发布时间:2014-06-15 15:12:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

“It’s beautiful the way the contrast celebrates both the natural and controlled spaces. The juxtaposition of clean lines with the landscape providesresolution between what’s manipulated and what’s not.”

—2013 Professional Awards Jury



Recovered Modernism: A Landscape Matrix Enriches a Dallas Hacienda By

Reed Hilderbrand LLC



看到这所1981年修建的位于美国达拉斯的Edward Larrabee Barnes住宅,我们知道我们要做的就是诠释建筑设计师想表达却未能实现的蓝图。住宅的设计旨在与丰富的自然对话,而在场地上,疯狂入侵的外来物种让景观需要大刀阔斧地被改造。该项目旨在恢复、调整、营造适合家居生活的可持续环境。

Project Statement

For this 1981 Edward Larrabee Barnes House in Dallas, we saw our role as that of interpreter of the architect’s original but unrealized vision. The pure volumes of the house were designed to negotiate the edge of a rich natural landscape. On a site since overrun by invasive exotics, we recognized that the landscape would require equally as intentional a hand. Our project was to recover, order, and make accessible a sustainable environment for domestic life.

▲总平面图Site plan





项目开始时,外来植被被大量移除后显露出了波浪状的浅土层溪流地形,罕见的德克萨斯黑土地草原高地遗迹上的石灰石也裸露出来。德克萨斯黑土地草原曾经是本区域的特色,草原上生长着极其稀有的Sticky Gay Feather和 Liatris glandulosa。景观建筑师还在该区发现了丰富的生态类型和微气候,并准备以此培养出多样的生态群落。




该设计按照原有的现代风格恢复了住宅边沿的石铺平台,在河道斜坡上铺上了新的石头走道以方便户外活动,并修复了通向住宅的排水洼地。洼地里长满了形态各异的喜水性植物。对生态的保护也许是设计最重要的一点。我们发现这片土地上曾经标志性的德克萨斯黑土地草原现在只剩下一小块,业主同意保护并扩大这种稀有资源。每年通过收集并栽种Liatris glandulosa种子,黑土地草原已经在逐渐扩大。跨越溪流的小桥将穿梭在景观中的多条蜿蜒通道连接起来,为家人亲近庭院、探索、休闲、观鸟提供了多种路径。独特的石灰石草原空地是整个景观布局的高潮空间。



▲ 草坪旁的低地延续现代主义风格,划分住宅与街道的界限。Low slung volumes set in turf grass announce their place in the modernist tradition and set a formal relationship of house to street.

▲ 修复的平台—将地势较低的生活空间与远处的林地分隔开来。One of the restored terraces – once again a threshold between the lower level living spaces and the native woodland beyond.

▲一系列窄窄的混凝土墙分隔着草坪和林地。A series of board formed concrete walls negotiates the edge between the lawn terrace and

the woodland.

▲外来入侵物种形成的无法通行的隔离已经占领了该区域的南端。An impenetrable wall of invasives had colonized the southern half of the site.

▲ 绿化的焦点是重塑一个多种生态类型的斜坡,包括恢复德克萨斯黑土地草原。一系列狭窄的小道可以让这个家庭栖身于风景中。The

planting strategy focused on reintroducing a gradient of diverse ecotypes, including restoration of the Texas blackland prairie. A series of

narrow paths throughout allows the family to inhabit the landscape.

▲石灰岩铺就的路道在水浅处横跨溪流。Limestone blocks from the site step across the stream at a shallow point.

▲ 沟谷处搭建狭窄的钢板桥梁。A thin steel plane forms a crossing as the profile deepens.

▲ 狭窄的石屑小径剪刀状地穿过溪边植被,通向远处的黑土地草原。Narrow stonedust paths scissor through the stream planting to the

prairie beyond.

▲秋天,黑土地草原上主要遍布着颜色和纹理略微不同的各种青草。In autumn, the prairie is primarily a

grassland, full of subtle shifts of color and texture.

▲ 从住宅方向看德克萨斯黑土地草原。View to the terrace across the Texas Blackland Prairie (above).

▲ 从草原梯地远望住宅。View back to the house from the prairie terrace.

▲ 石屑小径上的一对休闲椅。A pair of chairs offers one of several places to inhabit the restored prairie.

▲视线穿过五叶爬山虎“地毯”看向秋日的住宅。View back to the house across a carpet of Parthenocissus quinquefolia in autumn.

▲河边植物编织的挂毯沿着溪流摇曳。A tapestry of riverine species moves along the stream corridor.

Project Narrative

Seizing latent opportunities

The Greenlee house is a masterwork of modern domestic architecture. Inspired by Luis Barragan’s inventive houses and by vernacular ranch dwellings, Barnes shaped a dynamic composition of low horizontal volumes, punctuated by higher cubes, which define a set of courts and strike a noticeable regional character.

On this four-acre site, the house was conceived as a threshold between the cultivated streetfront lawns, enclosed domesticated courts and the wooded slopes beyond. The low horizontal volumes at the front do not reveal that once inside, the house turns its back to the street, steps down and opens up to the landscape beyond and below. These partially subterranean volumes comprise the primary living spaces and they are organized around a direct connection to the landscape.

Ironically, with the exception of two terraces that extend along the building’s lower level overlooking a stream that runs through the center of the property, the majority of the property was never designed or managed. It was assumed that the nature would be static or even self-regulating, requiring little if any intervention. The result of this architectural conceit was that over the years invasive exotics endemic to the stream corridors of Dallas’ suburban fringe had emerged to consume the site, obscure its features, and deny any connection between building and landscape.

Extensive removal of invasive exotic vegetation at the outset of the project revealed a matrix of conditions from an undulating creek-carved landform of shallow soils and exposed limestone to an upland remnant of rare native Texas blackland prairie and savannah that once characterized this region and within which grew the extremely rare Sticky Gay Feather, Liatris glandulosa. Across the site we discovered a rich mosaic of ecotypes and microclimates lying latent and poised to be cultivated and given expression.

We made it our task to extend the original but unrealized intentions of the house into the landscape, to enable connectivity and passage through the site, and to build a landscape of exploration and discovery for a young family, by fully developing the unique ecotypes uncovered on the land.

Discovery and Engagement

Our approach seizes the opportunity presented by the juxtaposition of a rational building and the site’s diverse native character. Developing a narrative based on moments of contrast, passage and threshold, our strategy establishes several progressions of character across the landscape: from upland to lowland, from cultivated to wild, from shaded to open, and from precise to diffuse.

The plan rehabilitates the stone terraces along the house in their original modernist language; extends new terraces for outdoor living onto the slopes of the stream corridor, and rehabilitates the drainage swales that reach toward the house with water-seeking plants of great textural variety. Perhaps most importantly, our work foregrounds a dedication to species preservation. Discovering a small patch of Texas blackland prairie and savannah, which once characterized this landscape, the owner agreed to preserve and expand this rare resource. In part through hand harvesting seeds from the Liatris glandulosa and sowing them each year, the prairie has been slowly expanded.

Linked by bridges over the stream, a series of circuit paths through the landscape matrix offer a variety of ways to casually experience the garden and engage in exploration, play, and bird watching. The unique limestone glade prairie serves as the culminating space within the site’s narrative.

Sustainability and Resilience

This project is an object lesson that sustainability and landscape preservation, especially in sensitive ecologies, require intervention, management, and maintenance. For the new streamside gardens, natives and naturalized plantings were selected for their ability to meet the cultural requirements of the varied microclimates and soil conditions, and to compete with invasive exotics. The plant palette is resilient against frequent flash flooding, and strategically placed boulders and weirs now temper the stream’s erosive forces and mitigate flooding downstream.

In Dallas, where water is a limited resource, this project has a sense of abundance while not being consumptive. Prairie and woodland species are exploited for their low water requirements and lawn is limited to the street front and one of the courts—a strong contrast with the neighborhood’s pervasive use of turf grass.

As a woven matrix of clearly defined and intentionally expressed terraces, paths, and plant communities that respond to the topographical, hydrological and light conditions of the site, the landscape transforms the original concept of the landscape as an abstraction to be viewed from the building into a living system to be supported, experienced, and occupied as an extension of domestic life.(




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