America Charles Eliot monument
设计方:Arthur Shurcliff
设计团队:Halvorson Design
该项目位于波士顿市查尔斯河附近的游憩场的中心位置,这个纪念伟人Charles Eliot的纪念碑始建于1931年。该纪念碑的设计也被当地视为是最伟大的一个设计,Charles Eliot的政治远见和谋略受到了人们的钦佩,这里波士顿公园也是世界上第一个体系健全的城市公园。这座历史景观是由Arthur Shurcliff完成的,在经历了80年的风雨后,它往日的光辉似乎已经被覆盖。麻州文物保护机构委任了Halvorson Design团队对该纪念碑进行修复,希望它能够以一个崭新的姿态重新呈现在人们面前。
Located in the heart of Boston’s Charles River Esplanade, this historic monument and its associated landscape were created in 1931. The site honors the great landscape architect, Charles Eliot, whose vision and political skill built, in and around Boston, the first metropolitan public park system in the world.This historic landscape, designed by Arthur Shurcliff, had greatly deteriorated in its 80-year existence. The Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation commissioned Halvorson Design Partnership to design a restoration of this landscape.
美国Charles Eliot纪念碑外部实景图
美国Charles Eliot纪念碑平面图
美国Charles Eliot纪念碑草图