Untitled, 2017, by Pae White. Photography: Shaughn and John
维多利亚·亚马逊(Victoria Amazonica),2017年,由Estudio Campana、Yarrenyty Arltere艺术家和Elliat Rich合著。摄影:约翰·戈林斯
庆祝社区与土地和谐的维多利亚亚马孙,一个巨大的圆顶特色复杂的刺绣故事,大自然的复兴通过雨和河流。巴西设计师Fernando和Humberto Campana与澳大利亚土著社区艺术企业Yarrenyty Arltere艺术家合作,展示了和谐跨文化关系的潜力。
Santa Cruz River, 2017, by Alexandra Kehayoglou. Photography: Ben Swinnerton
Detail of Santa Cruz River, 2017, by Alexandra Kehayoglou. Photography: Ben Swinnerton
Garden Wall, 2017, by Retallack Thompson and Other Architects. Commissioned by the National Gallery of Victoria Melbourne with the support of RMIT University, Golden Age Group and Hugh DT Williamson Foundation. Photography: John Gollings
Garden Wall, 2017, by Retallack Thompson and Other Architects. Commissioned by the National Gallery of Victoria Melbourne with the support of RMIT University, Golden Age Group and Hugh DT Williamson Foundation. Photography: John Gollings
Spearmint to Peppermint, 2013, by Pae White. Courtesy of the artist and 1301PE, Los Angeles
Epistrophy, 2016-17, by Timo Nasseri. Photography: Tom Ross
Manga chairs, 2015, by Nendo. Photography: John Gollings
Incoming, 2015-2016, by Richard Mosse. Photography: Sean Fennessy
Soundsuit, 2015, by Nick Cave. Photography: Sean Fennessy
Soundsuit, 2015, by Nick Cave. Photography: Shaughn and John
Don’t Worry, 2015, by Olaf Breuning. Courtesy of the artist and Metro Pictures, New York
Untitled, 2017, by Pae White. Photography: Shaughn and John
Las Meninas (2Xist), 2013, by Josephine Meckseper. Courtesy of the artist
Noss Noss, 2014, by Hassan Hajjaj. Photography: Tom Ross
‘Gyro’ table, 2016, by Brodie Neill. © Brodie Neill Ltd. Photography: Angela Moore
Dress, 2011, by Iris van Herpen. Photography: Eugene Hyland
Installation view of Joris Laarman’s work on display at NGV International. Photography: Sean Fennessy
Moving Creates Vortices and Vortices Create Movement, 2017, by teamLab. © The artists. Courtesy of Ikkan Art Gallery, Martin Browne Contemporary and Pace Gallery
Detail of Sump System, 2015-16, by Richard Giblett. Courtesy of the artist and Murray White Room, Melbourne
Detail of Coloured stones (Pavés colorés), 2015, by Pascale Marthine Tayou. Courtesy of the artist and Galleria Continua, Les Moulins/San Gimignano/Beijing
Draped marble (Fior di Pesco Carnico, Fior di Pesco Apuano, Crema Dorlion, Onyx), 2015, by Analia Saban. Courtesy of the artist and Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, New York
PET Lamp Ramingining: Bukmukgu Guyananhawuy (Every family thinking forward), 2016, by Alvaro Catalán de Ocón and Bula’Bula Artists. Photography: Tom Ross
Ore Streams, 2017, by Studio Formafantasma. Photography: Tom Ross
Ore Streams, 2017, by Studio Formafantasma. Photography: Tom Ross
Bartlebooth Monument, 2011-15, by Jorge Mendez Blake. Photography: Sean Fennessy
Mass, 2017, by Ron Mueck. Photography: Sean Fennessy
Hands On: We Make Carpets for Kids, 2017, by We Make Carpets. Photography: John Gollings
Hands On: We Make Carpets for Kids, 2017, by We Make Carpets. Photography: Sean Fennessy
keywords:Sculpture, Formafantasma, Nendo, Textiles, Iris van Herpen, Installations, Painting, Global Fair Guide 2017, Global Fair Guide 2018
关键词:雕塑、雕塑、纺织品、Iris van Herpen、设施、绘画、全球博览会指南2017、全球博览会指南2018