“Reads as very authentic. The water looks like it belongs here.”
– 2015 Awards Jury
Mill Creek农场坐落于德克萨斯丘陵山区的Medina河谷中,清澈的小溪从两侧流过,环抱着如半岛般向前延伸的基地。采用了开放式布局的农场建筑散落在层叠的花园台地之中,蜿蜒的小路串联起点缀其中的水、火景元素,在设计团队努力修复之下绿意已愈发浓密,无论农场的主人抑或到访的客人皆沉浸于美丽的自然景观之中,安度闲暇而舒适的时光。庭院之内,层层跌落的叠水系统灵动而活跃,仿佛是向生机勃勃春天的致敬,在净化雨水和溪水的同时,带来了视觉、听觉和触觉全方位的享受。叠水冲击着溪流,也为相邻的小溪注入了氧气。本土草种生成的草坪茂盛而柔软,成为了休闲游憩和儿童活动的最好场所。各类本土植被在曾经的道路和建筑场地上肆意生长,成为了雨水进入溪流前的一道净化屏障。
Nestled in the Medina River valley of the Central Texas Hill Country, this ranch derives its beauty from its peninsular setting at the convergence of a natural spring and hill country creek. The open-air layout of the new ranch buildings—combined with terraced gardens, water and fire features, trails, and restoration of the site—allow the residents and their guests to be fully, yet comfortably, immersed in the beauty of the Texas Hill Country. A cascading storm water and creek purification feature in the courtyard activates multiple senses and pays homage to the spring, while another feature circulates a rill of spring water to help oxygenate the adjacent creek. Native grass lawns provide spaces for entertaining and children’s athletic activities. Old ranch roads and footprints of former barns now give rise to native grasses and forbs that cleanse rainwater prior to entering the creek and spring.
△ 农舍主建筑群景观设计。
Landscape architect’s concept plan of main ranch house compound.
Photo Credit: Bill Timmerman
在圣安东尼奥西北侧的丘陵山区之中,这座历史悠久,占地1800英亩的农场默默耸立在溪流与泉水交汇的山谷内。作为区域内的一条重要溪流,Mill Creek哺育了周边的农场,也为一代代的居民在炎热的夏季带来清爽。陡峭的石灰岩之上覆盖着茂密的林木,悬崖橡树、德州红橡树、蕾西橡树、硬叶榆和山月桂错落而生,郁郁葱葱。然而随着时间的流逝,农场的整体景观不可避免的走向了衰败。过度放牧和肆意穿行的机动车车流破坏了场地原生的生态状况,不仅影响着农场居民的日常生活,也污染了泉水、溪流甚至下游墨西哥湾的水质。
△ 1.5厘米厚的风化钢与石灰岩组成的台阶跨过小溪,通往起居空间。
View of stepped ½” thick weathered steel and limestone terraces that cross spring water rill up to the main living area of house.
Photo Credit: Bill Timmerman
△ 改造前衰败的场地,即将拆住的建筑沿溪而立。
A before shot of degraded site and soon to be demolished structures along edge of Mill Creek.
Photo Credit: Ten Eyck Landscape Architects
△ 改造后场地,全新农舍建筑内的餐厅和阳台眺望着种满植物的小路与溪畔。
An after shot from similar position from new ranch house dining area and deck overlooking the revegetated former road and creek edge area.
Photo Credit: Bill Timmerman
△ 从修复后的草地回望农舍建筑,曾经衰败的道路和建筑空间都以荡然无存。草地成为雨水与自然溪流之间的过滤屏障。
Looking back to new ranch house from the revegetated pollinator meadow which replaced the degraded former road and structure area next to the creek. The meadow cleanses run off from watershed above prior to entering the creek.
Photo Credit: Bill Timmerman
△ 钢石结构的梯步与折线形的扶手旁,是阶梯状的混凝土板种植池。
Steel and stone steps with zig-zag handrail up through board formed concrete cascading garden.
Photo Credit: Bill Timmerman
△ 从入口处的停车场眺望雨水花园、石桥与门廊。景观设计师根据日照和微气候,选择了枫树与其它的耐旱或滨水植物。
View down to entry courtyard from parking at top of stairs to rain water harvesting garden, stone bridges and porches. Landscape architect used native Bigtooth Maples and other tough native xeric and riparian plants depending on exposure and microclimate.
Photo Credit: Bill Timmerman
△ 夜晚,从溪水泳池的对岸遥望的主建筑与卧室。钢石台阶连接着建筑与水池。
Evening view to main house and bedroom wing from the swim porch across the spring. Stone and steel terraces connect the house elevation with the spring level.
Photo Credit: Bill Timmerman
△ 池水被抽入混凝土板净水池,层层跌落,最后汇入溪流。
Spring water is pumped into the new board formed concrete trough to cascade down terraces into rill and then into sometimes stagnant creek. Spring and old dam beyond.
Photo Credit: Bill Timmerman
△ 小溪与泉水间视角。溪流顺着混凝土水道流入方形的池塘,在跌落至另一个水道,最终汇入溪流。
View of peninsula between spring and creek where former road came through. Spring water travels through the concrete rill into square tank with steel negative edge before it spills down into another rill to creek.
Photo Credit: Bill Timmerman
△ 从溪旁回望水道。泉水最终汇入河流。
View at creek level looking back up the rill. Spring water’s final descent into creek.
Photo Credit: Bill Timmerman
△ 泳池旁新建的岸边石凳与跳石。
New stone seats and jumping ledgestone added to existing swim porch.
Photo Credit: Bill Timmerman
△ 室外篝火场地,石凳旁环绕着本土野牛草植被。
View of stone fire feature and banco to terraced native buffalo grass lawn.
Photo Credit: Bill Timmerman
△ 石灰岩台阶连接着冥思庭院与溪水。
Meditation terrace and native limestone steps down to spring.
Photo Credit: Bill Timmerman
△ 石灰岩小径与耐旱的野牛草坪,以及各式本土植被。
Limestone path and drought tolerant buffalo grass lawn and indigenous adjacent plantings.
Photo Credit: Bill Timmerman
△ 果园与金属网格固定的菜园,后侧是业主的新谷仓。金属网格之内是本土石灰岩块,顶端的碎石形成了舒适座椅,外侧的碎石铺地环绕,而最外侧则是繁茂生长的本土植被。钢铁的管道中则是特殊的草本植被。
Orchard and vegetable garden gabion terraces help ground the clients’ new barn. Gabions are filled with native limestone (smaller limestone gravel on top for sitting) and surrounded by a granite path and native seeding. Steel pipe planters for special herbs.
Photo Credit: Bill Timmerman
This historic 1800-acre ranch site is located within a canyon where the headwaters of Mill Creek and Mill Spring converge in the Central Texas Hill Country northwest of San Antonio. A quintessential Hill Country creek, Mill Creek has sustained the livelihoods of ranchers and cooled swimmers in the heat of summer for generations, meandering first through this ranch landscape characterized steep limestone terrain and dense groves of Escarpment Live Oak, Texas Red Oak, Lacey Oak, Cedar Elm and Mountain Laurel. However, as with many Hill Country landscapes, the ranch was degraded through time by overgrazing and rampant vehicular circulation, with negative impacts to the habitat and water quality of the spring, creek, and waters further downstream at the Gulf of Mexico.
Our clients wished to restore degraded portions of their ranch in concert with developing a new ranch complex, which included a new ranch house compound, ranch manager’s compound and barn area. The landscape architect was brought in soon after the project’s inception to design adjacent garden spaces and develop restoration strategies for the larger ranch. The architect, landscape architect, and contractor worked in collaboration with the owners to develop a seamless indoor-outdoor vacation hideaway.
The new ranch house compound, situated near a spectacular bald cypress-lined spring and a creek, features outdoor living spaces carefully crafted to highlight existing features and designed to accommodate the client’s desire for play lawns, volleyball areas, a meditation area, a boat launch, hiking trails, and engaging water and fire elements. The various spaces are defined by native vegetation and durable hardscape materials—such as limestone, Oklahoma sugarloaf sandstone, natural steel, and board-formed concrete—selected to maintain coherency with the architecture.
The architects sited the four building complexes at different elevations and angles, which were resolved by the landscape architect through terraced gardens and creatively routed stone plank paths. Original drawings by the civil engineer showed a catch basin in the middle of the courtyard to manage stormwater runoff; alternatively, the landscape architect developed a cleansing riparian courtyard garden and check dams that cleanse and accentuate the path of rainwater prior to it entering the spring and creek. Water features near the spring intercept small amounts of spring water to enhance the sensory experience of sound in addition to helping aerate the stagnant-prone waters of the creek, here upstream from an existing dam. Consistent forms and material selections respond to variations in site conditions and program to create a dynamic, yet unified aesthetic for the ranch house and ranch manager’s compounds and barn, which features an organic orchard and vegetable garden.
Nearly six acres of old roads and barren barn footprints on the west side of the house were erased by seeding native grasses and forbs in their place with special emphasis on pollinator-attracting natives. The ranch road, once situated within a sensitive riparian area, was re-routed and its former footprint re-vegetated to create a more site-responsive entry experience, while new trails lead from the house and connect to the larger ranch area.
The project’s success is the product of special collaboration with the general contractor. The general contractor was a valued member of the team and worked closely with local artisans to make several specialty elements and a talented stone mason whom helped place all stones with care and precision.
1. re-vegetated approximately 8 acres of barren or abused property
2. used all drought tolerant native species
3. used local limestone
4. worked to protect all existing trees
5. used drip irrigation
Site sensitive design and restoration strategies developed in collaboration with the owner and contractor have given new life to a critical Central Texas landscape while providing the client with new opportunities to connect with nature. Distinguished by the use of native materials, simple lines, and graceful transitions from house and garden to the wild, this project has been recognized in several publications for both the elegance of its design and the success of its restoration. It has become a model for the countless overgrazed and abused ranches in the American West, and simultaneously highlights the hidden beauty of the rugged Texas landscape.
Landscape Designers:
Christine E. Ten Eyck, FASLA, Lead Designer
Lisa Lennon, Associate ASLA
John Puhr
Aaron Odland
Architect: Lake | Flato
Contractor: Duecker Construction
Lighting Design: Brown Design Consultants
Masonry: Dean Mitchell Masonry
Landscape Contractor: Milberger
Consultant: Jill Nokes
Contractor for Seep: David Mahler
Ten Eyck Landscape Architects Inc.