Bibo Ergo Sum是Robertson广场翻修后的第一家落户的酒吧,与嘈杂的酒吧氛围不同,Bibo Ergo Sum将为洛杉矶人的夜生活带来极致优雅的体验。这一别出心裁的酒吧设计来自当地最负盛名的Home Studios事务所。酒吧的整体设计灵感源自于维也纳建筑风格中的对称布局,法国新浪潮海报中柔和的色调和笔触,芬兰设计师阿尔瓦阿尔托活泼的现代性设计,以及迈克·尼科尔斯的电影“毕业生”。酒吧以超现实主义的细节描绘,精致的选材和充满戏剧化的材料搭配呈现。空间内部从灯饰、座椅、餐桌到吧台及各种细节,均由设计师精心设计和打造。
Situated in Robertson Plaza, Bibo Ergo Sum is the first spot to open in the revamped area, and will offer Angelenos an elegant solution to the nightlife drought of the formerly buzzing locale. The inventive design of Bibo was led by Home Studios (Gwen), one of the most widely- respected design studios in the country. The overall concept was inspired by the graphic symmetry of turn of the century Vienna architecture, muted color palettes and pastels of French new wave cinema posters, the playful modern curves of Finnish designer Alvar Aalto, and the innocence of the Mike Nichols film “The Graduate.” The result is a dynamic blend of surreal details, unexpected materials and dramatic proportions that deliver a completely unique aesthetic. Everything in the space is custom – from the light fixtures, banquettes, tables, and back bar, as well as many materials.
▼对称的空间布局,the graphic symmetry
▼借鉴法国新浪潮海报中柔和的色调和笔触,muted color palettes and pastels of French new wave cinema posters
▼活泼的现代风格,a joyful modern design
“我们希望顾客可以在这里体会到真实性和未来感,”Oliver Haslegrave说道。“从严格控制的空间比例,到色彩搭配,彩色照明和玻璃,以及天花板设计都为来访者营造了如剧院般的体验环境。
“We want guests to feel transported into a setting that feels both of the future and familiar at the same time,” says founder Oliver Haslegrave. “Everything from the rigid symmetry of the space, to the strict color palette, to the tinted lighting and glass, as well as the blacked out ceiling are meant to create an experience as transportive as a trip to the cinema.”