造型之圆,营造三代同堂的圆满和乐The circular shapesymbolizes thejoy and blessing of three generations of family living together.
01 转角之圆|Circles of the Corner细细琢磨 如珍珠晶莹的转角彷佛家人之爱 绵延不绝静静领受 如和风拂面的静谧Like a glossy pearl, therefined curve of the circles resembles the endless love of the family that surroundsthe household quietly.
三代同堂之家,在动线中每一处转圜、每一个转角,都以圆融造型呈现,不只为了型式之美,而是对年幼、年长不同年龄层的家人,给予细腻的体贴。木质的曲度、大理石的圆弧,让慢工出细活的工匠技艺发挥到极致,同时让隔间、收纳、展示机能融合为一。In this home that serves 3 generations of family living together, every turn, every corner is characterized by circular shapes. Not only are they a symbol of beauty, butalso an indication of love and attention to detail forthe elders and youth inthe family. The curves seen in the wooden and marble pieces are evidence of the craftsmanship that combinesfunctionality, design, and display together.
02 流转之圆|Circles ofthe Turn极目所及锐角尽褪以圆涵盖一方空间天、地、壁皆如是流转曲线 无所不在Across everycorner of the roomareubiquitous circles that replace the sharp edges from the ceiling, to the walls and floor.
延续公共区的圆融造型,书房的设计,不论灯饰、地毯图腾选择,皆巧妙置入圆弧语汇。流转的线条,不拘泥于形式的灵动,让光影自然流泻入室,与空间设计呼应、吻合。Startingfrom the shared living spaces, the circular design extends into the study room.It seamlessly blends into the lighting and flooring patterns.Unbounded byformality, the sinuous lines draw natural lights to resonate with thisparticular spatial design.
03 隔间之圆|Circles ofthe Compartment方圆分寸尺度拿捏 如人相处开放穿透 得见真心若隐若现 不失自我将冷冽材质 赋予圆融造型如家人情感 坚定而温柔Choosing theright proportion of the circle is like grasping the correct stature ofinterpersonal relationship. One most open his heart to see the truth, and remaintrue to oneself. Rigid materials are shaped into circles to signify thecomforting yet solid love of the family.
主卧房以隔栅造型区隔寝居与起居区,圆融的造型,延续公共区设计语汇。铁件、大理石格栅,以45度角营造若隐若现的效果,既保留穿透感,同时达到空间界定的作用。The livingand sleeping spaces ofthe master bedroom are separate by a semi-visibledivider. Its circular shape shares the same underlying theme of the livingroom. The metal and marble dividersstand at a 45 degree angle toseparate the two areas while still remaining in sight.
04 品味之圆|Circles of Taste空间暖度 来自材质温度几何之圆 暖意暗自涌动大地色系柔和了线条静静传递品味之美The warmth of the environment is derived fromthe warmth of the material.Circularshapes bring about warmth, and earth-colorssoftens the lines to silentlyexpress the taste in living.
主卧房的圆融,从隔间的格栅起始,延续到床头灯饰造型及卧榻造型,进一步延伸至另一端起居区椭圆天花与茶几、沙发座椅造型。一致的设计语汇,从公共区贯穿至私领域。善用大地色系的柔和、布艺品的暖度,让现代风格的线性切割变得温暖宜人。The circlesin the master bedroom begins at the dividers, and extend to the night table andlightings. Furthermore,circles can be found in the ceiling, the tea table, andthe sofa. The uniform design continuesfrom the living room tothe privatequarters. Earth-colors softensthe atmosphere, where accessoriescharacterized by cloth surfaces transforms the linear modern style into a cozy home.