发布时间:2021-07-02 11:24:36 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


The Startup Lions Campus is an information and communication technologies (ICT) campus, located on the banks of Lake Turkana, Kenya. The project responds to the pressing challenge of youth unemployment faced in the region by offering high-level training and access to international job opportunities, allowing young entrepreneurs to thrive professionally without having to leave their place of origin. The campus will provide 100 new workstations and is the first step in an ambitious vision of spreading ICT networks in remote areas.

▼西南侧鸟瞰,aerial view from southwest © Startup Lions

▼东北侧鸟瞰,aerial view from northeast © Startup Lions


▼轴测分析,axon diagram © Kéré Architecture

The project celebrates the unique morphology and natural beauty of its site. It is built over two levels that follow the natural slope and features extensive roof terraces that offer sweeping views over Lake Turkana. The roof terraces are shaded by creeping vegetation, providing pleasant outdoor meeting spaces and opportunities for the informal exchange of ideas.

▼建筑与地形,the building and topography © Kéré Architecture

▼建筑与景观,the building and landscape © Kéré Architecture


▼灵感来源:白蚁土丘,inspiration: termite’s mound © Kéré Architecture

▼剖透视:烟囱效应,sectional perspective: stack effect © Kéré Architecture

The building takes inspiration from the towering mounds built by termite colonies in the region. Tall ventilation towers create a stack effect to naturally cool the main working spaces by extracting warm air upwards, while fresh air is introduced through specially designed low-level openings. This system allows the campus to withstand high temperatures and is especially well suited as it prevents dust from damaging the IT equipment. In addition to their functional role, the towers create a landmark in the surroundings.

▼建筑外观,external view of the building © Kéré Architecture

▼建筑顺应坡地,the building follows the slope © Kéré Architecture

▼阶梯串联建筑,the steps connect the building © Kéré Architecture

▼高耸的通风塔,tall ventilation towers © Kéré Architecture

▼引入绿植,introduction of green plants © Kéré Architecture


The campus is built out of locally sourced quarry stone with a plaster finish. In choosing which materials and construction techniques to use, ecological sustainability, cost and availability factors were weighed to arrive at the best compromise. Collaboration with the local community was key in this decision-making process, drawing from their experience and expertise.

▼室外使用场景,outdoor use scenarios © Kéré Architecture

▼室内使用场景,indoor use scenarios © Kéré Architecture

▼模型,model © Kéré Architecture

▼总平面图,site plan © Kéré Architecture

▼一层平面图,1F plan © Kéré Architecture

▼二层平面图,2F plan © Kéré Architecture

▼三层平面图,3F plan © Kéré Architecture

▼立面图,elevations © Kéré Architecture

▼剖面图,sections © Kéré Architecture

Local Title: Startup Lions Campus Location: Turkana County, Kenya Type of project: Education Size: 1 416 sqm Design: May 2019 – December 2019 Construction: December 2020 – April 2021 Status: Completed Architect: Kéré Architecture, Diébédo Francis Kéré, Berlin, Germany Design team: Kinan Deeb, Andrea Maretto Kéré Architecture, Berlin, Germany Contributors: Juan Carlos Zapata, Leonne Vögelin, Charles André, Malak Nasreldin Kéré Architecture, Berlin, Germany Project Management: Kinan Deeb Kéré Architecture, Berlin, Germany Engineering: BuildX Studio, Kyuna Rd, Nairobi, Kenya Construction: BuildX Studio, Kyuna Rd, Nairobi, Kenya Client: Learning Lions gUG (haftungsbeschränkt), Geltendorf, Germany


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