发布时间:2023-08-10 04:36:09 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


The Chicago Park District Headquarters is an 80,000 sf building comprised of headquarters office space for the Chicago Park District staff and an 18000 sf field house with gymnasium, fitness and club rooms located in a new 17-acre park reclaimed from a former brownfield site in the Brighton Park neighborhood on the southwest side of Chicago.

▼建筑外观,Overall view ©️ James florio

▼位于公园中的建筑,Building in the park ©️ James florio


▼一条公园道路贯穿其中,A park pathway extending through the building ©️ James florio

▼玻璃和氧化铝材质的立面,Glass and aluminum facade ©️ James florio

总部大楼分类两层,其平面呈标志的圆形形状,这种平面布置适用于重要的市政机构。一条公园道路贯穿其中,将运动场和总部办公区划分开来。(设计团队还总体规划了这座17英亩的公园)。公园的道路设计参考了Frederick Law Olmsted的芝加哥公园和林荫大道系统,将大型公园通过景观大道连接起来。公园道路与建筑物相交处被加宽,形成两个露天的庭院,这样能够便于光线和空气进入建筑内部,并为总部大楼、运动场的工作人员和附近的居民提供户外会议、娱乐和放松的空间。

The headquarters building is two stories and circular in plan an iconic shape befitting an important civic institution, with a park pathway extending through it to delineate the field house from the headquarters. (The architect also master planned the 17-acre park). The park pathway is informed by Frederick Law Olmsted’s park and boulevard system for Chicago, in which large parks are connected via landscaped boulevards. As the park pathway intersects the building, it widens to create two open-air courtyards which bring light and air into the center of the building and create outdoor meeting recreation and relaxation space for headquarters and field house staff and neighborhood residents.

▼露天的庭院,The open-air courtyard ©️ James florio

▼从不同角度看向庭院,Looking at the garden from different angles ©️ James florio


Headquarters office space(for 205 Park District staff members)is organized in alternating bands of enclosed rooms (offices meeting rooms) and open office areas to support collaboration and provide for future flexibility. The second-floor office space extends over the field house allowing views into the gym below. The staff break room is situated at the heart of the second floor and borders a courtyard on one side with the gymnasium on the other allowing CPD staff to watch a basketball game while they eat their lunch, for example.CPD staff have direct access to field house without going outside through a connecting stair and elevator. A covered outdoor terrace on the second level with views of the adjacent park and playing fields, has direct access from the field house below can be reserved for parties and events, or used as a relaxation or meeting space by CPD staff.

▼入口接待处,Reception ©️ James florio

▼能够看向公园的办公空间,Office space overlooking the park ©️ James florio

▼连廊处的办公空间,Office space in the corridor ©️ James florio

▼会议室,Meeting room ©️ James florio

▼其它办公空间,Other office space ©️ James florio

▼公共休闲空间,Public leisure space ©️ James florio

▼运动场馆,The field house ©️ James florio

▼健身房,Gym ©️ James florio


The building’s material palette includes reclaimed Chicago common brick salvaged from two demolished buildings in the area to root the design in the local building culture and foreground the theme of reclaiming the site for the community. The building perimeter is glazed in a bronze-tinted glass in a unitized glazing system and curved expanded metal screens in champagne-anodized aluminum provide sun shading to improve energy efficiency and give the building a distinctive appearance. The building has a cost-effective structural system of metal bar joists spanning in between masonry bearing walls running in parallel, and a green roof system mitigates the urban heat island effect. Inside ash wood reclaimed from local trees stricken by the emerald ash borer is used in furniture wall cladding and gym flooring.

▼夜览,Night view ©️ James florio

▼场地平面图,site plan ©️ John Ronan Architects

▼首层平面图,ground level plan ©️ John Ronan Architects

▼二层平面图,upper level plan ©️ John Ronan Architects

▼屋顶平面图,roof plan ©️ John Ronan Architects

▼剖面图A,section A ©️ John Ronan Architects

▼剖面图B,section B ©️ John Ronan Architects


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