AI PARK 是 XINGDESIGN 行之建筑事务所为特斯联科技集团(TERMINUS GROUP)打造的人工智能城市先行区。作为中国科技赛道的独角兽,特斯联致力于推动城市智能化建设,做全球领先的智慧场景服务商。
AI PARK, the pilot zone of Terminus Group’s AI CITY, is an exciting project designed by XINGDESIGN Studio. Terminus Group, a global leading AI smart service provider, is devoted to high quality products focused on AI cities, sustainable development, and robotics.
AI PARK 作为特斯联未来之城 AI CITY 的“序章”,是一个未来城市体验、研发测试、以及人与机器人交互的实验基地。
AI PARK, as the prologue of AI CITY, is an experimental base for city experiences, Research and Development testing, and human-robot interactions.
嵌入大地景观中的 AI PARK inserted into landscape © 苏圣亮
▼形体错动结合地形,Walls following the terrain© 苏圣亮
AI PARK 位于重庆高新区凤鸣湖畔,由一组金属墙排列而成,像“芯片”一样插进起伏的地形之中。
AI PARK is located by Fengming Lake in Chongqing Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone. It consists of a set of chip-like metal walls, which are inserted into the undulating terrain.
嵌入景观,Inserted into landscape© XING DESIGN
集成墙体,Integrated walls© XING DESIGN
▼正面悬停在水上,Front Facing the water© NANGO
These walls integrate robot ramps, hardware equipment, servers, shafts, outlets, and supporting structures. Labs are distributed in between the walls.
▼映出周围绿色的金属墙面,Metal walls reflecting the green environment© 苏圣亮
▼交错的墙面,Staggered walls© 苏圣亮
▼机器人坡道作为立面构成元素,Ramps for robots as part of elevation components© 苏圣亮
▼墙体侧面是排烟口,Smoke vent next to the wall© NANGO
▼墙表面反射光的色泽,Metal walls reflecting lights© NANGO
冷却塔,排风口等也集成在墙中,Cooling tower and air outlets© 苏圣亮
These set of metal walls follow the terrain, pointing perpendicularly to the water bank. Courtyards and laboratories, connecting and scattered among the walls, have open views towards the water.
▼墙之间的庭院,A courtyard with water view© 苏圣亮
一些实验室悬挂在两片墙之间,Suspended labs between walls© NANGO
▼楼梯夹在墙之间的院子里,Stairs in the courtyard© 苏圣亮
"嵌入大地的芯片"表达了特斯联的使命——万物互联,构建城市物理空间的智慧系统。这就是特斯联的“AI CITY”。这不仅是构想,它已经付诸实践。
在 AI PARK 中研发调试的 TACOS(Terminus AI CITY Operating System)就是 AI CITY 的操作系统。它也构建了 AI PARK 的数字孪生,同步迭代进化。
"Chips" Inserted into the Earth elaborates the mission of Terminus, which focuses on AIoT (Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things) and the smart system of regulating and controlling the urban space. The idea is turning into reality.
TACOS (Terminus AI CITY Operating System), being tested and developed in the AI park, is the OS of AI CITY. It also builds the digital twin of AI PARK, which is iterated and evolving simultaneously.
芯片墙泛起亮光,Lighting in walls© NANGO
▼背面埋在地形里,Embedded in the hills© 苏圣亮
AI PARK 也是渐进式和实验性的建筑,空间弹性灵活,根据需要进行改造和拓展。
Smart space relies on the smart software and hardware industry, the evolution of traditional industries like engineering, and even disciplines as architecture and social management. We, as architects, are also involved.
AI PARK is progressive and experimental. It is flexible and able to be modified and expanded to meet future demands.
▼建筑形体不强调“完形”,开放给未来的改造 Incomplete architectural form for future expansion© 苏圣亮
While humans walking upright leads to stairs in buildings, the way robots move also shapes the architectural space.
▼视频:跟随机器人探索 AI PARK,Video:Tour in the building© XING DESIGN
目前特斯联量产的机器人以轮轴底盘为基础,因此 AI PARK 在墙体之中集成了机器人坡道,保证机器人可以到达各层区域。
At present, the Terminus robots are based on the wheeled axle chassis. Thus, AI PARK is implemented with ramps to ensure that all levels are accessible for robots.
中心大厅,Main hall© 苏圣亮
▼墙里的机器人坡道,Robot ramps integrated in walls© NANGO
围合入口庭院,Enclosed courtyard entrance© 苏圣亮
▼机器人行走于墙体坡道之上 Robots walking on ramps integrated in walls© 苏圣亮
在 AI PARK 入口处,设置着机器人充电台,停靠着待命的各类机型。参观者由此被机器人带领穿越甬道,到达一个围合入口庭院,仿佛来到另一个时空。然后和机器人一起走进 AI PARK 中展开探索。
At the entrance of AI PARK, there is a charging station for robots, where various types of robots are on standby. Led by robots, visitors walk through a corridor to arrive at an enclosed courtyard space, a completely different world. After that, they can further unfold the adventure in the AI PARK accompanied by robots.
▼机器人充电平台,Charging station for robots© 苏圣亮
▼充电平台坡道,Charging station ramps© NANGO
影音厅,Auditorium© 苏圣亮
1923 年,柯布西耶说“建筑是居住的机器”,来挑战旧的建筑伦理。而机器与建筑的关系远比一种“形式风格”或“审美偏好”要深刻得多。
In 1923, Le Corbusier wrote "A house is a machine for living in" to challenge the conventional architectural ethics. Yet the relationship between machine and architecture is far more profound than a kind of "formal style" or "aesthetic preference".
Architecture is the unceasing agglomeration of technology.
In the future, architecture is probably shaped by both human beings and machines. Besides being a co-user of space, robots can have impact in a greater way: to be a part of the architecture.
▼未来建筑学的扩展,很可能是人机双重驱动的 Future architecture shaped by both humans and machines© XINGDESIGN
就像如今很难想象建筑没有空调新风系统,电梯,管网,互联网覆盖。届时软件驱动的物理空间、建筑里行走的机器人、机器人化的建筑部件等技术应用,会和石材打磨、砖瓦烧制、钢筋混凝土、Low-e 玻璃、自动扶梯一样习以为常。
Nowadays, it is hard to imagine new buildings without HVAC, elevators, water supply, EL&ELV or network coverage. In future, technologies like smart space OS, Robots, robotized building components will be as common as stone & brick, reinforced concrete, Low-e glass, and escalators.
▼建筑与公园机器人皆可达 Parks and buildings both being accessible for robots© 苏圣亮
The story of architecture, machines, and humans has just begun.
▼公园步行入口夜景,Night scene of the park entrance© 苏圣亮
▼局部光影,Interior lights and shadows© XING DESIGN
▼水面倒影,Water reflections©NANGO
▼地下二层平面,B2 Plan© XING DESIGN
▼地下一层平面,B1 Plan© XING DESIGN
一层平面,L1 Plan© XING DESIGN
二层平面,L2 Plan© XING DESIGN
合作方:施工图单位:重庆大学建筑设计研究院景观设计:赛肯思景观设计有限公司摄影:苏圣亮,Arch Nango
Collaborator: LDI: General Research Institute of Architecture & Planning Deisgn CO., LTD, CHONGQING UNIVERSITY
Landscape Design: Second Nature
Photographs: SU Shengliang, Arch Nango