Superimpose Architecture lately has won a competition in Hangzhou. This project is part of the "cross-axis" walking system in the core area of Hangzhou City East New Town, needs to build four pedestrian bridges connecting the newly-built Hangzhou East Railway Station to surrounding mixed-use developments.
Superimpose has interpreted the project with a holistic design approach with one powerful concept covering the entire masterplan area in the beautiful city of Hangzhou.
Superimpose team have analysed the site, but also landmarks, the climate, and the community in Hangzhou and arrived to the conclusion that people’s behaviour, the appearance of nature in and around the city, the use of landmark buildings and parks are strongly dictated by the four very distinct seasons in Hangzhou.
This conclusion resulted in one holistic conceptual approach for the entire masterplan called: ‘The Season Bridges of Hangzhou’. All the seasons are strongly connected to each other and flow from one to each other by relating in form, structural principle and circulation type, without losing their own individual identity.
Every bridge group refers to its own season by spatial arrangement, circulation strategy, colours, vegetation typology, materials, and shape. Instead of emphasizing the structure or expensive materials, the balustrades are made the key in the spatial experience of each bridge, making the bridges very outspoken for a relatively cheap budget.
All the bridges are focused on getting people to the over side efficiently whilst simultaneously providing places where the community can stay, communicate, contemplate, enjoy nature and relax.
Spring concept: Growing Plants
The form of the spring bridge is inspired by the growth principles of plants and trees. As plants and trees grow, they form new branches from root branches. The bridge splits into multiple parts from the main root, which form either stairs or touristic circulation path, bringing people closer to the canal. Also, it clearly dissects a fast-track circulation route, which is the widest path, from the smaller touristic route. The paths are adjacent and going through high trees, which are planted in the landscape at the riverbank.
The shape of the spring bridge also finds inspiration from the current landscape design of the canal or river banks, and the design of the Hangzhou East Railway Station, which both have a similar form language.
Summer concept: Heat Waves and Sea Waves
The form of the summer bridge is inspired by waves such as heat waves and sea waves. The movement of the balustrade reflects these waves going up and down. The pedestrian is placed in the middle of these waves with changed perspectives because of the undulating height of the balustrade. At some parts the pedestrian can look over the balustrade of the bridge, and at some parts the view towards outside is blocked which changes the focus of the pedestrian towards the large trees which are placed right on top of the structural columns.
In plan, the bridge splits into two parts, either in the middle or at both ends of the bridge. This is where the tree and seating benches are placed.
Autumn concept: Layers of leaves
Overlaying leaves and the change of colours during the season inspire the form of the autumn bridge. The bridge shifts in the direction of the road to create a patchwork of bridge segments. The balustrades are louvered in order to let light through and to create an elevation with a layering of balustrades and green. The heights of the balustrades are changing, diverting views from left to right.
The bridge segments are either for circulation, sky gardens, gathering and even an ‘urban auditorium’. The ‘auditorium’ can be use by street musicians or just to overlook the road towards the surrounding mountains. Benches and potted plants are place over the floor surface of the bridge.
Winter concept: Meandering paths through the snow
Meandering paths through a snow-covered forest inspire the form of the winter bridge. Circular pods with green intersect with a straight-edged box, altering the usual straight pedestrian circulation into a fun and meandering path.
Pedestrian are invited to seek for leisure in any of the pocket spaces, created by the intersecting green circles. Concrete benches configured either to overlook the balustrade or to invite the community to interact. The green circles will have vegetation, matching the typical winter season and will be visible as green sky gardens from the road.
In this competition, Superimpose’s designs stand out with purity, clarity and very strong concept. In the end, Spring bridge, Summer bridge, Winter bridge all won the 1st place in the same group competition, Autumnbridge got the 2nd place. These bridges will be constructed over the course of the year.
叠术建筑 | Superimpose
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010 - 65061988