Pignic is a breeder who themselves raises miniature pigs with great care.
▼室内空间概览,Overall view of the interior ©宮本啓介
Since Pignic is also a cafe directly managed by the breeder, it provides a place where people can interact with miniature pigs in a stress-free style and relaxing atmosphere. On top of that, Pignic is very committed to instruct and teach how to raise and sell micro pigs.
▼温馨多彩的空间,Cozy and colorful spaces ©宮本啓介
While humans feel softness, warmth and a sense of being healed by interacting with the animals, they can also, through this interaction, experience a peace of their mind and achieve a sense of fulfillment.
▼走廊,Corridor ©宮本啓介
▼互动房间,Interacting room ©宮本啓介
Therefore, when it comes to Pignic Cafe at Yoyogi Park, by expressing all corners with soft curves we have designed a healing and relaxing space both for people and pigs.
▼由互动房间望向走廊,Viewing the corridor from interacting room ©宮本啓介
▼与小猪互动中的顾客,Customer interacting with pigs ©宮本啓介
In fact, by plastering up all the walls and ceiling as well as applying coating and illustration from above, we have managed to create an interior where all corners are curved surfaces.
▼温馨的灯光,Cozy lights ©宮本啓介
We hope that this place will bring new encounter opportunities for people and miniature pigs.
▼有趣的细节处理,Interesting details ©宮本啓介
▼平面图,Floor plan ©KAMITOPEN
所在地:東京都渋谷区富ヶ谷1-17-3 2階 オープン:2022年6月11日 設計:KAMITOPEN 吉田昌弘 高橋柚月 床面積:57.41㎡ Photo:宮本啓介 内外装仕様データ 床:既存躯体の上リノリウム貼り(マーモリウムシート ML-3352/田島ルーフィング) 壁・天井:LGS組み+PBt12.5下地モルタル仕上げR角加工 床面同色グラデーション塗装 一部塗装仕上げ