发布时间:2024-02-06 23:31:35 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

宁波的东钱湖畔,清风吹拂,轻轻荡起层层涟漪,青墙瓦黛的韩岭老街,尽是古色古香的风土人情。湖畔行走,与草木同坐,同山水对话,看着东钱湖上的日落月升,无比惬意。Ningbo Dongqian Lake, the breeze blowing, murmuring water, green wall Wadai Hanling old street, is full of antique customs and customs. Not far away is the art museum run by Japanese architectural designer Waino, walking by the lake, sitting with the plants and trees, talking with the landscape, watching the sunset and the moon rising on Dongqian Lake, it is very comfortabl


主理人“月山”出生于裁缝世家,对于服装有着独特的品味与情感,因此他希望在这间酒店中融入自己的理想与喜好。设计师沈墨和徐时州团队将空间作为剪裁对象,把月的轮廓筑进空间,湖的涟漪引入庭院,月的光影融入室内,进行“量衣裁体”。The owener "Yue Shan" was born in a tailoring family and has a unique taste and emotion for clothing, so he hopes to incorporate his own ideals and preferences into this hotel. The team of designers Shen Mo and Xu Shizhou used space as a tailoring object, building the outline of the moon into the space, introducing the ripples of the lake into the courtyard, and integrating the light and shadow of the moon into the interior, performing "Measuring and tailoring".



The design techniques of sketching, pattern making, tailoring, and ready-to-wear clothing are integrated with the space design. The designer uses the moon, buttons, duckweed, fabric and other intentions as design elements. The circular structure extends from the outside to the inside, from the beginning to the end.

 sketches | 设计手稿 


Stepping indoors, a modern visual sense hits your face, forming a strong contrast with the outdoors in color and material. The combination of new and old, ancient and new creates a unique dialogue.

褶皱形态的吊顶与吧台仿佛是在层层叠叠的起伏面料,流动的艺术在空间内体现,一气呵成又波澜壮阔的形态,将空间的繁复与简约平衡至极致。白日里在这里享受一份悠然的下午茶,好不惬意。The pleated ceiling and bar seem to be fabrics between layers of undulations. The flowing art is reflected in the space, forming a coherent and magnificent form that balances the complexity and simplicity of the space to the extreme. Enjoy a leisurely afternoon tea here during the day, and it is very pleasant to make tea by the fire.

穿衣即如人生,而空间风格亦能自如切换,白色的客厅到了夜晚则化身色彩绚丽的酒吧,灯光烘托出动感的气氛,光影流动间奏起一首爵士乐,与白天的场景切换,现代化生活由此展开。Dressing is like life, and the space style can be switched freely. At night, the white living room transforms into a colorful bar. The lights create a dynamic atmosphere. The flow of light and shadow plays a jazz song, switching with the daytime scene. Modern life This unfolds.

庭院的外墙建筑,是现代手法与岁月痕迹的碰撞结合,青墙瓦黛,带着悠悠历史的韵味,青藤与蔓叶肆意生长,圆形的汀步道宛如东钱湖的浮萍,又像是服装中的纽扣般环环相系。抬头望眼间,天空的蓝,植被的绿,砖瓦的青,三种色调交织融合,创造出令人入静出定的视觉感受。The exterior wall architecture of the courtyard is a collision and combination of modern techniques and traces of time. The green walls and tiles have a long historical charm. Ivy and vines grow wantonly. The circular paved walkway is like the duckweed of Dongqian Lake. They are connected like buttons in clothing. Looking up, you can see the blue of the sky, the green of the vegetation, and the green of the bricks and tiles. The three colors are intertwined and blended together, creating a visual experience that makes people fall into tranquility.

引入东钱湖水的概念进入整个空间,被水系所围绕,营造出山水湖畔的居住氛围。柿子树为整个庭院景观呈现出一道亮色,为空间赋予活力与生机。卡座处与壁炉结合形成体块,火苗的形态更为空间增添了一分肆意的生命力。The concept of Dongqian Lake water is introduced into the entire space, which is surrounded by the water system to create a living atmosphere beside the mountains and rivers. The persimmon tree presents a bright color to the entire courtyard landscape, giving vitality and vitality to the space. The booth is combined with the fireplace to form a block, and the shape of the flames adds a bit of wanton vitality to the space.


Drinking tea is one of the modern lifestyles. Drinking tea and communicating with each other, the tea space shortens the distance between you and others. A long tea table extends to the outdoors, forming a symbiosis with nature. The transparent floor-to-ceiling glass brings the outdoor scenery indoors, which is quite reminiscent of the scene of ancient people drinking under the moon, adding poetry to the space.

中心庭院内,一颗银杏树树生长至二楼空间,墙面的水流形成一处微型瀑布景观,在设计中纳入了属于大自然循环的生命体系,一切都是环环相扣。移步异景在这不大的空间内得到体现,为客人不断地提供惊喜。In the central courtyard, a ginkgo tree grows to the second floor space, and the water flow on the wall forms a miniature waterfall landscape. The design incorporates the life system belonging to the cycle of nature, and everything is interconnected. One step at a time is reflected in this small space, providing guests with constant surprises.

雕塑感的旋转楼梯作为空间视觉中心,为空间打造属于山月独特的美,灰色涂料包裹下搭配木色扶手,远处望去,像一匹丝绸布料从高处旋转落下,充满着动感与质感。模拟衣物中的布料与金属零件结合,设计师将黄铜材质嵌入细节中,像是一道细密的缝线,融入着主人对制衣的情感。The sculptural spiral staircase serves as the visual center of the space, creating a unique beauty for the space. It is wrapped in gray paint and matched with wooden handrails. From a distance, it looks like a piece of silk fabric spinning down from a high place, full of movement and texture. . Simulating the combination of fabric and metal parts in clothing, the designer embedded brass material into the details, like a fine stitch, integrating the owner's emotion towards clothing.


The smooth staircase is shaped like a feminine curve, while the gray paint brings a masculine sense of toughness. Sunlight shines into the entire stairwell, creating subtle light and shadow, showing a sense of spontaneity and nature.


The curved shape of the top surface looks like the folds of fabric, or like the ripples on the lake surface. It is embedded with warm color bands, like the illuminated moonlight, forming a reflection on the lake surface at night, just like "the mountains reflect the bright moon like black clouds." It means "bright light pouring into the blue sky".


There are six rooms in the hotel, named Qing, Jing, Gu, Xian, Shuo and Ying, which correspond to different natural scenes. The space design is also deconstructed based on these natural scenes and interacts with the scenery outside the window.


A curtain is designed as the top shape, covered with a crimson gauze tent, so that it can be immersed in the space. The room opens to the natural landscape, and the de-furniture design allows the entire space to retain only simple and smooth lines, making the space appear more integrated.

一层为两个庭院房,水系自然延伸,通过圆形的汀步让两件客房独立又相互联系, 山月连廊、浮汀漫步、黛瓦蓝天,是所有现代人都向往世外桃源。

There are two courtyard rooms on the first floor, with the water system extending naturally. The two guest rooms are independent and connected with each other through the circular pavilion. The mountain-moon corridor, the floating pavilion, and the blue tiles and blue sky are the paradise that all modern people yearn for.


Aluminum panels are used to separate the outdoor bustling pedestrians, and the walls are planted with vegetation. It is like an ecological garden, retaining the flavor of Jiangnan gardens. The outdoor bathtub opens up a modern lifestyle and allows you to enjoy a unique world.

木质感的弧形顶面犹如水流,为空间增加了流动属性,望向长条形开窗外的东钱湖美景,内与外产生连接,犹如置身于湖中。The wood-like curved top surface is like flowing water, adding a fluid quality to the space. Looking at the beautiful scenery of Dongqian Lake outside the long window, the inside and outside are connected, as if you are in the lake.


The wash basin uses a stainless steel metal texture, which is like the silver cast by moonlight. It collides with the warmth of wood, making the space more vivid.


The arc-shaped body gives the space a staggered and undulating visual sense, like clothing fabrics unfolding, and you can shuttle between the clothes to experience the wonderful interpretation of the space.


A sunken deck is built into the guest room to replace furniture such as sofas and coffee tables, simulating the scene of sitting on a boat drinking tea while looking across the lake.

通过空间结构的塑造,产生出形态各异的空间细节,每一处都值得探索与玩味。Through the shaping of the spatial structure, spatial details of different shapes are produced, and each place is worthy of exploration and play.



Feelings and tastes for the scenery and clothing of Dongqian Lake are filled in every corner of "Shanyue". Stay leisurely, live by the lake, enjoy comfort and feel the culture.





项目名称 | NAME


设计单位 | DESIGN







520 ㎡





品牌设计|BRAND DESIGNspiritlake






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