发布时间:2022-02-07 18:52:15 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Farm for the City |Viridian Landscape Studio



The Farm for the City highlighted the role community gardeners play in strengthening neighborhoods and the gardens’ positive impacts on some of the most pressing issues facing our communities, such as food insecurity. This pop-up project transformed a largely barren Philadelphia plaza atop the offices of City License and Inspections into a beautiful production farm. Over fifty crops were grown, with plant selections informed by community gardens and cultures across the city. The design is based on the nautilus shape, a symbol of expansion and renewal. The 2000 sf garden swirled around existing giant game piece sculptures and reached its arms out toward the city. The temporary farm-as-art project delivered over 1200 pounds of produce to feed 8600 men and women who are homeless, at risk of being homeless, or of low-income. The interactive exhibit and working farm invited the public to learn more about community gardening through free workshops, public forums, and activities during the growing season.

▲一项恢复性的设计:鹦鹉螺状的花园代表着扩张与更新。A Restorative Design. The design based on the nautilus represents expansion and renewal.









▲后院的营造:常见的后院和社区花园材料在项目中得到了展示。材料的选择主要取决于它们的易得性和适应性。Backyard Building. Common backyard and community garden materials were showcased. Materials were selected for their accessibility and adapatablity.

▲城市的农场:该项目是位于费城市中心的一处2000平方英尺的临时农场。在种植季结束后,花园的所有单元和构件都将被回收、迁移和再利用。Farm for the City. Farm for the City was a 2,000-square-foot pop-up farm in the heart of downtown Philadelphia. At the conclusion of the growing season, all of the garden’s pieces and parts were recycled, relocated, and repurposed.

▲存在于根基的恢复能力:可持续性构成了这一临时项目的核心。Renewable at its Roots. Sustainability is at the heart of this temporary project.

▲快速安装:所有的构件均是在场地外制作,并于一个星期内完成安装。Quick and Dirty. Components were built off-site and installed in one week.

▲关注费城的食品安全问题:该项目强调了社区园艺者在加强邻里关系方面的重要作用,同时也揭示了费城面临的食品安全问题。Highlighting Food Insecurity in Philly. The project highlighted the role community gardeners play in strengthening neighborhoods while bringing to light food insecurity in Philadelphia.

▲用于种植的场地:该空间为免费的工作坊、公共论坛和日常活动提供支持。A Place to Grow. The space supported free workshops, public forums, and day-to-day activities.

▲农产品的选择会经过专业厨师的审查,以便对既有的膳食资源予以补充。Chef-Supplemented Meals. Chefs vetted produce selections to prepare meals supplementing existing resources.

▲跨文化的作物:超过50种不同类型的农作物展示了它们所代表的文化。Cross-Cultural Crops. Over 50 different types of crops showcased myriad cultures.

▲种类繁多的蔬菜:花园中种植了甜菜、洋葱、芥菜、胡萝卜、Huauzontle和木豆等食材。Varied Vegetation. Crops included chard, onion, mustard greens, carrots, Huauzontle, and Pigeon Peas.

▲日常物品:农场采用了社区花园中常见的物料。Everyday Objects. The garden celebrated everyday materials commonly found in community gardens.

▲轻质、营养的土壤:定制的轻型混合土壤能够在不增加广场负荷的情况下维持植物的生长。Light-Weight, Nourishing Soils. Custom light-weight soil mix sustained plants without overloading the plaza.

▲多用途的空间:露天剧场为社区活动和非正式聚会提供了场地。Multi-purpose Spaces. An ampitheater supported community programs and informal gatherings alike.

▲可持续材料:回收的桌椅和阳伞为广场增添了色彩和活力。Sustainable Materials. Recycled tables, chairs and umbrellas graced the plaza.

▲我们的耕种者:项目的成功离不开各方参与者的密切合作与协调。Our Farmers. Project success required close collaboration and coordination.

▲寓教于“食”:农场开展的89个教学项目涵盖了22个不同的主题,并为8600人提供了食物补给。People Taught and Fed. Eighty-nine programs covered twenty-two topics and the farm fed eight thousand and six hundred people.


The client and design team transformed Thomas Paine Plaza, Philadelphia PA, into a beautiful, 2000 sf production farm. One in five Philadelphians is food insecure and the projected aimed to demonstrate how city residents can harness the power of horticulture to enrich and strengthen their communities and help make healthy food more accessible to those in need. The project bolstered both the clients’ and designers’ work to transform under-utilized spaces into community assets. The Farm was an example of how a vacant lot or empty urban space can be repurposed, even temporarily, into a verdant garden or green space that can benefit the neighborhood and the city at large.

The plaza sits directly across from City Hall in the heart of Philadelphia. The barren foreboding granite square forms the podium of the 18-story Municipal Services Building. It is raised above the adjacent sidewalk to about eye level. From June through September the Farm for the City injected life into the plaza showing a way in which public space can be quickly transformed from lifeless to community asset.

The working art-as-farm pop-up community garden design was based on the nautilus shape, a symbol of expansion and renewal. The garden swirled around existing giant game piece sculptures and reached its arms out toward the city. The chambered spiral both invited people into the space to experience and learn from the garden and implied sending them out into the city to share their knowledge and enthusiasm. The garden could be experienced both from the ground level and from the windows of the surrounding high-rise buildings. At the core of the nautilus there was a shaded amphitheater for presentations with existing giant checkers pieces serving as the stage. Crops were carefully chosen to celebrate diversity and to generate the desired look and feel for the space. In addition, the crops were vetted by the chefs who would prepare them. Heritage crops were show-cased including Lenape peoples’ repatriated corn and crops grown from Philadelphia immigrants’ seed banks some brought to the US over 30 years ago. Crops included chard, onion, mustard greens, carrots, fennel, African eggplant, Huauzontle, Pigeon Peas and herbs like tulsi, Epazote, cilantro, thyme, mint and lavender. The interactive exhibit and working farm invited the public to learn more about community gardening through free workshops, public forums, and activities.

The farm produced over 1200 pounds of produce. The produce was delivered to a meal center, located just five blocks south, where it was prepared by professional chefs providing food for 8600 men and women who are homeless, at risk of being homeless, or of low-income. Two community dinners – featuring food grown on the farm – brought 150 people from different backgrounds together at the farm to dine and discuss food security and healthy community building. The designers and farmers were careful to respect the community of people who were already spending time on the plaza. “I think, too, as a lot of areas in Center City have been developed, a lot of housing-insecure folks have been pushed out, and pushed, and pushed, and all those spaces are disappearing. And as all that money is being poured into those projects, I don’t think there’s an equally large enough amount of money being poured into providing services for folks,” one of the farmers said.

As the season progressed, the designers gathered feedback from the farmers about the successes and challenges of the working farm. The farmers also relayed public reaction to the space. This information will be used to strengthen future designs.

The designers, a landscape architecture firm and a construction firm, collaborated with their not-for-profit client to bring the project to life in six months on time and on-budget. Through the four-month farm season, the designers participated in client programs helping the client bring to light the issues of food insecurity with the goal of protecting and enhancing community gardens for all Philadelphians.


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