发布时间:2022-12-06 14:00:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

電建地產 武漢·瀧悅長安POWERCHINA WUHAN-LONGRAY CHNAN本案位於楚文化的重要發祥地——武漢,地塊位於漢陽區王家灣板塊,毗鄰漢陽區政府,交通網便捷宜居,區域發展有潛力。矩陣縱橫設計團隊將東方盛境與現代美學相融合,從中汲取靈感進行藝術再演繹,創造貼合未來潮奢生活的示範空間,並以景為界,搭建室內景觀場景,營造沉浸式體驗感,使人的心靈與情境結合,融匯貫通。This case is located in Wuhan, the important birthplace of Chu culture. The plot is located in the Wangjiawan section of Hanyang District, adjacent to the Hanyang District Government. The transportation network is convenient and livable, and the regional development has potential. The Matrix Design team integrates the oriental grand scene with modern aesthetics, draws inspiration from it, and re-interprets it in art to create a demonstration space that fits the future trendy luxury life. Make peoples mind and situation combine and integrate.

接待前廳結合寶格麗酒店前臺的氛圍模式打造,給予訪者賓至如歸的體驗。裝飾背景墻的設計融入電建地產品牌logo,強化品牌屬性與識別性,營銷的功能與審美的意趣在此融會貫通,演繹場景體驗新範本。The reception lobby is built with the atmosphere model of the front desk of Bulgari Hotel, giving visitors a home away from home experience. The design of the decorative background wall is integrated into the brand logo of Power Construction Real Estate, which strengthens the brand attributes and recognition. The function of marketing and aesthetic interest are integrated here, and a new model of scene experience is deduced.

以時間為軸線,通過時空的引力,聆聽生活的真諦,像是一場時間旅行,感受多個世界的平行存在。Taking time as the axis, through the gravity of time and space, listening to the true meaning of life, it is like a time travel, feeling the parallel existence of multiple worlds.

水吧區上方的藝術裝置靈感來源於太空漩渦,打造具有穿越感與未來感的夢幻世界,多彩光線透過工藝玻璃折射出來,宛若宇宙中的星空,璀璨又神秘,對自然宇宙的敬畏,啟發內在知覺,也是探索的第一步。The art installation above the water bar area is inspired by the vortex of space, creating a dream world with a sense of travel and the future. The colorful light is refracted through the craft glass, just like the starry sky in the universe, bright and mysterious, the awe of the natural universe, inspires the inner Perception is also the first step in exploration.

設計手法融入流線性,使區域呈現豐富的畫面感與故事性,從色彩搭配、材質碰撞到燈光的營造,都展現了精致奢華、高格調的生活理念,以設計引領著未來潮奢生活方式。The design method is integrated into the streamline, so that the area presents a rich sense of picture and story. From the color matching, the collision of materials to the construction of lighting, it all shows the concept of exquisite luxury and high-style life, leading the future trendy luxury lifestyle with design .

低調舒緩的白金色調糅合天然石材與金屬帶來的鋒利,使這方空間煥發出精妙的層次感,局部造光的手法營造沉靜柔和的光影世界,將訪者的視線引導至此,不自覺的慢下來在此放空停留。The low-key and soothing white gold tone is combined with the sharpness brought by natural stone and metal, so that this space has a subtle sense of layering. Come down and stop here.

洽談空間,享有高度的私密性,顯得格外的別致與精巧,讓思想就此打開,留下深刻的記憶點,在回憶裏隨手一翻,就能看到。The negotiation space enjoys a high degree of privacy, which is extraordinarily unique and sophisticated, which opens up the mind and leaves a deep memory point, which can be seen by flipping through the memory.

選用現代簡約的美學家具風,提取建築流線,融入剛柔並濟的東方理念,同時在金屬與軟包上加入精致的細節勾勒,通過跳躍的橘色打造靈動室內空間,形成詩意的畫卷,別有一番風味,這是時代的選擇,也是時間的造物。The modern and simple aesthetic furniture style is selected, the architectural flow line is extracted, and the oriental concept of combining rigidity and softness is integrated. At the same time, exquisite details are added to the metal and soft bags to create a flexible interior space through the jumping orange, forming a poetic picture scroll. This is the choice of the times and the creation of time.

二層為會所空間,置放酒吧區、私宴廳,雪茄吧及售樓處的附帶功能——VIP室內及交款區,二層整體以黑金色調作為空間基底,通過燈光及藝術玻璃的形式打造出尊貴奢華的酒店級品質。The second floor is the club space, which houses the bar area, private banquet hall, cigar bar and the auxiliary functions of the sales office - VIP indoor and payment area. To create a distinguished and luxurious hotel-level quality.

可以實現商務、聚會等多功能的開放式酒吧,以威士忌為主題渲染靜謐高雅的空間氛圍,柔美夢幻的燈光、舒適柔軟的家私、高端頂級的服務體系,觥籌交錯的場景,為奢華新貴一族打造一座商務休閑的娛樂聖殿。An open bar that can realize business, party and other functions, with whisky as the theme to render a quiet and elegant space atmosphere, soft and dreamy lighting, comfortable and soft furniture, high-end and top-level service system, and staggered scenes, created for the luxury upstart family A sanctuary of entertainment for business and leisure.

私宴廳以圓形寓意團圓和睦之意,加入流線細節與金屬材質編織圓滿熱鬧的意向,硼矽玻璃吊燈以光的雙向區分流,營造非凡的視覺元素與美好的氛圍。The circular shape of the private banquet hall means reunion and harmony, adding streamline details and metal materials to weave a happy and lively intention. The borosilicate glass chandelier uses a two-way division of light to create an extraordinary visual element and a beautiful atmosphere.

藝術過廳引入暖流光線,石材與金屬在暖光的投射下展示柔和的貴族氣息,精致的水晶吊燈裝置高懸半空,搖曳下,呈現出时髦科技的神秘氛圍。The art hall introduces warm light, stone and metal show a soft aristocratic atmosphere under the projection of warm light, and the exquisite crystal chandelier hangs high in the air, swaying, showing a mysterious atmosphere of fashionable technology.

雪茄吧,有序的家具排布營造閑適且親密有間的氛圍,展示品質生活的理想狀態,舒緩燈光與雅致造景無聲貫穿其中,將高雅生活的風範推向極致。In the cigar bar, the orderly arrangement of furniture creates a relaxed and intimate atmosphere, showing the ideal state of quality life, with soothing lighting and elegant landscaping running through it silently, pushing the style of elegant life to the extreme.

衛生間也運用了獨特的燈光設計,充滿陣列感的線條與方塊,隨著燈光逐漸向內推進,形成極具藝術感的光之陣列。The bathroom also uses a unique lighting design, full of lines and squares with a sense of array. As the light gradually advances inward, an array of very artistic light is formed.

三層為書吧,健身以及空中露臺無邊界泳池為一體的功能空間,整體風格延續二層色調及材質,實現了二三層空間的整體連貫。The third floor is a functional space integrating the book bar, fitness and sky terrace infinity swimming pool. The overall style continues the tone and material of the second floor, realizing the overall coherence of the second and third floors.

開闊通透的空間場地,簡約雅致的品質家具,營造出靜謐和諧的沉浸式閱讀氛圍。不同的家具組合及陳列方式,引導訪者探索出空間的百變情境,形式與品質結合打造低調高級,舒緩燈光締造舒適靜謐格調,視線之內,影影綽綽,一呼一吸,皆是清雅沈穩,置身其中,剎那忘卻都市喧囂。The open and transparent space and the simple and elegant quality furniture create a quiet and harmonious immersive reading atmosphere. Different furniture combinations and display methods guide visitors to explore the ever-changing situations of the space. The combination of form and quality creates a low-key and high-end style, and the soothing lighting creates a comfortable and quiet style. When you are in it, you will forget the hustle and bustle of the city in an instant.

咖啡書吧結合氛圍音樂燈光來烘托整體空間的氣質,樹下閱讀區結合空間梁位的劣勢,通過做假天井的形式來弱化梁位的問題,打造並置身於模擬自然光下的樹下閱讀區。The coffee book bar combines the atmosphere, music and lighting to enhance the temperament of the overall space. The reading area under the tree combines the disadvantage of the beam position in the space. The problem of beam position is weakened by the form of a fake patio, and the reading area under the tree under the simulated natural light is created and placed.

獨享私人健身房,感受運動融入生活的自律健康,將生活調至燃脂頻道,拯救宅家小計劃。Exclusive private gym, feel the self-discipline and health of the integration of sports into life, adjust your life to the fat-burning channel, and save the small home plan.


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