发布时间:2019-01-14 12:47:35 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}
Lab D+H 通过巧妙地将公共开放空间与私有商业结合,创造出既是城市生机勃勃的一部分,又是该区域优美引人的新空间。


Shanghai MixC Mall is 580m-long giant sized mall located along Wuzhong Rd in Shanghai. The site includes more than 80% public green areas where the surface is required to be covered by greenery and to provide with public amenities. Our point of departure was the belief that by considering the public open space and private development goals as an integrated whole, we could draw upon the accessibility to the site from metro stations and the vitality from another huge mall across the street as a place of recreation and of commerce to create a place that would be both a lively, vibrant part of the city, and a beautiful and inviting new part of the district.

▼广场概览,overview of the plaza


In front of three main entrances of the mall, we proposed open and flexible plazas for various commercial events, while 40m width public green areas between plazas are creating an urban park ambiance. Along the Ginkgo Avenue, the promenade with 2 rows of ginkgo tree, series of moment of special experiences are placed – music fountain, petal canopy, event lawn, sunken fountain, led screen, tree plaza.

▼设计策略,design strategy


40m deep public green area allows more than 100m long diagonal entry plaza on both side of the site. As east corner is the main traffic intersection at the road and the main entry of the building, the most vibrant urban activities and commercial events are expected. Our primary approach to this area is how to staging the urban plaza to activate and to curate flexible programs. While rich textured stone paving pattern laid out in linear arrangement to encourage people’s movement and diverse programs, edges of the square are enclosed by sculptural planters and long benches in order to support the flexibility of plaza.

▼沿着银杏大道布置着一系列独特的体验,series of moment of special experiences are placed along the promenade with 2 rows of ginkgo tree

东侧广场元素 – 种植池景墙/塑形坐凳/花瓣构架

East Main Plaza Components – Feature Wall / Sculptural Bench / Petal Canopy


▼东广场模型视角,digital model of the east main plaza

Feature wall creates a sleek micro topography which resonates with a geometry of massive shopping mall building as well as guides visitors into the mall. At pedestrian level, juxtaposed layers of the wall and planting work as a green buffer from the adjacent roads. On plaza side of the wall, Sculptural Bench is added on top of the feature wall to provide with theatrical setting towards plaza in the middle along with resting spots for shoppers. Perforated pattern on bench surface makes an interesting rhythm on bench surface as well as makes the long bench blend into the surrounding. The 3 Petal-shape Canopies are shade structures for people in the lawn, its upper lattices and structural trunks are integrated like tree structure and it becomes an iconic element in the large lawn area.

▼东侧广场概览,east main plaza

▼种植池景墙,the feature wall

▼流畅的微地形线条呼应了商业中心的几何形态,the feature wall creates a sleek micro topography which resonates with a geometry of massive shopping mall building

▼塑形坐凳,sculptural bench

▼坐凳表面的穿孔图案形成了有趣的韵律,perforated pattern on bench surface makes an interesting rhythm on bench surface

▼花瓣构架,the petal canopy

▼花瓣构架为草坪上的访客提供了遮阳结构,the 3 Petal-shape Canopies are shade structures for people in the lawn


MUSIC FOUNTAIN / Ginkgo Avenue



Due to Green ratio requirement, north side of the landscape area has to be covered by green and in order to comply with fire safety code, a corridor in front of the building has to be open. We took these requirements as an opportunity for stitching between public green and store frontage area along the mall. Music Fountain is 130m long laminar flow animated fountain that choreographed to the music playing in the park. It is divided in 9 sections of the pool, one typical design and the mirrored one repeat alternately along the length. Ginkgo Avenue is a paved ginkgo tree alley way traverses the whole site from east plaza to west plaza, is intended to encourage visitors to walk across the long distance site.  Music Fountain and Ginkgo Avenue are the strategic urban seams that reconcile public realm and private sector.

▼银杏大道从东至西穿过了整个场地,Ginkgo Avenue is a paved ginkgo tree alley way traverses the whole site from east plaza to west plaza

▼音乐喷泉是一段130m长的水景,Music Fountain is 130m long laminar flow animated fountain that choreographed to the music playing in the park

▼喷泉细部,detailed views of the fountain

▼水边台阶,step into the fountain

▼喷泉夜景,night view




▼下沉广场设计示意,diagram of the sunken plaza design

Sunken plaza is a pedestrian traffic node where metro station and shopping mall intersect. The wall facing to b1 level and the steps on both sides are great opportunities for urban theatrical setting of various activities and events expected in this area. The murmuring streams flow down both the wall fountain which made of thousands of pixelated stones in the middle and the steps at each end of the sunken plaza. The lively patterned green wall softens the space and brings vibrancy in. The table in front of the water invites people to stay and interact with water. The gradual change of paving pattern implies the focal view towards fountain. Thus a stage is created naturally with enclosed space and dynamic fountain wall as backdrop.

▼落客区,drop-off area

▼下沉广场交流坐凳,social seating wall at sunken plaza

▼下沉广场水景,waterscape of the sunken plaza

▼跌水墙,water wall




Since this location is the space behind the sunken plaza where people can stay and rest, at the same time it is the edge of West plaza, Tree Plaza provides social lounging area for group of people to gather and rest. It consisted of an alternation between two elements – a decent size of Zelkova tree for a shade and an uniquely designed urban furniture for various forms of rest.

▼树林广场提供了社交休憩空间,Tree Plaza provides social lounging area for group of people to gather and rest




▼屋顶花园设计示意,roof garden diagram

Given architectural programs at 6F floor such as bookstore, vip lounge, restaurants, coffee & tea house are diverse in terms of user generations and activities expected. Also big skylight well which occupies west half of the roof area with the height of 1.2m tall side wall set an extraordinary spatial quality. We created a platform similar to the scale of skylight well on the other side and facilitated various programs around and on the platform taking advantage of the thickness of it. Elevated deck area ensures soil depth for the planting and provides table and chair area on top as well as allows to install relaxed yet interactive furnitures on edges.

▼设计通过对平台及其边缘的利用来促进不同的活动,various programs are facilitated around and on the platform taking advantage of the thickness of it

▼屋顶平台夜景,night view of the roof garden



地点: 中国上海

客户: 华润置地华东大区

设计团队: Lab D+H


面积: 4.5公顷




主创设计师: 崔荣埈



Project name: Shanghai MixC Mall

Architect’s Firm: Lab D+H

Principal:YoungJoon Choi

Team Member of Designer:Hao Tai, Hao Lan, Qimei Ling

Project location: Shanghai, China

Completion Year: 2017

Design period: 2016.12 – 2017.07

Construction period: 2017.06 – 2017.09

Gross Built Area (square meters or square foot):

Landscape Area:75243 ㎡

Lead Architects: YoungJoon Choi (Lab D+H)

Client: China Resource Land East

Photo credits: Arch-Exist


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