on the two sides, we created a fabulous bookshelf wall in the living room where you could store a great number of books and other beloved collections. The book shelf has a four-meter-wide sliding door with full metal framework, real wood surface and hanging rail two-way damping devices. We love the door design as it protects the books while realizing spatial division.
3. We broke up the closeness of the western-style kitchen by creating a circulation that you could reach fast. The internal bathroom in the bedroom is brought out as a public one.
4. Create a spacious room for piano playing; take down the partition wall under the stairs to form a lower arch, which introduces more light and offers storage function.
5. In the daughter’s room, we rebuild the bathroom wall to separate the dry and moist areas, allowing more spacious room and also realize a children reading corner around the stairs.
一层改造分析,renovation analysis of 1F space©凡恩设计
5、将工作阳台完全变为单纯的景观阳台,在最佳视角设置 L 型坐台,并设置可拉伸水枪,方便植物养护。
1. By changing the entrance of the master bedroom, we got a more comfortable traffic flow in the suite. The main bathroom is brought out separately, and we made the overlapping square into a complete bedroom space.
2. The secondary bedroom is canceled and instead of it we get a parent-child reading room and a housekeeping area.
3. The main bathroom is separated into 3 segments and we adjusted the tub direction for a more comfortable size and better bathing experience.
4. Combining the dressing table with the cloakroom, in the meantime we also created a independent working area for the host and a equipment storage room.
5. The working balcony is completely changed into a landscape terrace. A L-shaped sitting table is set in the best angle of view, and a stretchable water gun will facilitate the plant care-taking.
二层改造分析,renovation analysis of 2F space©凡恩设计
这个取名“静谧自然”的家,是一场与自然的生动相遇,让空间成为情感和成长的剧场,伴随自然与居住者共同生长。本案的软装方向是想要营造一种拥有度假感的城市生活,它亲切包容,恒久温存。我们使用了棉麻面料、哑光真皮、微水泥、实木、石材、有质感又兼顾温润触感的 cristaplant(复合材质)、岩板等,并试图在项目中融入各种质地和纹理、平滑与粗糙,它赋予空间一种丰富,并允许光线做不同的事情。让居住者可以在不同的时间,以不同的方式坐下来,享受一个兼顾细节和氛围亲和的空间。
We named the home “Nature Silence” to make it a vivid encounter with the nature, a theater recording quite growth of affections where the residents and nature get along and grow together in harmony. The whole soft-decoration concept is trying to convey “a urban life in vacation” which is modern, nature-friendly and timeless. A wide variety of textures are applied such as cotton-linen, matte feather, low-grade cement, real wood, stone, rock plate, and a composite material called cristaplant which allows rustic elegance combining with softness. These different textures and surfaces, rough or smooth, allow the light ray to perform freely in different times of the day when the residents can leisurely sit down and enjoy a relaxed and delicate moment.
客厅与餐厅,living room and dining space©陈八顿
客厅,living space©陈八顿
Particularly we planted a Japanese Maple in the terrace of the living room which breaks the boundary of interior and exterior and makes it possible to feel the seasonal change at home. Imagine the picture that all the family members sit around the living room, chatting or reading or playing around the quite maple and gradually become part of the nature. Time slows down its steps here and the home becomes the softest habitat in a gentle and firm way.
▼客厅阳台里种有一棵日本绿树,Japanese Maple planted in the terrace of the living room©陈八顿
客厅和阳台细部,details of the living room and the terrace©陈八顿
Each time when we talk about home decoration, we actually are talking about re-examining and integrating our life again. We need to take things into consideration like new family members, the growth of the children, changing living habits and also different aesthetic needs. We’d like to highlight some of the special changes in this case.
客户一开始希望家里有一个照片墙的地方,主要是想要呈现记录生活的状态,我们把这个诉求处理成了吧台转角处连接钢琴区域分一个柱子两侧,墙面上悬挂了两幅男主人拍摄的家庭纪实照片,可以定期更换照片,一处私属的 mini 家庭影展。
The host at first required for a picture wall in the living room for displaying special moments in life. We made an adaption of it as on the both sides of the pillar, which is standing between the corner connecting the bar counter and the piano area, we hang up two family life documentary photos pictured by the host. The pictures inside can be exchanged freely as you can regard it as a mini photo exhibition for family moments.
▼入口处的吧台,转角处为琴房和照片墙 bar table at the entrance, piano area and a photo wall at the corner©陈八顿
The hostess loves baking and making dough food, so a baking party with family members and friends living nearby is a usual activity in spare time. To meet this need, we removed the sink on the kitchen island to leave the baking activity a complete and whole countertop equipped with a built-in radiant cooker on the right side, which provides convenience for heating needs, or a casual chatting over hot tea with a couple of friends.
▼开放厨房与餐厅,open kitchen and dining space©陈八顿
超大操作台面,large operation surface©陈八顿
▼餐厅旁的展示空间,display area beside the dining space©陈八顿
The son is still in his infancy so he needs a live-in nanny. The nanny’s room is also going to be a drum practicing room in the future. The hostess is now under the learning process and she also wishes her son would like it later in future. All the six sides of the room are sound-proofed by using the Japanese soundproof cotton and felt. Hopefully, future exercises will be as less intrusive as possible to the neighbors.
弟弟的房间,room for the son©陈八顿
弟弟目前是 1 岁半,属于活泼好动的年龄段,我们尽可能的留足活动空间,除了定制衣柜和飘窗的书桌,其他家具均选用环保的实木成品家具,等到小学阶段,就可以把游戏架和儿童书桌椅搬离,将床移动到房间中间位置。在定制书桌处配上一张可升降的学习椅就能轻松完成成长后的空间转换,无需硬装施工,也不担心空气污染。
The son is now one and a half year old, at his quite active age. So in his room we try to leave spacious room for moving around. All the furniture inside are finished products made from real wood which is environmental-friendly. When he is going the primary, we could just move away the game shelf and the kids table set, and move the bed to the middle of the room. Then we could easily get more space for a custom-built desk with a liftable student chair to make a functional switch. No need of any hard-decoration work and no worries about air pollution issue.
▼木制玩具和细部,wooden toys and details©陈八顿
The kids’ rooms are designed on the first floor while the master bedroom is located on the second floor. The public space on the first floor and the parent-child study on the second floor are shared by the family, but the master bedroom and the master bathroom and the desks for the host and hostess are relatively separated. Outside of the master bedroom we designed a small but romantic balcony where the couple can temporarily get away from their roles of “Dad and Mom”, and just enjoy a special moment that only belongs to the two of them.
女儿房,room for the daughter©陈八顿
▼女儿房细部,details of the daughter’s room©陈八顿
亲子书房,parent-child study©陈八顿
▼主卧,master’s bedroom©陈八顿
▼主卧和主卫细部,details of the master’s bedroom and bathroom©陈八顿
通过玻璃滑门分隔的主卧和书房,master’s bedroom and study defined by glass sliding door©陈八顿
▼主卧外的露台,terrace outside the master’s bedroom©陈八顿