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(photography: daici ano)
日本设计工作室TORAFU ARCHITECTS为意大利现代设计之父Gio Ponti的展览“Giving Warmth to the Building Skin”设计了展览展示部分,该展览从2013年12月在日本爱知县的INAX博物馆展览到2014年3月18日。
Gio Ponti是一个现代主义的设计师,他探索建筑的表皮,将机器生产的材料与手工工艺结合起来,期望传达出如“皮肤之感”。展览主要分成四个部分,内墙,窗,地板,外墙。通过对产品的精准认识和展览导向,将展览瓷砖的魅力体现出来。
Giving Warmth to the Building Skin-The World of Gio Ponti, Father of Modern Italian Design
We designed the space for an exhibition “Giving Warmth to the Building Skin-The World of Gio Ponti, Father of Modern Italian Design” at INAX MUSEUMS in the city of pottery, Tokoname, Aichi prefecture, Even though Ponti is a modernist, he explores architectural surfaces, integrating hand craft work into machine production in order to communicate “feeling of skin,” such as its texture and warmth. Four themes: “Interior wall,” “Window” “Floor” and “Exterior wall” were keys to the interpretation of the exhibition. By making excellence use of co-located Monozukuri Koubou laboratory crafting technique, we have attempted to duplicate Ponti’s tile work.
Dividing the space into several areas by loosely placing walls like a pleat and shifting their height up and down, each exhibition room can have continuous changing surroundings. When you notice, inside and outside space has been mixed, it gives a hint to the next themed room, providing visitors “discovery experience.” This spatial arrangement also gives advantage to the small interior to look wider and more spatial.
The shifted walls seem as if they are floating, and it gives the sense of ‘lightness’ aligning with Ponti’s style. Walls have been hollowed out, allowing to see through another space, making spatial divisions even more ambiguous.
当然,还有专门的区域介绍Gio Ponti的艺术生涯及其说创作的杰作。
We designed the space to introduce multitalented designer Gio Ponti’s art fragmentally, meanwhile where the visitors can also discover the connection with the masterpiece.