Christian Halleröd是一个向往大自然的人,喜欢在春天和秋天出去与大自然游玩。他最喜欢的地方不在于室内,而在外面更广的世界。
Christian Halleröd is a nature lover who likes to go out and play with nature in spring and autumn. His favourite place was not indoors at all, but out in the world.
Halleroed的灵感来自于世界各地的室内设计,从酒店到私人住宅。创始人Christian Halleröd一开始从事家具设计的工作,不久之后,他的设计扩大到了零售空间的室内,对细节的重视和对材料的热情使他的作品在他的竞争中脱颖而出。如今,Halleröd设计的商店是毫无疑问的引导了北欧的极简主义,使得他的美学得到了追捧。Christian Halleröd已经成为零售业界的知名品牌,为Acne Studios,Byredo和Frame Denim等创造了设计。
Halleroed draws inspiration from interior design around the world, from hotels to private residences. Christian Halleröd began his career in furniture design, he designed the furniture in the store. Soon after, his design expanded into the interior of the retail space, and the attention to detail and enthusiasm for the material made his work stand out in his competition.
零售空间吸引人们的感官,创造沉浸式的环境,吸引客人进入实体店。在某种程度上Christian Halleröd的工作就是让品牌立体化,为每一个项目和品牌进行大量的研究,并考虑到每个具体项目的“需要”。然后通过很多细节打造极致的可视化效果。
The retail space attracts people’s senses and creates an immersive environment that attracts guests into physical stores. To a certain extent, Christian Halleröd's job is to make the brand three-dimensional, to do a lot of research for each project and brand, and to take into account the "needs" of each specific project. Then create the ultimate visualization with a lot of detail.