发布时间:2019-06-15 04:29:22 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


"An integral pastoral complex is an ideal in itself, the form in which agriculture and cultural tourism can be better integrated." – Zou Yingxi

▼田园综合体及周边环境鸟瞰,aerial view of the project and its surroundings


晨雾中的田园综合体,integral pastoral complex in morning mist

无锡田园东方二期(以下简称二期),位于“中国水蜜桃之乡”无锡阳山镇,与已建成的无锡田园东方示范区(以下简称一期)相隔约两公里,水系相连,建设面积约 440 公顷。作为项目地域性扩展的功能区,二期建设是对整个项目的一个完善过程。在放大业态和内容的同时,尽可能让两个区域联动起来,消化更多的人群、社会资本,推动消费,带动区域发展。

Wuxi Pastoral Oriental’s Phase II (hereafter referred as Phase II) is located in Yangshan, Wuxi –a town famous for growing delicious peaches–, about 2km from the already completed Wuxi Pastoral Oriental Demonstration Area (hereafter referred as Phase I). The construction area occupies around 440 hectares and thewater systems from both phasesare interconnected. As a functional area for the project’s regional expansion, the construction of Phase II is a process that perfectly fits into the nature of the whole project. While incrementing business possibilities and cultural content, the design strives to connect both regions as much as possible, digest more people, foster social capital, promote consumption, and drive regional development.

▼项目位置关系图,project location


On the one hand, Phase I is a comprehensive demonstration on rural development. At its core, it delivers family holidays on the countryside that combine food, accommodation, amusement parks, markets, workshops, countryside education, spas, etc., in a single, complete resort.

On the other hand, the construction of Phase II emphasizes the infrastructure of Yangshan town, contributing to commercial development. Phase II sits on the original location of Hongqiao Village. It follows modern trends on cultural tourism and commercial space organization to construct two countryside parks and a thematic commercial street that provide a fusion between entertainment and casual consumption in the form of a new pastoral town for cultural tourism.

二期的建设更关注对阳山镇的基础建设配合,与商业发展协同,the construction of Phase II emphasizes the infrastructure of Yangshan town, contributing to commercial development.


Wuxi Pastoral Oriental Phase II embraces “emotional carving” as its central design idea. Through scene creation, the design concept builds up a sense of association and “emotional” relationship between building groups. The small bridge at the entrance of the village, the village square at the meeting point among other similar elements provide a rich atmosphere imbued with emotions proper from the countryside. To the east and the west, landscape and commercial elements can be appreciated, while the central line and the west side remain closer to the parks. There are also associated paths that lead to the farmlands on the east side, an expressive resource that produces rich emotional responses.

At the same time, the design of Phase II pays more attention to attract “people”. After years of research on strategic and policy oriented design for rural projects, as well as on-site experience, Zou Yingxi –main architect of the project–, believes that the core of a village’s identity is “people”. There are only two kinds of people in China, those that live in cities and those who live in the countryside. However, a third kind is emerging today, a new countryman prepared with knowledge. Furthermore, resources and capital flow toward the countryside, providing important support to pastoral complexes. Altogether, these elements constitute the core behind rural revitalization. Therefore, the planning and construction of the village must focus on service and people, benefit locals and provide a sense of general wellbeing and satisfaction. In this way, more and more new countrymen will come to stay and contribute to the creation of a better future.

▼小镇商街动线分析图,commercial street flow analysis

规划设计需要从空间和功能上帮助乡村打破壁垒,让城乡的人形成互动。在二期的设计当中,袈蓝提出“去传统地产化”目标,强化产业与运营。这个主张不等同于拒绝地产项目,相反,要让地产成为城乡融合的手段,与田园文化、文旅以及农业建构良好关系。以完善的配套设施吸引热爱乡村场景及乡村建设的新农人可以在乡村置业安家。通过为他们提供相应的物业空间、就业机会、子女获得优质的教育机会及其它配套服务,解决回归田园生活需要面对的生活障碍,帮助人才“走进来、住下来、干起来、有未来”,从而实现一个“农创++ 乡创++ 创业++ 乐业”的众创田园画面。最终达到田园项目在田园中的和谐、健康生长。

农创++ 乡创++ 创业++ 乐业”的众创田园画面,the project achieves a countryside defined by common ground elements such as“innovative agriculture, innovative towns, entrepreneurship, and the entertainment industry”.


The construction of the town’s center at Wuxi Pastoral Oriental Phase II has been completed. The core consists of a commercial street and two themed countryside parks. The project is an extension that complements the experience obtained from Phase I. Even more, from the perspective of the commercial development of Yangshan Town, the project makes products more readily available to the future residents of the area.

田园东方二期的小镇中心由一条核心商街和两个主题田野乐园构成,the construction of the town’s center at Wuxi Pastoral Oriental Phase IIconsists of a commercial street and two themed countryside parks

其中,与全球知名游戏 IP 合作的全球首个“植物大战僵尸农场”乐园,和国内自主原创乐园 IP“疯狂拖拉机农场”成为田园场景下的娱乐新物种。“IP+非动力”,使现代商业娱乐与自然乡村生活完美融合,既提供了流行与刺激的元素,同时也为寓教于乐的自然教育需求提供了场景。从亲子娱乐到亲子学习,IP 主题田野乐园作为田园度假目的地的呈现形式之一,在无锡田园东方二期得到实践,并反馈出良好效果。这种新的业态模式,也将融入袈蓝建筑未来更多的乡村规划设计当中。

It is worth to mention that the world’s first “Plants vs. Zombies”themed countryside park as well as the Chinese “Crazy Tractor Farm” themed countryside park will provide new sources of entertainment in the project. Renowned brands plus non-powered parks form the perfect integration between modern commercial entertainment and natural countryside life, as they provide elements of popularity and excitement, along with a cheerful platform useful for natural education.From the perspective of entertainment and education for families, themed parks are the perfect holiday destination. The excellent results obtained on Wuxi Pastoral Oriental Phase II show that this new business format is more than viable and, without a doubt, will be integrated into more design planning projects by SYN Architects in the future.

▼国内自主原创乐园 IP“疯狂拖拉机农场”,Chinese“Crazy Tractor Farm”themed countryside park

▼全球首个“植物大战僵尸农场”乐园,the world’s first“Plants vs. Zombies”themed countryside park


"Peach Street" is a cluster of new buildings based on the original site that constitute the core between both themed parks. The overall vision of the structures presents white walls and bluish green tiles. Bamboo and wood finishes further create the atmosphere of a traditional village that blends in with the surrounding forests and mountains. At the same time, modern materials such as glass, steel, etc., are used partially to define an architectural language with contemporary elements, thus achieving harmonious performance with innovation and continuity, never blunt, never abrupt.

连接了两个乐园的核心商街“蜜桃街”是一条在原址基础上以新建筑构成的建筑集群,“Peach Street”is a cluster of new buildings based on the original site that constitute the core between both themed parks


The Peach Story Hall at the south entrance of the town is a representative building. The front presents the shape of a peach and is the only building with a modern appearance in the area. It represents the local peach industry and features its production and highlights, deeply integrating it with innovative cultural tourism to portray a dynamic atmosphere of industrial innovation.

▼小镇南部入口处的蜜桃故事馆,是整个街区的代表性建筑,the Peach Story Hall at the south entrance of the town is a representative building


Although the Peach Story Hall is a modern building, its materials are in harmony with the surrounding environment.

The façade is oriented toward the commercial street and uses exquisite wood materials for decoration that integrate with the overall scenery.

The opposite side faces countryside fields and uses volcanic rock that connects with nature and represents local culture.

Moreover, the vast use of environmentally friendly bamboo panels in the structure emphasizes the essence of rural architecture.


▼另一面面对田野则选择了代表当地火山文化的的火山岩,与自然连接,the opposite side faces countryside fields and uses volcanic rock that connects with nature and represents local culture


▼入口处与蜜桃故事馆呼应的乡村振兴讲习所则是另一个标志性建筑,The Rural Revitalization Institute is another landmark construction in harmony with the entrance and the Peach Story Hall.它采用玻璃、竹子和木材框架的组合,营造出一种水边和桃树下的舒适氛围。其中一侧是高两层的玻璃幕墙,朝着当地的达洋山景色开放:The Dayang Mountain.

在竹木材质的框架内,以玻璃幕墙为特征,临水而居,与桃林相映,it features a glass wall within a framework of bamboo and wood materials, bringing to mind a comfortable place by the water and peach trees


The use of glass allows interiors to feel as if they were wide open, interacting with the sky and surrounding landscape. The second floor of the building is designed as a platform with a view toward the commercial street and Yangshan Mountain. It uses materials to match the view such as bamboo, wood and brick. When the peach trees are in full bloom, the structures are partially covered by them and from a distance, the project looks like a village naturally integrated into the forests. Such emotional carving creates a subtle echo between architecture and the environment.



以自有咖啡品牌入驻为空间打底,SYN Architects extended the vitality of their design into the commercial aspect of the project by setting up their own brand of coffee. The“Coffee Shop”explores an innovative way to integrate with the countryside that goes from highlighting simple lifestyle values to providing a social platform to serve rural development.

▼咖啡馆内部,interior of the coffee shop


Furthermore, while maintaining sales of “cultural, rural and innovative” products based on the concept from the Pastoral Life Hall from Phase I, the commercial street uses the entrance to the “Plants vs. Zombies” Park as a focal point to design a market square. A shed structure made of steel and bamboo functions as the core of the concept, while the integration of several small spaces delivers the atmosphere of an outdoor theater. Also following the usual countryside’s ways for social interaction, another important space for content is the town center, a place that enriches interactivity in the project.

市集广场,market square

▼空间通过一个钢、竹结构的棚状构筑物为核心归拢,并通过小型下沉空间的处理形成聚合与室外的剧场感,ashed structure made of steel and bamboo functions as the core of the concept, while the integration of several small spaces delivers the atmosphere of an outdoor theater


The countryside needs attention and even more sustainable development. Design in the countryside is gradually developing from being eye-catching, to become a specific problem-solving strategy. Here, the starting point of design requires designers to think more from the perspective of industrial development. Besides aesthetics, the policy design service SYN Architects provides in large regional countryside projects pays particular attention to feasibility, fulfillment and sustainability, solving questions such as how to use local resources to complete construction, how to achieve design performance through local workers and technology, etc. Such are the subjects that need to be addressed by people who design for the countryside.

▼商业街建筑立面细节,facade detail of the commercial street


“For countryside projects, we must think whether design will solve the problem or create a problem. Regarding system engineering for rural revitalization, designers need to restrain themselves and learn to provide the right design. In other words, reduce difficulty and improve practicality.” According to this train of thought, Zou Yingxi will implement “part away with design” as the service guideline of SYN Architects.

With the industry booming, ecological habitation, a civilized countryside and effective governance, a prosperous rural revitalization is gradually expanding in China at a grand scale. SYN Architects participates in the field of rural construction, and has started new forms of practice and exploration in policy design for urban and rural integrated development. In this way, SYN Architects strives to design modern cities and a civilized countryside, integrating social production, social activities and the beautiful scenery of a cheerful life.袈蓝咖啡与乡村讲习所夜景,night view of the SYN coffee shop and Rural Revitalization Institute

▼用地分析,land analysis


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