发布时间:2022-03-29 09:36:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


The last rebellion before marriage a gift to myself


It is a 200 sq m finished house with three-bathrooms, double master-bedroom. The typical LDK space layout and living room design are very reasonable and impeccable. However, this does not correspond to the real needs of the owner. The owner is a post-95 returnee, not only has her unique aesthetic; her years of living independently overseas have also contributed to her independent thinking and "maverick" style of doing things. She said that uniqueness is the goal of life and hopes that the first home that is truly her own will make her feel the same way she did when she first saw it, long into the future.

需求 一间卧室,公共区域用于工作、聚会 材质、颜色尽量统一 储物、收纳 卧室空间干净、纯粹


In the entry area, we have expanded the existing bathroom area into a shoe room. It not only meets the storage needs of the owner but also visually enhances the ritual of the entrance. In addition to this, the cabinet door makes of micro-cement, a material that is uniform to the walls. We wanted the wall cabinets to be integrated to make the space cleaner and more harmonious.

「Meeting Room-Tea Room」


The outdoor terrace is relatively open and has a good lighting surface, so we placed the sofa against the outdoor sunlight; to the left of the sofa is the usual place for reading and drinking tea, so that even friends can meet face to face and make the space more diversified and freer.


A minimalist fulfills the decorative role of the kitchen with the common wall, which sliding door on the outside of the kitchen. The transparent glass does not interfere with the light, at the same time, it blocks out the fumes of a Chinese kitchen. It is both open and isolated, giving the owner more options for the functional properties of the space.


The original water and sewerage positions were caused by the finishing pattern, and it has been fixed while considering not to leave hidden problems for future concealed works, so we chose to paint the original walls and floors on the tile surface and treated them with a micro-cement surface.Meanwhile, we chose to replace the concrete with a rock slab that is closer in color and saturation to the concrete, and we designed a suspended one-piece washbasin that allows all daily toiletries to be stored in the mirror cabinet, which ensures the unity of the space and makes it tidier for future use by the owner.

「Master Bedroom Area」


We have installed two separate cloakrooms. One cloakroom in the bedroom has intended for seasonal use, and then the left room of the bedroom has been made into a cloakroom with all the walls considered for storage and display. The area by the window has been reserved for a multifunctional table for both reading and make-up.

「Master Bedroom」


The owner wanted a clean, pure space in the bedroom, eliminating unnecessary decorations and hangings to make the house quieter and easier to incorporate more of her favorite things in the future. So, a splash of orange was used as a spice in the space.

「Master Bathroom」


The spacious bathroom is the original bathtub, which has allowed the owner to have more space for storage and more freedom in the bathroom. It also meets the owner’s needs for storage.

「Multi-function Balcony」


The master bedroom of the terrace outside is separated by a curtain to create a moat for sunshine. It is used as a “bachelor pad” of the owner’s ideas that are fulfilled. This design is in keeping with the owner’s preference for minority style, at the same time expressing the owner’s quest to retain her own identity.

Project Name | 项目名称 成都金茂府 Location | 项目地址 成都市武侯区 Area | 项目面积 200㎡ Chief Designer | 主创设计师 孙康-轶菡 Design Company | 设计公司 度合一衡 Service Content | 服务内容 硬装/软装 Brand Support | 品牌支持 绿豹灯饰 新中源岩板 汉斯格雅卫浴 artsy极简内门 活力树 官博卫浴 Photography | 摄影师 张麒麟 文字/图片:度合一衡 图片调整编辑/排版:寸匠

度合一衡创始人孙康 - 轶菡

孙康: 2020中国设计星全国总冠军,2021 40 UNDER 40全国杰出青年。以其独特的设计风格和个性化的思维方式为客户打造理想空间。他主张以“爱”作为设计之源,在设计中考虑更多的是如何体现社会的温度和包容,以及对使用者的充分尊重,从而实现共融共通的设计。 轶菡: 英国视觉传达(插画)一等荣誉硕士,四川大学企业管理硕士,设计师-插画师,出版数本畅销书籍。每个设计都是一个故事,致力以叙事性的手法赋予设计灵魂,在功能价值的基础上进行情感化的设计表达,从而引起使用者的共鸣与思考。

起承转合是我们对设计的理解, 冷暖百味是我们赋予生活的色彩; 我们与万物共情, 赋予生活魔法; 我们愿作情绪的感受器,自然的翻译家, 以不同的角色演绎世间精彩, 我们用设计重新定义看世界的角度。 ——度合一衡


成都金茂府 | 孙康打造极简 200㎡独立女性之家
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