发布时间:2019-08-24 16:08:09 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}



The site is in Kariya city, Aichi Prefecture in Japan, and there are many apartments to the concentration of affiliated companies of major automobile manufacturers in the surrounding area. On the other hand, many green spaces and fields like farm left for development by the Green Land Law remain. The owner has lived in this area for many years and has long been a landowner who owns this site and many others.

▼建筑周围丰富的绿地和农田,many green spaces and fields like farm left for development by the Green Land Law remain in the surrounding area

▼建筑外观,exterior view


▼为避免对环境的影响,建筑被架高建在现有绿地之上,a construction method to maintain the continuity of the ecosystem and keep the impact on the environment small when building rental housing in a local city where production green areas remain

When we build a new apartment in a rural area, we think about parking space. Around this site, where household income and marriage rates are high, two parking lots are common to each home. In the surrounding apartment, first, a large asphalt parking space was planned along the front road, and a building was planned in the surplus area inevitably. By such a construction method, a big shadow fell in the adjacent green space and the field, and we felt that it was also negative to the ecosystem including the human being who was brought up there. In this project, we propose a construction method to maintain the continuity of the ecosystem and keep the impact on the environment small when building rental housing in a local city where production green areas remain.

▼架高的建筑产生底层停车空间,parking space on the ground floor

▼建筑被分解成架高的体块单元,the necessary rooms of the apartment were broken up into each room


▼轻质的支撑柱类似花园植物的杆茎,the pillars were made as thin as the planting stems of the exterior garden

▼不规则的形状将居民的生活与种植以及动植物生态系统频繁地联系起来,使建筑融入到周围的生态系统中,the uneven shape mixes the life of the resident with planting and animal ecosystems equally, and dissolves in surrounding ecosystems

▼使用相同材料建造建筑的屋顶和外墙,by building all the roofs and outer walls with the same material finish, this group of buildings is planned to form a forest with overlapping leaves

▼入口处,the entrance

Specifically, the necessary rooms of the apartment were first broken up into each room. And by rejoining them while floating in the air, we tried to open the ground surface and secure the terrestrial ecosystem from the adjacent production green area. Each room floated in the air cannot stand on its own, but it was structured so that each dwelling unit supported each other around the staircase room. As a result, the number of pillars falling to the ground was reduced as much as possible, and the pillars were made as thin as the planting stems of the exterior garden. We plan based on biological rationality to choose the most suitable pillar diameter depending on condition so that trunk becomes thick as the height of plant becomes taller. The whole is connecting the 4 units of the same plan while rotating or reversing to increase the economy and rationality. In addition, we made a layout plan based on sun conditions and the surrounding environment. By building all the roofs and outer walls with the same material finish, this group of buildings is planned to form a forest with overlapping leaves. The uneven shape mixes the life of the resident with planting and animal ecosystems equally, and dissolves in surrounding ecosystems. Operation to ecosystem including human beings leads to improvement of value as rental housing including solution to noise problem with neighboring door and securing of covered parking.

▼餐厅空间,living room


▼各房间围绕楼梯间相连, each dwelling unit supported each other around the staircase room

▼夜景,night view

▼平面图,floor plan


Location: Kariya Aichi, Japan

Main use: Apartment

Structure: Wooden (partly steel)

Site area: 453.97 m2

Building area: 103.33 m2

Total floor area: 174.43 m2

Design period: October 2016 – September 2018

Construction period: October 2018 – June 2019

Structure: Fujio and associates

Construction: Toyonaka Construction Co., Ltd.


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