发布时间:2019-11-01 07:08:26 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


After 30 years of fast urban growth, Shenzhen has achieved the size of a world-class metropolis. At this point, the city is searching for new models for urban and architectural innovation to replace the traditional model of large-scale indoor shopping malls and focus on flexible development. The new Kang Qiao Jia Cheng development will provide an urban regeneration paradigm that is welcoming at street level as well as an imposing icon that fits Shenzhen’s skyline.

▼综合体鸟瞰图,bird-eye’s view of the complex


Inspired by the small-scale urban tissue of historical Chinese towns, the complex uses a permeable urban fabric to allow pedestrian connections within the site and to all neighbouring areas. Located on a sloping plot bordering the highway, the scheme consists of two facing towers, connected by a network of plazas and green terraces.

▼综合体俯瞰图,康佳集团综合体由两座通过广场和绿色露台连接起来的面对面的塔楼组成,overlooking the complex, the scheme consists of two facing towers, connected by a network of plazas and green terraces


Two stepped platforms solve the height difference between the northwest and the southeast corner. Easily visible from the highway and soaring 280 m into the sky, the tallest tower occupies the south-western corner of the site. The building hosts the Konka Group Headquarters, an electronics manufacturing company with an international reach.

▼综合体局部鸟瞰,两个台阶式的平台解决了场地西北角和东南角之间的高差,partial bird-eye’s view of the complex, two stepped platforms solve the height difference between the northwest and the southeast corner

商务公寓大楼位于基地的东北角上,享有深圳湾和城市北部山脉的全景视野。沿着恩平东路,建筑体量的高度逐渐变低以更好地融入周边的环境。此外,建筑师还将人行的流线路网向北延伸,将综合体与深圳创意产业的聚集地——华侨城(Overseas Chinese Town,缩写为OCT)联系在了一起。

On the opposite corner, the business apartment tower provides panoramic views of Shenzhen Bay and the mountains towards north. Lower heights along Enping Street (east) achieve a smooth transition to the smaller scale of the surrounding buildings. By extending the pedestrian circulation network towards north, the complex will connect to the OCT (Overseas Chinese Town), a new upscale neighbourhood, home to many creative industries.

▼商务公寓大楼外观,阳台从下至上营造出一种富有节奏感的立面效果,exterior view of the business apartment tower, the balconies create a rhythm



The spatial strategy for the urban design relies on a system that should work at different scales and maintain the building’s identity when seen from afar or up close. A 9×9 m grid system facilitates a smooth transition between the office tower and the smaller scale of the apartments, creating a rich and diverse urban space.

Pedestrian streets and passages cross the complex at different levels and connect the inner functions to the wider urban context. Porous and welcoming at street level, the building has a lively plinth that accommodates workshops, bookstores, retail and restaurants. Gradual setbacks shelter the entrance zones and open the building to a public passage that leads to the inner plazas. Three sunken squares connect to the B1 level, where a passage with retail areas will lead to the subway.

▼综合体底商,采用穿孔铜板作为外表皮,the low retail buildings are mostly covered with perforated copper panels

▼综合体底商广场,街道平面容纳了一系列工作坊、书店、零售商店和餐厅等,营造出一派生机勃勃的景象,the low retail buildings, porous and welcoming at street level, the building has a lively plinth that accommodates workshops, bookstores, retail and restaurants


While the low retail buildings are mostly covered with perforated copper panels, the towers are transparent, reflecting Konka Group’s culture of openness. On top of high-performance glass, a copper mesh accentuates the office tower’s bevelled modules. Using the same inclination, balconies with slanted sides surround all the levels of the business apartments tower. Throughout the development, the pattern and position of the panels reduce solar radiation and optimise daylight exposure.

▼商业体量外观局部,某些位置上的玻璃立面外侧被覆以铜制的金属网,强调出一种倾斜的角度,partial exterior view of the office tower, on top of high-performance glass, a copper mesh accentuates the office tower’s bevelled modules

▼综合体夜景,night view of the complex

▼东立面图,east elevation

▼北立面图,north elevation

▼南立面图,south elevation

▼西立面图,west elevation

Programme: Development of a 37,250 m2 site and 327,000m2 mixed-use complex including 160,000 m2 offices with innovation/incubation spaces, 57,000 m2 R&D (research and development) offices, commercial and business apartments Design: 2018, competition Client: Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Hong Jiachen Real Estate Investment Co., Ltd.


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