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Concourse from South, 1962. Image © Cervin Robinson - Historic American Buildings Survey

来自南方的大厅,1962 年。图片集:Cervin Robinson-美国历史建筑调查

在火车站建成之前,前往纽约市的最后一段铁路包括一艘从新泽西到曼哈顿的渡轮。宾夕法尼亚铁路 (PRR) 总裁、画家玛丽·卡萨特 (MaryCassatt) 的兄弟亚历山大·卡萨特 (AlexanderCassatt) 决定将火车直接开进曼哈顿。在摩根大通 (J.P.Morgan) 的大力支持下,他购买了该地区的许多铁路,并将 PRR 转变为一支主导力量。

Prior to the station’s completion, the final leg of rail travel to New York City consisted of a ferry from New Jersey to Manhattan. Alexander Cassatt, president of the Pennsylvania Railroad (PRR) and the brother of painter Mary Cassatt, resolved to bring trains directly into Manhattan. With substantial backing from J. P. Morgan, he purchased many of the region’s railroads and transformed the PRR into a dominating force.

© Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, Detroit Publishing Company Collection


卡萨特委托麦金、米德和怀特为从东和西通往该岛的隧道系统设计终点站。这些隧道被证明是一项重大的工程壮举,需要几年的时间才能建成。支撑火车轨道的巨大柱子被埋在基岩里 15 英尺,每条隧道都有两英尺长的混凝土。火车技术带来了另一个挑战,因为蒸汽机车是当时首选的技术,很可能会使隧道里的乘客窒息。卡萨特投资了一种相对较新的替代方式,转而使用了电动火车。

Cassatt commissioned McKim, Mead and White to design the terminus for a system of tunnels leading to the island from the east and west. The tunnels proved a substantial engineering feat and required several years to construct. Massive columns supporting the train tracks were embedded 15 feet into bedrock, and each tunnel was lined with two feet of concrete. Train technology posed another challenge, as steam locomotives, the preferred technology at the time, were likely to asphyxiate passengers in the tunnels. Cassatt invested in a relatively new alternative, employing electric trains instead.

Facade from Northeast. Image © Cervin Robinson - Historic American Buildings Survey

东北面。图片集:Cervin Robinson-美国历史建筑调查

几百栋建筑被夷为平地,为新站让路,从第 7 街和第 8 大道之间延伸了 780 英尺,从 31 街到 33 街 430 英尺。1906 年开始开挖,并撕裂了 8 英亩的曼哈顿现有城市织物。建筑师和业主都认为车站是通往这座城市的著名门户,超过了第 42 街 GrandCentralTerminal 的宏伟。Cassatt 打算在车站上方建一个酒店,但是麦克金认为这损害了车站的中心目的。经过一番激烈的辩论,酒店被取消了这个计划,车站在这只三层楼高的地方遇到了街道。这明显低于周围的建筑物,即使当时也是如此。

Several hundred buildings were leveled to make way for the new station, which stretched 780 feet between 7th and 8th Avenues and 430 feet from 31st Street to 33rd Street. Excavation began in 1906 and tore through eight acres of Manhattan’s existing urban fabric. Both architects and owner envisioned the station as the preeminent gateway to the city, surpassing even the grandeur of the 42nd Street Grand Central Terminus. Cassatt intended to construct a hotel above the station, but McKim argued this detracted from the station’s central purpose. Following much debate, the hotel was eliminated from the scheme and the station met the street at a height of just three stories. This was notably lower than the surrounding buildings, even at the time.

由于水平区域有限,McKim 开发了一种创新的垂直布局,将进出列车堆放起来,以防止拥堵。数以百计的钢柱从铁轨延伸,位于 45‘以下的街道水平,以支持主要的立交桥的头顶。细长的钢楼梯从平台上向上上升,在广阔的中庭中,似乎脆弱的附属物。天花板由三个桶形拱顶组成,除了拱门相交的复杂钢结构外,没有任何装饰。此举对日后的实际工作有很大影响。月台原本设计为轨道上方 9“的传统,为方便乘客的流动,将月台提升至车门的水平。

As horizontal area was limited, McKim developed an innovative vertical layout in which inbound and outbound trains were stacked to prevent congestion. Hundreds of steel columns extended from the tracks, which were located 45’ below street level, to support the main concourse overhead. Slendor steel stairways rose upward from the platforms, seemingly frail appendages in the expansive atrium. The ceiling was comprised of three barrel vaults, which were devoid of any ornament except the intricate steel patterns that allowed the arches to intersect. In a move that greatly influenced future practice, the platforms, which were originally designed to be the traditional 9” above the tracks, were raised to the level of the car doors to facilitate the movement of passengers.

Track level and concourses. Image © Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, Detroit Publishing Company Collection


根据麦金的继任者威廉·塞姆斯·理查森 (WilliamSymmes Richardson) 的说法,建筑师们的目标是创造一个高效的进出空间站的系统。行人从每个立面进入,通过 31 街和 33 街直接进入铁轨。第 32 街以商场的形式保存下来,从第 7 大道一直延伸到主候诊室。为了简化交通,马车从东面的南端进入,并在北端离开。McKim 还考虑了未来与当时不存在的地铁系统的连接。他指示工程师们在街道下面这么远的地方修建轨道,以便让地铁隧道从上面通过。

According to McKim’s successor, William Symmes Richardson, the architects aimed to create an efficient system of movement into and out of the station. Pedestrians entered through each facade, directly accessing the tracks via 31st and 33rd Streets. 32nd Street was preserved in the form of an arcade of shops extending from 7th Avenue to the main waiting room. To streamline traffic, carriages entered from the south end of the east facade and exited at the north end. McKim also considered future connections to a then-nonexistent subway system. He instructed the engineers to build the tracks at such a distance beneath the street to allow a subway tunnel to pass above.

四个外部高地都是粉红色的米尔福德花岗岩,这是运输到现场的 PRR 自己的汽车。门面很简朴,点缀得很少,批评人士觉得柱廊单调乏味,重复着。外观的巨大形式并没有表现出不断从下面经过的火车的存在,尽管建筑师们试图创造出一座具有“不朽特征”和“外观表现其用途”的建筑。

The four exterior elevations were clad in pink Milford granite, which was transported to the site in the PRR’s own cars. The facades were austere and featured little embellishment, and critics found the colonnades dull and repetitive. The monumental form of the exterior did little to express the presence of the rail cars constantly passing below, though the architects sought to create a building of ‘monumental character’ and ‘an outward appearance expressive of its use’.

32nd Street entrance. Image © Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, Detroit Publishing Company Collection

32 街入口。美国国会图书馆,版画和照片部,底特律出版公司藏品

宾夕法尼亚车站正式由两个主要区域组成:现代钢铁广场和铁轨,以及新古典主义候机室和服务区。这种对比是故意的,目的是表达每个空间的功能。虽然铁轨是进入城市的一种实用手段,但主候车室和邻近地区提供了盛大和象征性的接待。候诊室以罗马卡拉塞拉浴场为模型,设有围封的腹股沟墓穴和午餐店的门窗。这个房间按比例是浴室的直接复制品,只不过它的面积扩大了 20%,上升到 148 英尺高。理查森称罗马为功能性建筑,称古建筑是“大屋顶建筑史上最伟大的例子,适用于人们聚居的地区。”

Pennsylvania Station was formally composed of two principal areas: the modern steel concourse and tracks and the neoclassical waiting room and service areas. The contrast was deliberate and intended to express the function of each space. While the tracks were a utilitarian means of entering the city, the main waiting room and adjacent areas provided a grand and symbolic reception. The waiting room was modeled after the Baths of Caracella in Rome and featured coffered groin vaults and lunette clerestory windows. The room was a direct replica of the baths in proportion, except that it was enlarged by twenty percent to rise to a height of 148 feet. Richardson described the reference to Rome as functional, citing the ancient buildings as “the greatest examples in architectural history of large roofed-in areas adapted to assemblages of people.”The main concourse, 1958. Image © Nick DeWolf Photo Archive

主大厅,1958 年。图片 (尼克·德沃尔夫照片档案馆)


Clad in travertine marble with all exposed steel painted black, the station’s interior was almost entirely monochrome. According to Richardson, the architects selected “permanent and durable materials of simple character...capable of easiest maintenance.” Travertine’s warm color takes on a luster when rubbed, arguably enhancing its finish over time.

© wikimedia commons


尽管程序的纵向分离和精心规划的运动系统,评论家 AdaLouiseHuxtable 发现这种功能“远不如高尚”。它的列车级别、出入口的复杂性和模糊性是一种持续的挫折感。它比 20 世纪的美国更好地表达了古罗马。

In spite of the vertical separation of program and the meticulously planned systems of movement, critic Ada Louise Huxtable found the functionality “considerably less than noble. The complexity and ambiguity of its train levels and entrances and exits were a constant frustration...it was a better expression of ancient Rome than 20th-century America.”Entrance to loggia and main waiting room. Image © Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, Detroit Publishing Company Collection


除了空间的巨大特色外,车站还提供了令人难以置信的各种便利设施。通过拱廊尽头的门廊,乘客们可以进入主候车室,一个可容纳 500 人的正式餐厅,或一间午餐和咖啡厅。从主候车室出发,乘客可前往售票处、包裹室、厕所、行李托运室和分开的男女候机室。现场设有一家紧急医院,并设有葬礼设施和运送死者的系统。四楼主要是为铁路雇员预留的。它有 PRR 自己的基督教青年会、会议厅、演讲室、图书馆、台球室、保龄球馆和体育馆。

In addition to the monumental character of the spaces, the station offered an incredible range of amenities. Through the loggia at the end of the arcade, passengers could enter the main waiting room, a formal dining room accommodating 500 people, or a lunch room and coffee shop. From the main waiting room, passengers could proceed to the ticket office, parcel rooms, lavatories, baggage check, and separate gentlemen’s and ladies’ waiting rooms. An emergency hospital was located on site, as well as facilities for funeral parties and a system for transporting the departed. The fourth floor was reserved predominately for railroad employees. It housed the PRR’s own YMCA, assembly hall, lecture rooms, library, billiards room, bowling alley, and gymnasium.

Entrance to tracks, 1958. Image © Nick DeWolf Photo Archive

1958 年进入铁轨。图片 (尼克·德沃尔夫照片档案馆)

在获得宾州车站设计委员会后,麦金参加了第二年在 42 街重建中央车站 (1913 年) 的比赛,他输给了里德和斯特姆。然而,麦克金,米德和怀特被委托设计纽约市邮局 (1912 年)。这座巨大的建筑建在通往宾州车站的西面,就在第八大道对面。一个复杂的重力槽和传送带系统便利了车站和邮局之间的邮件转移,而不用卡车。即时信息是通过一个气动管道网络在宾夕法尼亚站内部发送的。

After receiving the commission to design Penn Station, McKim entered a competition to rebuild Grand Central Terminal (1913) at 42nd Street the following year, which he lost to Reed and Stem.

However, McKim, Mead and White were commissioned to design the New York City Post Office (1912). The massive structure was built over the west approaches to Penn Station, directly across 8th Avenue.

A complex system of gravity chutes and conveyor belts facilitated the transfer of mail between the station and post office without the use of trucks. Instant messages were sent within Pennsylvania Station itself through a network of pneumatic tubes.

The United States Post Office, 1915. Image via Library of Congress

美国邮局,1915 年。国会图书馆形象

1955 年,PRR 秘密同意出售空间站的航权,后来透露该站每年亏损 150 万美元。这次出售要求将车站完全限制在地下,并拆除 McKim、Mead 和 White 通往纽约市的巨大门户。当时不存在防止历史建筑被毁的法律手段,尽管主要建筑师提出了强烈抗议,但到 1966 年拆除工作已经完成。花岗岩和大理石被倾倒到新泽西塞考斯的沼泽地。然而,抗议活动并没有徒劳无功。这一事件导致了地标保护委员会的成立,该委员会在宾州车站倒闭三年后就阻止了中央车站的破坏。

Grand Central Terminal. Image © wikimedia commons

中央总站。图像 C 维基媒体共享

1968 年,麦迪逊广场花园(MadisonSquareGarden)的第四个化身及其相邻的办公大楼是在地下车站建造的。因此,在 1970 年,PRR 进一步陷入债务,宣布破产。宾州站自从成为美国最高度被贩运的交通枢纽之一以来,每天服务超过 430,000 名乘客。除了美观方面的问题外,电站的运行能力高于容量,且不符合所有安全规定。随着附近海线的扩大和哈德逊码的发展,车站的应变可能会增加。该解决方案似乎需要向上扩展。几十年来,这似乎是一个可行的选择。2013 年,麦迪逊广场花园被限制为 10 年租赁,4 家领先的建筑公司提出了未来的宾州站的愿景。

The fourth incarnation of Madison Square Garden and its adjacent office blocks were constructed over the subterranean station in 1968. As a result, the PRR fell further into debt and declared bankruptcy in 1970. Penn Station has since become one of the most highly-trafficked transportation hubs in the United States, serving more than 430,000 riders daily. Aesthetic concerns aside, the station is operating above capacity and does not meet all safety regulations. With the expansion of the Highline nearby and the development of the Hudson Yards, the station’s strain is likely to increase. The solution seems to demand upward expansion. For the first time in decades, this seems a feasible option. In 2013, Madison Square Garden was limited to a ten year lease and four leading architectural firms presented visions of a future Penn Station.

Main Concourse. Image © Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, Detroit Publishing Company Collection


Lori, Lorraine B.已故的 Pennylania 站。四壁八窗,1996 年。

Diehl, Lorraine B.The Late, Great Pennsylvania Station.Four Walls Eight Windows, 1996.

Hutxtable, Ada Louise. "罗马去世的景象。", 1966 年 7 月 14 日,纽约。打印。

Huxtable, Ada Louise. "A Vision of Rome Dies." The New York Times 14 July 1966. Print.

阿达·路易丝。“在正确的轨道上”“纽约时报”,1994 年 11 月 28 日。打印出来。

Huxtable, Ada Louise. "On the Right Track." The New York Times 28 Nov. 1994. Print.

金梅尔曼,迈克尔。“灵活性和莫西可以拯救西区”“纽约时报”,2013 年 3 月 14 日。

Kimmelman, Michael. "Flexibility and Moxie Can Save West Side." The New York Times, 14 March 2013.

金梅尔曼,迈克尔。“恢复尊严之门”“纽约时报”,2012 年 2 月 8 日。

Kimmelman, Michael. "Restore a Gateway to Dignity." The New York Times, 8 Feb. 2012.


Parissien, Steven. Pennsylvania Station: McKim, Mead and White. Phaidon Press, 1996. Print.

建筑师查尔斯·麦克金,威廉·卢瑟福·米德,斯坦福白色位置,纽约,西 32 街,纽约,10001,美国


区 335400.0 英尺 2

照片维基媒体公域,国会图书馆,版画和照片部,底特律出版公司藏品,Cervin Robinson-美国历史建筑调查,国会图书馆,印刷品

Architects Charles McKim, William Rutherford Mead, Stanford White Location West 32nd Street, New York, NY 10001, USA Project Architect William Symmes Richardson Area 335400.0 ft2 Photographs wikimedia commons, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, Detroit Publishing Company Collection, Cervin Robinson - Historic American Buildings Survey, Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, George Grantham Bain Collection, Berenice Abbott - New York Public Library Digital Collection, Fay S. Lincoln Photograph Collection, 1920-1968, HCLA 1628, Special Collections Library, University Libraries, Pennsylvania State University, Nick DeWolf Photo Archive Category Train Station


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